1. 前言部分
用户认证机制 - SNMPv3改用基于用户的安全模型(USM),需要替换v2中的社区字符串认证机制(community strings),实现用户管理、认证和加密。
加密与数据完整性检查 - 需要添加支持加密传输和数据完整性检查的模块,如SHA、MD5等算法。v2没有加密机制。
授权与访问控制 - 添加基于视图(view-based access control,VACM)的访问控制模型模块以及授权处理。以控制访问 SNMP 代理的哪些数据。
安全参数与配置 - 添加安全级别参数设置、安全密钥配置等与安全相关的数据结构与存储。
消息处理过程 - message handling processes中加入处理安全参数、认证、加密与解密、授权检查等步骤
v3 在前面的版本上增加了安全能力和远程配置能力,v3为消息安全和VACM(View-based Access Control Model)引入了USM(User-based Security Model),该结构支持同时使用不同的安全机制,接入控制,消息处理模型。有三个可能的安全级别: noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, 和 authPriv。
noAuthNoPriv 级别指明了没有认证或私密性被执行。
authNoPriv 级别指明了认证被执行但没有私密性被执行。
authPriv 级别指明了认证和私密性都被执行。
auth---认证 支持MD5 or SHA;priv---加密 支持DES or RSA;
通用的v3消息格式遵循相同的消息封装格式包含一个头和一个被封装PDU。 头部区域,被分成两个部分,一部分处理安全,和另外一部份与安全无关的部分。与安全无关部分在所有的SNMPv3中是相同的,而使用安全相关部分被设计成各种的SNMPv3安全模型,被SNMP内的安全模型处理。
2. 模型元素
USM Users
- 每个SNMP引擎维护了三个对象:
msgSecurityParameters字段采用OCTET STRING类型,值为USMSecurityParameters ASN.1序列化后的BER编码。
UsmSecurityParameters ::=
-- global User-based security parameters
msgAuthoritativeEngineID OCTET STRING,
msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots INTEGER (0..2147483647),
msgAuthoritativeEngineTime INTEGER (0..2147483647),
msgUserName OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)),
-- authentication protocol specific parameters
msgAuthenticationParameters OCTET STRING,
-- privacy protocol specific parameters
msgPrivacyParameters OCTET STRING
msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: 授权引擎的时间计数器,用于重放保护。
msgUserName: 代表本次消息的用户名称。如果为空则仅用于引擎ID发现。
Outgoing SNMP Message
主要描述了USM模块为SNMP消息处理(Message Processing)子系统生成外发SNMP消息所提供的服务和数据元素。
generateRequestMsg: 生成Request请求消息
generateResponseMsg: 生成Response响应消息
1) A service to generate a Request message. The abstract service primitive is:
statusInformation = -- success or errorIndication
IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
IN globalData -- message header, admin data
IN maxMessageSize -- of the sending SNMP entity
IN securityModel -- for the outgoing message
IN securityEngineID -- authoritative SNMP entity
IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
IN securityLevel -- Level of Security requested
IN scopedPDU -- message (plaintext) payload
OUT securityParameters -- filled in by Security Module
OUT wholeMsg -- complete generated message
OUT wholeMsgLength -- length of generated message
2) A service to generate a Response message. The abstract service primitive is:
statusInformation = -- success or errorIndication
IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
IN globalData -- message header, admin data
IN maxMessageSize -- of the sending SNMP entity
IN securityModel -- for the outgoing message
IN securityEngineID -- authoritative SNMP entity
IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
IN securityLevel -- Level of Security requested
IN scopedPDU -- message (plaintext) payload
IN securityStateReference -- reference to security state
-- information from original
-- request
OUT securityParameters -- filled in by Security Module
OUT wholeMsg -- complete generated message
OUT wholeMsgLength -- length of generated message
Note: 这只是概念上的抽象服务接口,具体的实现可能因编程语言和平台而异。
scopedPDU:实际的消息 payload
securityStateReference: 对response消息的cache引用
这部分描述了密钥本地化(Key Localization)的算法,目的是使得不同设备上同一用户的实际密钥可以不同,提高安全性。其流程是:
3. 过程元素
Generating an Outgoing SNMP Message
将securityEngineID编码为OCTET STRING,然后放入securityParameters的msgAuthoritativeEngineID字段。
将userName编码为OCTET STRING,然后放入securityParameters的msgUserName字段。
Processing an Incoming SNMP Message
检查收到的securityParameters是否为UsmSecurityParameters定义的OCTET STRING格式的序列化。如果不是,则增加snmpInASNParseErrs计数器,并返回错误指示(parseError)给调用模块。
如果securityParameters中msgAuthoritativeEngineID字段的值未知,则有两种选择:a) 执行发现的非权威SNMP引擎可以选择在其本地配置数据存储(LCD)中创建一个新条目并继续处理;或者b) 增加usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs计数器,并返回一个错误指示(unknownEngineID)以及增加计数器的OID和值给调用模块。
