
一直想做一个Jquery 的无刷新分页,





  1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ProductSingle.aspx.cs" Inherits="jsnh_dzd.Pop.ProductSingle" %>
  3 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
  4 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  5 <head>
  6     <title>客户列表单选</title>
  7     <!-- 防止重新打开页面形式的对话框 -->
  8     <base target="_self" />
  9     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.ui.all.css">
 10     <script src="../js/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
 11     <script src="../js/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
 12     <script src="../js/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>
 13     <script src="../js/jquery.ui.button.js"></script>
 14     <link href="../Css/AllUse.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 15     <script src="../JS/Common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 16     <style type="text/css">
 17        #datadiv table
 18         {
 19             border-collapse: collapse;
 20             border-spacing: 0px;
 21             width: 100%;
 22             border: #000 solid 0px;
 23             background-color:White;
 24         }
 25        #datadiv table td
 26         {
 27             border: 1px solid #000;
 28             height: 25px;
 29             text-align: center;
 31         }
 32        #datadiv table th
 33         {
 34             background: #EFEFEF;
 36             border: #000 solid 1px;
 37             white-space: nowrap;
 38             height: 21px;
 39             border-top: 0px;
 40             border-left: 0px;
 41         }
 42     </style>
 43     <script type="text/javascript">
 44         $(function () {
 45             $("#PageSize").text(G_PageSize);
 46             GetData(1);
 47         })
 48         function GetData(Page) {
 49             //查询条件
 50             var sqlwhere = "";
 51             var ProductID = $("#ProductID").val();
 52             var cProductName = $("#cProductName").val();
 53             if (ProductID.length > 0) {
 54                 sqlwhere += " ProductID like '%" + ProductID + "%'";
 55             }
 56             if (cProductName.length > 0) {
 57                 if (sqlwhere.length > 0) {
 58                     sqlwhere += " and ";
 59                 }
 60                 sqlwhere += " cProductName like '%" + cProductName + "%'";
 61             }
 62             //alert(sqlwhere);
 63             //sqlwhere = encodeURIComponent(escape(sqlwhere)); //  escape(sqlwhere);
 64             //alert(sqlwhere);
 65             $.ajax({
 66                 type: "POST",
 67                 url: "ProductSingle.aspx/GetData",
 68                 data: "{ Page:" + Page + ",PageSize:" + G_PageSize + ",\"sqlwhere\": \"" + sqlwhere + "\" }",
 69                 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
 70                 dataType: "json",
 71                 success: function (msg) {
 72                     var result = eval("(" + msg.d + ")"); //$.parseJSON("'"+msg.d+"'");
 73                     //alert(result.PageCount);
 74                     //分页信息
 75                     $("#PageCount").text(result.PageCount);
 76                     $("#Page").text(Page);
 77                     //alert(Math.ceil(result.PageCount / G_PageSize));
 78                     $("#PageNum").text(Math.ceil(result.PageCount / G_PageSize));
 79                     //数据信息
 80                     var DataStr = "<tbody>";
 81                     for (var i = 0; i < result.QueryData.length; i++) {
 82                         DataStr += "<tr style='background-color:rgb(229, 242, 248);'><td width='20%'>" + result.QueryData[i].ProductID + 
 83                             "</td><td width='30%'>" + result.QueryData[i].cProductName + "</td><td width='30%'>" + result.QueryData[i].cSpecification + 
 84                             "</td><td width='20%'>" + result.QueryData[i].cMeasureUnit + "</td></tr>";
 85                     }
 86                     DataStr += "</tbody>";
 87                     $("#DataTable").html(DataStr);
 88                     //行点击事件
 89                     $("#DataTable tr").click(function () {
 90                         //alert(0);
 91                         $(this).css("background-color", "yellow").siblings().css("background-color", "rgb(229, 242, 248)");
 92                         //alert($(this).find("td:eq(0)").text());
 93                         $("#SelectedProductID").val($(this).find("td:eq(0)").text());
 94                         $("#SelectedcProductName").val($(this).find("td:eq(1)").text());
 95                         $("#SelectedcSpecification").val($(this).find("td:eq(2)").text());
 96                         $("#SelectedcMeasureUnit").val($(this).find("td:eq(3)").text());
 97                     });
 98                     SetPageBut();
 99                 },
100                 error: function (xhr, msg) { alert(msg); }
101             });
102         }
103         //查询
104         function DoQuery() {
105             ClearSelect();
