


#define  	SIGHUP  	1
#define  	SIGINT  	2
#define  	SIGQUIT  	3
#define  	SIGILL  	4
#define  	SIGTRAP  	5
#define  	SIGABRT  	6
#define  	SIGIOT  	6
#define  	SIGBUS  	7
#define  	SIGFPE  	8
#define  	SIGKILL  	9
#define  	SIGUSR1  	10
#define  	SIGSEGV  	11
#define  	SIGUSR2  	12
#define  	SIGPIPE  	13
#define  	SIGALRM  	14
#define  	SIGTERM	        15
#define  	SIGSTKFLT	16
#define  	SIGCHLD    	17
#define  	SIGCONT	        18
#define  	SIGSTOP      	19
#define  	SIGTSTP	        20
#dpfine  	STGTTTN	        21
#define  	SIGTTOU	        22
#define  	SIGURG	        23
#define  	SIGXCPU	        24
#define  	SIGXFSZ    	25
#define  	SIGVTALRM	26
#define  	SIGPROF  	27
#define  	SIGWINCH	28
#define  	SIGPOLL  	29
#define  	SIGPWR	        30
#define  	SIGSYS	        31








  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <signal.h>
  3 void sig_catch(int signo){
  4     printf("catch you : %d\n",signo);
  5     return ;
  6 }
  8 int main(){
  9     signal(SIGINT,sig_catch);
 10     while(1);
 11     return 0;
 12 }


  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <signal.h>
  3 void sig_catch(int signo){
  4     if(signo == SIGINT){
  5         printf("catch you SIGINT: %d\n",signo);
  6     }else if(signo == SIGQUIT){
  7         printf("catch you SIGQUIT: %d\n",signo);
  8     }
  9     return ;
 10 }
 12 int main(){
 13     struct sigaction act,oldact;
 14     act.sa_handler = sig_catch;
 15     sigemptyset(&(act.sa_mask));
 16     act.sa_flags = 0;
 17     int ret = sigaction(SIGINT,&act,&oldact);
 18     ret = sigaction(SIGQUIT,&act,&oldact);
 19     signal(SIGINT,sig_catch);
 20     while(1);
 21     return 0;
 22 }

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
jmp_buf env;
int count = 0;
void handler(int sig, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
    printf("handler: sig=%d from PID=%d UID=%d count=%d\n",
           sig, siginfo->si_pid, siginfo->si_uid, ++count);
    if (count >= 4) // let it occur up to 4 times
        longjmp(env, 1234);
int BAD()
    int *ip = 0;
    printf("in BAD(): try to dereference NULL pointer\n");
    *ip = 123; // dereference a NULL pointer
    printf("should not see this line\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int r;
    struct sigaction act;
    memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));
    act.sa_sigaction = &handler;
    act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL);
    if ((r = setjmp(env)) == 0)
        printf("proc %d survived SEGMENTATION FAULT: r=%d\n", getpid(), r);

    printf("proc %d looping\n", getpid());
    while (1)

  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <signal.h>
  3 #include <fcntl.h>
  4 #include <string.h>
  5 #include <unistd.h>
  7 #define LEN 64
  8 int ppipe[2]; // pipe descriptors
  9 int pid; // child pid
 10 char line[LEN];
 12 int parent()
 13 {
 14     printf("parent %d running\n", getpid());
 15     close(ppipe[0]); // parent = pipe writer
 16     while(1){
 17         printf("parent %d: input a line : \n", getpid());
 18         fgets(line, LEN, stdin);
 19         line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; // kill \n at end
 20         printf("parent %d write to pipe\n", getpid());
 21         write(ppipe[1], line, LEN); // write to pipe
 22         printf("parent %d send signal 10 to %d\n", getpid(), pid);
 23         kill(pid, SIGUSR1); // send signal to child process
 24     } }
 25 void chandler(int sig)
 26 {
 27     printf("\nchild %d got an interrupt sig=%d\n", getpid(), sig);
 28     read(ppipe[0], line, LEN); // read pipe
 29     printf("child %d get a message = %s\n", getpid(), line);
 30 }
 31 int child()
 32 {
 33     char msg[LEN];
 34     int parent = getppid();
 35     printf("child %d running\n", getpid());
 36     close(ppipe[1]); // child is pipe reader
 37     signal(SIGUSR1, chandler); // install signal catcher
 38     while(1);
 39 }
 40 int main()
 41 {
 42     pipe(ppipe); // create a pipe
 43     pid = fork(); // fork a child process
 44     if (pid) // parent
 45       parent();
 46     else
 47       child();
 48 }

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