从本地配置数据存储(LCD, usmUserTable)中提取msgUserName和msgAuthoritativeEngineID字段的值的信息。如果没有关于用户的信息,那么usmStatsUnknownUserNames计数器将会增加,并且一个错误指示(unknownSecurityName)以及增加计数器的OID和值将会返回给调用模块。
statusInformation = -- success or failure
IN authKey -- the user's localized authKey
IN authParameters -- as received on the wire
IN wholeMsg -- as received on the wire
OUT authenticatedWholeMsg -- checked for authentication
- 根据用户认证协议的认证模块的判断,做出不同的处理
- 如果消息是经过身份验证的,从本地配置数据存储中提取与 msgAuthoritativeEngineID 相关的本地值。
- 如果消息来自授权的 SNMP 引擎,检查时间窗口条件:
- 如果满足任一条件(本地 snmpEngineBoots 为最大值、msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 与本地值不同、msgAuthoritativeEngineTime 与本地 snmpEngineTime 差异大于 +/- 150 秒),则认为消息不在时间窗口内。
- 在消息不在时间窗口内的情况下,增加错误计数器并返回错误指示(notInTimeWindow)。
处理非授权的 SNMP 引擎情况:
- 如果消息来自非授权的 SNMP 引擎,执行以下步骤:
- 如果条件满足(msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 大于本地值或者等于本地值但 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime 大于 latestReceivedEngineTime),则更新本地配置数据存储的相关值。
- 如果条件满足(本地 snmpEngineBoots 为最大值、msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 小于本地值、或者msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 等于本地值但 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime 与本地 snmpEngineTime 差异大于 150 秒),则认为消息不在时间窗口内。
- 在消息不在时间窗口内的情况下,返回错误指示(notInTimeWindow)。
- 如果securityLevel指示消息被保护免于泄露,那么根据用户的隐私协议对表示序列化scopedPDU的字节序列进行解密,以获得未加密的序列化scopedPDU值。这通过调用实现用户隐私协议的隐私模块来完成,该模块遵循以下抽象原语:
statusInformation = -- success or failure
IN decryptKey -- the user's localized privKey
IN privParameters -- as received on the wire
IN encryptedData -- encryptedPDU as received
OUT decryptedData -- serialized decrypted scopedPDU
计算 maxSizeResponseScopedPDU,这是可能的响应消息的 scopedPDU 允许的最大大小。
从 usmUserTable 中检索用户的 securityName。
将安全数据缓存为 cachedSecurityData,以便对该消息的可能响应可以使用相同的身份验证和隐私密钥。
将 statusInformation 设置为 success,并根据 processIncomingMsg 原语中指定的 OUT 参数返回到调用模块。
4. 发现过程
这段文本描述了用户安全模型(User-based Security Model)中的发现过程。
发现需求: 用户安全模型要求进行发现过程,以获取有关其他 SNMP 引擎的足够信息,以便与它们进行通信。发现需要一个非授权的 SNMP 引擎在通信之前了解授权的 SNMP 引擎的 snmpEngineID 值。可以通过生成一个带有 securityLevel 为 noAuthNoPriv、msgUserName 为空、msgAuthoritativeEngineID 为零长度、以及 varBindList 为空的 Request 消息来实现。对这条消息的响应将是一个 Report 消息,其中包含授权的 SNMP 引擎的 snmpEngineID 作为 msgSecurityParameters 字段内 msgAuthoritativeEngineID 字段的值。它包含一个带有 varBindList 中的 usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs 计数器的 Report PDU。
需要身份验证的通信: 如果需要身份验证通信,发现过程还应该与授权的 SNMP 引擎建立时间同步。可以通过发送一个经过身份验证的 Request 消息,其中 msgAuthoritativeEngineID 的值设置为新学到的 snmpEngineID,msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 和 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime 的值设置为零来实现。对于经过身份验证的 Request 消息,必须在 msgUserName 字段中使用有效的 userName。对这条经过身份验证的消息的响应将是一个 Report 消息,其中包含授权的 SNMP 引擎的 snmpEngineBoots 和 snmpEngineTime 的最新值,分别作为 msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots 和 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime 字段的值。它还包含 Report PDU 的 varBindList 中的 usmStatsNotInTimeWindows 计数器。然后,时间同步会自动发生,作为处理 非授权的 SNMP 引擎情况程序 的一部分。另请参阅第 2.3 节。
5. 定义
snmpModules, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
RowStatus, RowPointer,
StorageType, AutonomousType FROM SNMPv2-TC
SnmpAdminString, SnmpEngineID,
snmpAuthProtocols, snmpPrivProtocols FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB;
LAST-UPDATED "200210160000Z" -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
In msg body: subscribe snmpv3
Chair: Russ Mundy
Network Associates Laboratories
postal: 15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20850-4601
phone: +1 301-947-7107
Co-Chair: David Harrington
Enterasys Networks
Postal: 35 Industrial Way
P. O. Box 5004
Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
Phone: +1 603-337-2614
Co-editor Uri Blumenthal
Lucent Technologies
postal: 67 Whippany Rd.