106             GetData(1);
107         }
108         //清空选择的值
109         function ClearSelect() {
110             $("#SelectedProductID").val('');            
111         }
112         //分页按钮事件
113         function DoPage(Type) {
114             ClearSelect();
115             SetPageBut();
116             //alert(Type);
117             var toPage = parseInt($("#Page").text());
118             switch (Type) {
119                 case "First":
120                     toPage = 1;
121                     break;
122                 case "Prep":
123                     toPage = toPage - 1;
124                     break;
125                 case "Next":
126                     toPage = toPage + 1;
127                     break;
128                 case "Last":
129                 default:
130                     toPage = parseInt($("#PageNum").text());
131                     break;
132             }
133             //alert(toPage);
134             GetData(toPage);
136         }
137         //设置分页按钮
138         function SetPageBut() {
139             var Page = $("#Page").text();
140             //alert(Page);
141             var PageNum = $("#PageNum").text();
142             //alert(PageNum);
143             $("#FirstPage").removeAttr("disabled");
144             $("#PrepPage").removeAttr("disabled");
145             $("#NextPage").removeAttr("disabled");
146             $("#LastPage").removeAttr("disabled");
147             if (Page == 1) {
148                 $("#FirstPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
149                 $("#PrepPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
150             }
151             if (Page == PageNum) {
152                 $("#NextPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
153                 $("#LastPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
154             }
155             if (PageNum == 0) {
156                 $("#FirstPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
157                 $("#PrepPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
158                 $("#NextPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
159                 $("#LastPage").attr("disabled", "disabled");
160             }
161         }
162         //重置事件
163         function DoReset() {
164             $("#ProductID").val('');
165             $("#cProductName").val('');
166         }
167         //选择事件
168         function DoSelect() {
169             var selectCustomId = $("#SelectedProductID").val();
170             if (selectCustomId.length == 0) {
171                 alert("请选择一个商品");
172                 return false;
173             }
174             var result = "{\"ProductID\":\"" + selectCustomId + "\",\"cProductName\":\"" + $("#SelectedcProductName").val() 
175                 + "\",\"cSpecification\":\"" + $("#SelectedcSpecification").val() + "\",\"cMeasureUnit\":\"" + $("#SelectedcMeasureUnit").val() + "\"}";
176             window.returnValue = result;
177             window.close();
178         }
179     </script>
180 </head>
181 <body>
182     <div style="width:100%;">        
183         <div style="width: 100%; background-color:#eef4f5;">
184             <p style=" text-align:left;">
185                客户列表
186                <input type="hidden" id="SelectedProductID" />
187                <input type="hidden" id="SelectedcProductName" />
188                <input type="hidden" id="SelectedcSpecification" />
189                <input type="hidden" id="SelectedcMeasureUnit" />
190             </p>
191             <div style="height: 20px;">
192                 <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
193                     <li style="float: left;">
194                         <button onclick="DoSelect() ">
195                             选择</button>
196                     </li>
197                     <li style="float: right;">
198                         <button onclick="DoQuery()">
199                             查询</button>
200                         <button onclick="DoReset()">
201                             重置</button>
202                     </li>
203                 </ul>
204             </div>
205             <div>
206                 <table style=" width:70%;">
207                     <tr >
208                         <td>
209                             商品编号
210                         </td>
211                         <td>
212                             <input id="ProductID"  type="text" />
213                         </td>
214                          <td>
215                             商品代号
216                         </td>
217                         <td>
218                             <input id="cProductName"  type="text" />
219                         </td>
220                     </tr>
221                 </table>
222             </div>
223             <br />
224         </div>
226         <div style="width: 100%;">
227             <div id="datadiv">
228                 <div id="titlediv" style=" text-align:left;" >                   
