
sed options script file
-e script        在处理输入时,将script中指定的命令添加到已有的命令中
-f file            在处理输入时,将file中指定的命令添加到已有的命令中
-n                不产生命令输出,使用print命令来完成输出

  1. $ echo "This is a test" | sed '/test/big test/'
  2. This is a big test

  1. [root@localhost sed]# vim data1.txt
  2. [root@localhost sed]# sed 's/dog/cat/' data1.txt
  3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  4. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  5. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  6. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  7. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  8. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  9. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  10. [root@localhost sed]# cat data1.txt
  11. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  12. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  13. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  14. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  15. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  16. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  17. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  1. [root@localhost sed]# sed -e 's/brown/green/; s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
  2. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  3. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  4. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  5. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  6. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  7. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  8. The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
  9. [root@localhost sed]# cat data1.txt
  10. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  11. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  12. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  13. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  14. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  15. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  16. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  1. [root@localhost sed]# cat script1.sed
  2. s/brown/green/
  3. s/fox/elephant/
  4. s/dog/cat/
  5. [root@localhost sed]# sed -f script1.sed data1.txt
  6. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  7. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  8. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  9. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  10. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  11. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
  12. The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.



2.1 gawk命令格式
gawk options program file
-F fs                                   指定行中划分数据字段分隔符
-f file                                 从指定的文件中读取程序
-v var=value                      定义gawk程序中的一个变量及其默认值
-mf N                                指定要处理的数据文件中的最大字段数
-mr N                                指定数据文件中的最大数据行数
-W keyword                       指定gawk的兼容模式或警告等级

2.2 从命令行读取程序脚本
  1. [root@localhost sed]# gawk '{print "Hello World!"}'
  2. This is a test
  3. Hello World!
  4. hello
  5. Hello World!
  6. This is another test
  7. Hello World!
  8. Hello World!
  9. ^C

2.3 使用数据字段变量

  1. [root@localhost gawk]# cat data2.txt
  2. One line of test text.
  3. Two line of test text.
  4. Three line of test text.
  5. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk '{print $1}' data2.txt
  6. One
  7. Two
  8. Three

  1. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
  2. root
  3. bin
  4. daemon
  5. adm
  6. lp
  7. sync
  8. shutdown
  9. halt
  10. mail
  11. uucp
  12. operator
  13. games
  14. gopher
  15. ftp
  16. nobody

2.4 在程序中使用多个命令
  1. [root@localhost gawk]# echo "My name is Rich" | gawk '{$4="Christine"; print $0}'
  2. My name is Christine

2.5 从文件中读取程序
  1. [root@localhost gawk]# cat script2.gawk
  2. {print $1 "'s home directory is " $6}
  3. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk -F: -f script2.gawk /etc/passwd
  4. root's home directory is /root
  5. bin's home directory is /bin
  6. daemon's home directory is /sbin
  7. adm's home directory is /var/adm
  8. lp's home directory is /var/spool/lpd
  9. sync's home directory is /sbin
  10. shutdown's home directory is /sbin
  11. halt's home directory is /sbin
  12. mail's home directory is /var/spool/mail
  13. uucp's home directory is /var/spool/uucp
  14. operator's home directory is /root
  15. games's home directory is /usr/games
  16. gopher's home directory is /var/gopher

  1. [root@localhost gawk]# cat script3.gawk
  2. {
  3. text = "'s home directory is "
  4. print $1 text $6
  5. }
  6. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk -F: -f script3.gawk /etc/passwd
  7. root's home directory is /root
  8. bin's home directory is /bin
  9. daemon's home directory is /sbin
  10. adm's home directory is /var/adm
  11. lp's home directory is /var/spool/lpd
  12. sync's home directory is /sbin
  13. shutdown's home directory is /sbin

2.6 在处理数据前运行程序脚本
  1. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk 'BEGIN {print "Hello World!"}'
  2. Hello World!

  1. [root@localhost gawk]# cat data3.txt
  2. Line 1
  3. Line 2
  4. Line 3
  5. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk 'BEGIN {print "The data3 File Contents:"}
  6. {print $0}' data3.txt
  7. The data3 File Contents:
  8. Line 1
  9. Line 2
  10. Line 3

2.7 在处理数据后运行脚本
  1. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk 'BEGIN {print "The data3 File Contents:"}
  2. > {print $0}
  3. > END {print "End of file"}' data3.txt
  4. The data3 File Contents:
  5. Line 1
  6. Line 2
  7. Line 3
  8. End of file

  1. [root@localhost gawk]# cat script4.gawk
  2. BEGIN {
  3. print "The latest list of users and shells"
  4. print " UserID \t shell"
  5. print "-------- \t -------"
  6. FS=":"
  7. }
  8. {
  9. print $1 " \t " $7
  10. }
  11. END {
  12. print "This concludes the listing"
  13. }
  14. [root@localhost gawk]# gawk -f script4.gawk /etc/passwd
  15. The latest list of users and shells
  16. UserID shell
  17. -------- -------
  18. root /bin/bash
  19. bin /sbin/nologin
  20. daemon /sbin/nologin
  21. adm /sbin/nologin
  22. lp /sbin/nologin
  23. sync /bin/sync
  24. 。。。
  25. nfsnobody        /sbin/nologin
  26. This concludes the listing

posted @ 2017-08-15 09:09  习惯就好233  阅读(343)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报