Whippany, NJ 07981
phone: +1-973-386-2163
Co-editor: Bert Wijnen
Lucent Technologies
postal: Schagen 33
3461 GL Linschoten
phone: +31-348-480-685
DESCRIPTION "The management information definitions for the
SNMP User-based Security Model.
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3414;
see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
-- Revision history
REVISION "200210160000Z" -- 16 Oct 2002, midnight
DESCRIPTION "Changes in this revision:
- Updated references and contact info.
- Clarification to usmUserCloneFrom DESCRIPTION
- Fixed 'command responder' into 'command generator'
in last para of DESCRIPTION clause of
This revision published as RFC3414.
REVISION "199901200000Z" -- 20 Jan 1999, midnight
DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as RFC2574"
REVISION "199711200000Z" -- 20 Nov 1997, midnight
DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC2274"
::= { snmpModules 15 }
-- Administrative assignments ****************************************
usmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmMIB 1 }
usmMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpUsmMIB 2 }
-- Identification of Authentication and Privacy Protocols ************
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "No Authentication Protocol."
::= { snmpAuthProtocols 1 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The HMAC-MD5-96 Digest Authentication Protocol."
REFERENCE "- H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, R. Canetti HMAC:
Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,
RFC2104, Feb 1997.
- Rivest, R., Message Digest Algorithm MD5, RFC1321.
::= { snmpAuthProtocols 2 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The HMAC-SHA-96 Digest Authentication Protocol."
REFERENCE "- H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, R. Canetti, HMAC:
Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,
RFC2104, Feb 1997.
- Secure Hash Algorithm. NIST FIPS 180-1.
::= { snmpAuthProtocols 3 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "No Privacy Protocol."
::= { snmpPrivProtocols 1 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption Protocol."
REFERENCE "- Data Encryption Standard, National Institute of
Standards and Technology. Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 46-1.
Supersedes FIPS Publication 46,
(January, 1977; reaffirmed January, 1988).
- Data Encryption Algorithm, American National
Standards Institute. ANSI X3.92-1981,
(December, 1980).
- DES Modes of Operation, National Institute of
Standards and Technology. Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 81,
(December, 1980).
- Data Encryption Algorithm - Modes of Operation,
American National Standards Institute.
ANSI X3.106-1983, (May 1983).
::= { snmpPrivProtocols 2 }
-- Textual Conventions ***********************************************
STATUS current
"Every definition of an object with this syntax must identify
a protocol P, a secret key K, and a hash algorithm H
that produces output of L octets.
The object's value is a manager-generated, partially-random
value which, when modified, causes the value of the secret
key K, to be modified via a one-way function.
The value of an instance of this object is the concatenation
of two components: first a 'random' component and then a
'delta' component.
The lengths of the random and delta components
are given by the corresponding value of the protocol P;
if P requires K to be a fixed length, the length of both the
random and delta components is that fixed length; if P
allows the length of K to be variable up to a particular
maximum length, the length of the random component is that
maximum length and the length of the delta component is any
length less than or equal to that maximum length.
For example, usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol requires K to be a fixed
length of 16 octets and L - of 16 octets.
usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol requires K to be a fixed length of
20 octets and L - of 20 octets. Other protocols may define
other sizes, as deemed appropriate.
