安装:composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-redis
redis 版本 >= 2.6.12


'components' => [
        'redis' => [
            'class' => 'yii\redis\Connection',
            'hostname' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 6379,
            'database' => 0,

 # ActiveRecord

继承自  \yii\redis\ActiveRecord  且必须实现 attributes() 方法

 static active 方法 用来指定 查询条件

用法与自带的 ActiveRecord 相似 有以下不同

1、不支持SQL查询API  仅支持 where() limit() offset() orderBy() indexBy()    (orderBy()暂未实现)

2、不能通过表来定义关系 redis中没有表


class Customer extends \yii\redis\ActiveRecord
     * @return array the list of attributes for this record
    public function attributes()
        return ['id', 'name', 'address', 'registration_date'];

     * @return ActiveQuery defines a relation to the Order record (can be in other database, e.g. elasticsearch or sql)
    public function getOrders()
        return $this->hasMany(Order::className(), ['customer_id' => 'id']);

     * Defines a scope that modifies the `$query` to return only active(status = 1) customers
    public static function active($query)
        $query->andWhere(['status' => 1]);

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->attributes = ['name' => 'test'];
echo $customer->id; // id will automatically be incremented if not set explicitly

$customer = Customer::find()->where(['name' => 'test'])->one(); // find by query
$customer = Customer::find()->active()->all(); // find all by query (using the `active` scope)

 # 使用命令

$redis = Yii::$app->redis;
$result = $redis->executeCommand('hmset', ['test_collection', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2']); //通用用法
$result = $redis->hmset('test_collection', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2');//方法用法

可用命令及参数 参考 http://redis.io/commands.



'components' => [
        // ...
        'cache' => [
            'class' => 'yii\redis\Cache',
            'redis' => [    // 如果只用作缓存  需要配置此项
                'hostname' => 'localhost',
                'port' => 6379,
                'database' => 0,



'components' => [
        // ...
        'session' => [
            'class' => 'yii\redis\Session',
            'redis' => [ //如果只用作 session 需要配置
                'hostname' => 'localhost',
                'port' => 6379,
                'database' => 0,
 posted on 2016-05-09 11:05  changs  阅读(984)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报