229                         <table border="1" style=" width:768px;">
230                             <tr>                                
231                                 <th width="20%">
232                                     商品编号
233                                 </th>
234                                 <th width="30%">
235                                     商品代号
236                                 </th>
237                                 <th width="30%">
238                                     规格
239                                 </th>
240                                 <th width="20%">
241                                     本地计量
242                                 </th>                                 
243                             </tr>
244                         </table>                    
245                 </div>
246                 <div style="height: 300px; width:100%; overflow: auto;">
247                     <table id="DataTable" width="100%">
249                     </table>
250                 </div>                
251             </div>
252             <DIV>
253         <TABLE   border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height=20>
254             <TBODY>
255                 <TR>
256                     <TD><NOBR><B><label id="PageCount">0</label></B>条/<B><label id="PageNum">0</label></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;每页
257                         <B><label id="PageSize"></label></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B><label id="Page">0</label></B></NOBR></TD>
258                     <TD  align=right ">                        
259                         <BUTTON id="FirstPage" onclick="DoPage('First')">首页</BUTTON>&nbsp;<BUTTON id="PrepPage" onclick="DoPage('Prep')">上页</BUTTON>
260                         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
261                         <BUTTON id="NextPage" onclick="DoPage('Next')">下页</BUTTON>&nbsp;<BUTTON id="LastPage" onclick="DoPage('Last')">尾页</BUTTON></TD>
262                 </TR>
263             </TBODY>
264         </TABLE>
265     </DIV>
266         </div>
267     </div>
268 </body>
269 </html>
 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.Linq;
 4 using System.Web;
 5 using System.Web.UI;
 6 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
 7 using System.Data;
 8 using System.Web.Services;
10 namespace jsnh_dzd.Pop
11 {
12     public partial class ProductSingle : System.Web.UI.Page
13     {
14         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
15         {
17         }
18         [WebMethod]
19         public static string GetData(int Page, int PageSize, string sqlwhere)
20         {
21             DataTable dtCustom;
22             string sql = "";
23             string sqlCount = @"select count(1) from (select ProductID from BS_Product {0} group by ProductID
24                     ) B ";            
25             sql = @"SELECT * FROM 
26                 (
27                     SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() over(order by ProductID )  rn, * FROM 
28                     (select ProductID,MAX(cProductName) cProductName,MAX(cSpecification) cSpecification,
29                         MAX(cMeasureUnit) cMeasureUnit from BS_Product {0} group by ProductID
30                     ) B                                       
31                 ) A where A.rn between {1} and {2} 
32                 ORDER BY ProductID ";
33             int sNum = PageSize * (Page - 1) + 1;
34             int eNum = PageSize * Page;
35             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlwhere))
36             {
37                 sql = string.Format(sql, "", sNum, eNum);
38                 sqlCount = string.Format(sqlCount,"");
39             }
40             else
41             {                
42                 sql = string.Format(sql, " where " + sqlwhere, sNum, eNum);
43                 sqlCount = string.Format(sqlCount, " where " + sqlwhere);
44             }
45             dtCustom = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql).Tables[0];
46             List<Product> listC = new List<Product>();
47             foreach (DataRow dr in dtCustom.Rows)
48             {
49                 Product c = new Product();
50                 c.ProductID = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
51                 c.cProductName = dr["cProductName"].ToString();
52                 c.cSpecification = dr["cSpecification"].ToString();
53                 c.cMeasureUnit = dr["cMeasureUnit"].ToString();               
54                 listC.Add(c);
55             }
56             string jsonString = JsonHelper.JsonSerializer<List<Product>>(listC);
57             int PageCount = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(sqlCount));
58             string result = "{PageCount:" + PageCount + ",\"QueryData\":" + jsonString + "}";
59             return result;
60         }
61     }
62 }



posted on 2013-05-15 14:36  thegavincheng  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报