When a requester wants to change the old key K to a new
key keyNew on a remote entity, the 'random' component is
obtained from either a true random generator, or from a
pseudorandom generator, and the 'delta' component is
computed as follows:
- a temporary variable is initialized to the existing value
of K;
- if the length of the keyNew is greater than L octets,
- the random component is appended to the value of the
temporary variable, and the result is input to the
the hash algorithm H to produce a digest value, and
the temporary variable is set to this digest value;
- the value of the temporary variable is XOR-ed with
the first (next) L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5)
of the keyNew to produce the first (next) L-octets
(16 octets in case of MD5) of the 'delta' component.
- the above two steps are repeated until the unused
portion of the keyNew component is L octets or less,
- the random component is appended to the value of the
temporary variable, and the result is input to the
hash algorithm H to produce a digest value;
- this digest value, truncated if necessary to be the same
length as the unused portion of the keyNew, is XOR-ed
with the unused portion of the keyNew to produce the
(final portion of the) 'delta' component.
For example, using MD5 as the hash algorithm H:
iterations = (lenOfDelta - 1)/16; /* integer division */
temp = keyOld;
for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
temp = MD5 (temp || random);
delta[i*16 .. (i*16)+15] =
temp XOR keyNew[i*16 .. (i*16)+15];
temp = MD5 (temp || random);
delta[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1] =
temp XOR keyNew[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1];
The 'random' and 'delta' components are then concatenated as
described above, and the resulting octet string is sent to
the recipient as the new value of an instance of this object.
At the receiver side, when an instance of this object is set
to a new value, then a new value of K is computed as follows:
- a temporary variable is initialized to the existing value
of K;
- if the length of the delta component is greater than L
octets, then:
- the random component is appended to the value of the
temporary variable, and the result is input to the
hash algorithm H to produce a digest value, and the
temporary variable is set to this digest value;
- the value of the temporary variable is XOR-ed with
the first (next) L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5)
of the delta component to produce the first (next)
L-octets (16 octets in case of MD5) of the new value
of K.
- the above two steps are repeated until the unused
portion of the delta component is L octets or less,
- the random component is appended to the value of the
temporary variable, and the result is input to the
hash algorithm H to produce a digest value;
- this digest value, truncated if necessary to be the same
length as the unused portion of the delta component, is
XOR-ed with the unused portion of the delta component to
produce the (final portion of the) new value of K.
For example, using MD5 as the hash algorithm H:
iterations = (lenOfDelta - 1)/16; /* integer division */
temp = keyOld;
for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
temp = MD5 (temp || random);
keyNew[i*16 .. (i*16)+15] =
temp XOR delta[i*16 .. (i*16)+15];
temp = MD5 (temp || random);
keyNew[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1] =
temp XOR delta[i*16 .. lenOfDelta-1];
The value of an object with this syntax, whenever it is
retrieved by the management protocol, is always the zero
length string.
Note that the keyOld and keyNew are the localized keys.
Note that it is probably wise that when an SNMP entity sends
a SetRequest to change a key, that it keeps a copy of the old
key until it has confirmed that the key change actually
-- Statistics for the User-based Security Model **********************
usmStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBObjects 1 }
usmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they requested a
securityLevel that was unknown to the SNMP engine
or otherwise unavailable.
::= { usmStats 1 }
usmStatsNotInTimeWindows OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they appeared
outside of the authoritative SNMP engine's window.
::= { usmStats 2 }
usmStatsUnknownUserNames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they referenced a
user that was not known to the SNMP engine.
::= { usmStats 3 }
usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they referenced an
snmpEngineID that was not known to the SNMP engine.
::= { usmStats 4 }
usmStatsWrongDigests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they didn't
contain the expected digest value.
::= { usmStats 5 }
usmStatsDecryptionErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
engine which were dropped because they could not be
::= { usmStats 6 }
-- The usmUser Group ************************************************
usmUser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBObjects 2 }
usmUserSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TestAndIncr
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating
Command Generator Applications to coordinate their
use of facilities to alter secrets in the
::= { usmUser 1 }
-- The table of valid users for the User-based Security Model ********
usmUserTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of users configured in the SNMP engine's
Local Configuration Datastore (LCD).
To create a new user (i.e., to instantiate a new
conceptual row in this table), it is recommended to
follow this procedure:
1) GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
2) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
You should use a template user to clone from
which has the proper auth/priv protocol defined.
If the new user is to use privacy:
3) generate the keyChange value based on the secret
privKey of the clone-from user and the secret key
to be used for the new user. Let us call this
4) GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
5) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
6) GET(usmUserPulic) and check it has randomValue1.
