usr_tabl = lt_uinfo.

REPORT zit0001. INCLUDE zit0001_head. INCLUDE zit0001_screen. INCLUDE zit0001_form. START-OF-SELECTION. * PERFORM frm_get_user. IF r1 EQ 'X'. PERFORM frm_get_data. ENDIF. IF r2 EQ 'X' AND sy-uname+0(2) EQ 'IT'. PERFORM frm_get_list. ENDIF. END-OF-SELECTION. IF r1 EQ 'X'. PERFORM f_display_data. ENDIF.
包含文件 ZIT0001_HEAD:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 包含 ZIT0001_HEAD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* TABLES: zit0001. DATA: gt_msxxlist LIKE TABLE OF msxxlist, gt_uinfo LIKE TABLE OF uinfo. *PARAMETER: month TYPE dats DEFAULT sy-datum OBLIGATORY, * user TYPE usr02-bname OBLIGATORY DEFAULT sy-uname. TYPES: BEGIN OF zusertcode, operation TYPE char30, type TYPE char10, count TYPE swncshcnt, END OF zusertcode. TYPES: tt_zusertcode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zusertcode WITH KEY operation type. DATA: lt_usertcode TYPE swnc_t_aggusertcode, wa_usertcode TYPE swncaggusertcode, wa TYPE zusertcode, t_ut TYPE tt_zusertcode, lt_result like TABLE OF zit0001, ls_result like zit0001. CONSTANTS: cv_tcode TYPE char30 VALUE 'Tcode', cv_report TYPE char30 VALUE 'Report', cv_count TYPE char5 VALUE 'Count'. DATA: gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo, gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
包含文件 ZIT0001_SCREEN:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 包含 ZIT0001_SCREEN *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN: BEGIN OF BLOCK b01 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_uname FOR sy-uname DEFAULT sy-uname, s_tcode FOR zit0001-entry_id. PARAMETERS: r1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 USER-COMMAND u1, r2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1. SELECTION-SCREEN: END OF BLOCK b01.
包含文件 ZIT0001_FORM:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 包含 ZIT0001_FORM *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GET_USER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM frm_get_user . DATA: desti LIKE TABLE OF msxxlist WITH HEADER LINE. CALL FUNCTION 'TH_SERVER_LIST' TABLES list = gt_msxxlist EXCEPTIONS no_server_list = 1 OTHERS = 2. CALL FUNCTION 'THUSRINFO' TABLES usr_tabl = gt_uinfo EXCEPTIONS communication_failure = 17 system_failure = 17. * LOOP AT gt_msxxlist INTO DATA(ls_msxxlist). * CALL FUNCTION 'THUSRINFO' DESTINATION ls_msxxlist-name * TABLES * usr_tabl = gt_uinfo * EXCEPTIONS * communication_failure = 17 * system_failure = 17. * ENDLOOP. BREAK-POINT. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GET_LIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM frm_get_list . * Set date to the first day of the month "month+6(2) = '01'. CALL FUNCTION 'SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES' EXPORTING component = 'TOTAL' periodtype = 'M' periodstrt = sy-datum "month TABLES usertcode = lt_usertcode EXCEPTIONS no_data_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. * BREAK-POINT. DELETE lt_usertcode WHERE tasktype <> '01'. LOOP AT lt_usertcode ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<user>) WHERE account IN s_uname. CLEAR: ls_result. ls_result-gjahr = sy-datum+0(4). ls_result-monat = sy-datum+4(2). ls_result-account = <user>-account. ls_result-entry_id = <user>-entry_id+0(72). CONDENSE ls_result-entry_id NO-GAPS. ls_result-ztype = <user>-entry_id+72. ls_result-zcount = <user>-count. COLLECT ls_result INTO lt_result. ENDLOOP. IF lt_result[] IS NOT INITIAL. MODIFY zit0001 FROM TABLE lt_result. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. COMMIT WORK AND WAIT. WRITE / '更新成功'. ELSE. ROLLBACK WORK. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GET_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM frm_get_data . LOOP AT s_tcode. TRANSLATE s_tcode-low TO UPPER CASE. TRANSLATE s_tcode-high TO UPPER CASE. MODIFY s_tcode. ENDLOOP. SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_result FROM zit0001 WHERE account IN s_uname AND entry_id IN s_tcode. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form F_DISPLAY_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& --> p1 text *& <-- p2 text *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_display_data . PERFORM f_set_layout. PERFORM f_set_fieldcat. PERFORM f_alv_display TABLES lt_result. ENDFORM. FORM f_set_layout. CLEAR: gs_layout. * gs_layout-box_fname = 'SLBOX'. gs_layout-zebra = 'X'. gs_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'. * gs_layout-ctab_fname = 'CELLCOLOR'. ENDFORM. FORM f_set_fieldcat. CLEAR: gt_fieldcat[]. DATA: ls_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat. DEFINE set_fieldcat. CLEAR: ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &1. ls_fieldcat-ref_field = &2. ls_fieldcat-ref_table = &3. ls_fieldcat-convexit = &4. ls_fieldcat-do_sum = &5. ls_fieldcat-seltext = &6. ls_fieldcat-scrtext_l = &6. ls_fieldcat-scrtext_m = &6. ls_fieldcat-scrtext_s = &6. ls_fieldcat-coltext = &6. APPEND ls_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. END-OF-DEFINITION. *显示内容 set_fieldcat 'GJAHR' 'GJAHR' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '年度'. set_fieldcat 'MONAT' 'MONAT' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '期间'. set_fieldcat 'ACCOUNT' 'ACCOUNT' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '账号'. set_fieldcat 'ENTRY_ID' 'ENTRY_ID' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '事务码'. set_fieldcat 'ZTYPE' 'ZTYPE' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '事务类型'. set_fieldcat 'ZCOUNT' 'ZCOUNT' 'ZIT0001' '' '' '使用次数'. ENDFORM. FORM f_alv_display TABLES it_table. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_callback_program = sy-repid * i_callback_pf_status_set = 'F_SET_PF_STATUS' * i_callback_user_command = 'F_USER_COMMAND' is_layout_lvc = gs_layout it_fieldcat_lvc = gt_fieldcat i_save = 'U' TABLES t_outtab = it_table EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ENDIF. ENDFORM.