If not, repeat steps 4-6.
If the new user will never use privacy:
7) SET(usmUserPrivProtocol=usmNoPrivProtocol)
If the new user is to use authentication:
8) generate the keyChange value based on the secret
authKey of the clone-from user and the secret key
to be used for the new user. Let us call this
9) GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
10) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
11) GET(usmUserPulic) and check it has randomValue2.
If not, repeat steps 9-11.
If the new user will never use authentication:
12) SET(usmUserAuthProtocol=usmNoAuthProtocol)
Finally, activate the new user:
13) SET(usmUserStatus=active)
The new user should now be available and ready to be
used for SNMPv3 communication. Note however that access
to MIB data must be provided via configuration of the
The use of usmUserSpinlock is to avoid conflicts with
another SNMP command generator application which may
also be acting on the usmUserTable.
::= { usmUser 2 }
usmUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX UsmUserEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A user configured in the SNMP engine's Local
Configuration Datastore (LCD) for the User-based
Security Model.
INDEX { usmUserEngineID,
::= { usmUserTable 1 }
UsmUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE
usmUserEngineID SnmpEngineID,
usmUserName SnmpAdminString,
usmUserSecurityName SnmpAdminString,
usmUserCloneFrom RowPointer,
usmUserAuthProtocol AutonomousType,
usmUserAuthKeyChange KeyChange,
usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange KeyChange,
usmUserPrivProtocol AutonomousType,
usmUserPrivKeyChange KeyChange,
usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange KeyChange,
usmUserPublic OCTET STRING,
usmUserStorageType StorageType,
usmUserStatus RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
In a simple agent, this value is always that agent's
own snmpEngineID value.
The value can also take the value of the snmpEngineID
of a remote SNMP engine with which this user can
::= { usmUserEntry 1 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the name of
the user.
This is the (User-based Security) Model dependent
security ID.
::= { usmUserEntry 2 }
usmUserSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the user in
Security Model independent format.
The default transformation of the User-based Security
Model dependent security ID to the securityName and
vice versa is the identity function so that the
securityName is the same as the userName.
::= { usmUserEntry 3 }
usmUserCloneFrom OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowPointer
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A pointer to another conceptual row in this
usmUserTable. The user in this other conceptual
row is called the clone-from user.
When a new user is created (i.e., a new conceptual
row is instantiated in this table), the privacy and
authentication parameters of the new user must be
cloned from its clone-from user. These parameters are:
- authentication protocol (usmUserAuthProtocol)
- privacy protocol (usmUserPrivProtocol)
They will be copied regardless of what the current
value is.
Cloning also causes the initial values of the secret
authentication key (authKey) and the secret encryption
key (privKey) of the new user to be set to the same
values as the corresponding secrets of the clone-from
user to allow the KeyChange process to occur as
required during user creation.
The first time an instance of this object is set by
a management operation (either at or after its
instantiation), the cloning process is invoked.
Subsequent writes are successful but invoke no
action to be taken by the receiver.
The cloning process fails with an 'inconsistentName'
error if the conceptual row representing the
clone-from user does not exist or is not in an active
state when the cloning process is invoked.
When this object is read, the ZeroDotZero OID
is returned.
::= { usmUserEntry 4 }
usmUserAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
usmUserEngineID, can be authenticated, and if so,
the type of authentication protocol which is used.
An instance of this object is created concurrently
with the creation of any other object instance for
the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
the set operation which creates the first object
instance in the same conceptual row).
If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
is performed on the corresponding instance of
Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
this object can only be changed via a set operation to
the value of the usmNoAuthProtocol.
If a set operation tries to change the value of an
existing instance of this object to any value other
than usmNoAuthProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
error must be returned.
If a set operation tries to set the value to the
usmNoAuthProtocol while the usmUserPrivProtocol value
in the same row is not equal to usmNoPrivProtocol,
then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
That means that an SNMP command generator application
must first ensure that the usmUserPrivProtocol is set
to the usmNoPrivProtocol value before it can set
the usmUserAuthProtocol value to usmNoAuthProtocol.
DEFVAL { usmNoAuthProtocol }
::= { usmUserEntry 5 }
usmUserAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX KeyChange -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for HMACMD5
-- typically (SIZE (0 | 40)) for HMACSHA
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An object, which when modified, causes the secret
authentication key used for messages sent on behalf
of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
usmUserEngineID, to be modified via a one-way
The associated protocol is the usmUserAuthProtocol.
The associated secret key is the user's secret
authentication key (authKey). The associated hash
algorithm is the algorithm used by the user's
When creating a new user, it is an 'inconsistentName'
error for a set operation to refer to this object
unless it is previously or concurrently initialized
through a set operation on the corresponding instance
of usmUserCloneFrom.
When the value of the corresponding usmUserAuthProtocol
is usmNoAuthProtocol, then a set is successful, but
effectively is a no-op.
When this object is read, the zero-length (empty)
string is returned.
The recommended way to do a key change is as follows:
1) GET(usmUserSpinLock.0) and save in sValue.
2) generate the keyChange value based on the old
(existing) secret key and the new secret key,
let us call this kcValue.
If you do the key change on behalf of another user:
3) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
If you do the key change for yourself:
4) SET(usmUserSpinLock.0=sValue,
If you get a response with error-status of noError,
then the SET succeeded and the new key is active.
If you do not get a response, then you can issue a
GET(usmUserPublic) and check if the value is equal
to the randomValue you did send in the SET. If so, then
the key change succeeded and the new key is active
(probably the response got lost). If not, then the SET
request probably never reached the target and so you
can start over with the procedure above.
DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string
::= { usmUserEntry 6 }
usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX KeyChange -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for HMACMD5
-- typically (SIZE (0 | 40)) for HMACSHA
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Behaves exactly as usmUserAuthKeyChange, with one
notable difference: in order for the set operation
to succeed, the usmUserName of the operation
requester must match the usmUserName that
indexes the row which is targeted by this
In addition, the USM security model must be
used for this operation.
The idea here is that access to this column can be
public, since it will only allow a user to change
his own secret authentication key (authKey).
Note that this can only be done once the row is active.
When a set is received and the usmUserName of the
requester is not the same as the umsUserName that
indexes the row which is targeted by this operation,
then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
When a set is received and the security model in use
is not USM, then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string
::= { usmUserEntry 7 }
usmUserPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
usmUserEngineID, can be protected from disclosure,
and if so, the type of privacy protocol which is used.
An instance of this object is created concurrently
with the creation of any other object instance for
the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
the set operation which creates the first object
instance in the same conceptual row).
If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
is performed on the corresponding instance of
Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
this object can only be changed via a set operation to
the value of the usmNoPrivProtocol.
If a set operation tries to change the value of an
existing instance of this object to any value other
than usmNoPrivProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
error must be returned.
Note that if any privacy protocol is used, then you
must also use an authentication protocol. In other
words, if usmUserPrivProtocol is set to anything else
than usmNoPrivProtocol, then the corresponding instance
of usmUserAuthProtocol cannot have a value of
usmNoAuthProtocol. If it does, then an
'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
DEFVAL { usmNoPrivProtocol }
::= { usmUserEntry 8 }
usmUserPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX KeyChange -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for DES
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An object, which when modified, causes the secret
encryption key used for messages sent on behalf
of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
usmUserEngineID, to be modified via a one-way
The associated protocol is the usmUserPrivProtocol.
The associated secret key is the user's secret
privacy key (privKey). The associated hash
algorithm is the algorithm used by the user's
When creating a new user, it is an 'inconsistentName'
error for a set operation to refer to this object
unless it is previously or concurrently initialized
through a set operation on the corresponding instance
of usmUserCloneFrom.
When the value of the corresponding usmUserPrivProtocol
is usmNoPrivProtocol, then a set is successful, but
effectively is a no-op.
When this object is read, the zero-length (empty)
string is returned.
See the description clause of usmUserAuthKeyChange for
a recommended procedure to do a key change.
DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string
::= { usmUserEntry 9 }
usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX KeyChange -- typically (SIZE (0 | 32)) for DES
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Behaves exactly as usmUserPrivKeyChange, with one
notable difference: in order for the Set operation
to succeed, the usmUserName of the operation
requester must match the usmUserName that indexes
the row which is targeted by this operation.
In addition, the USM security model must be
used for this operation.
The idea here is that access to this column can be
public, since it will only allow a user to change
his own secret privacy key (privKey).
Note that this can only be done once the row is active.
When a set is received and the usmUserName of the
requester is not the same as the umsUserName that
indexes the row which is targeted by this operation,
then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
When a set is received and the security model in use
is not USM, then a 'noAccess' error must be returned.
DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string
::= { usmUserEntry 10 }
usmUserPublic OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A publicly-readable value which can be written as part
of the procedure for changing a user's secret
authentication and/or privacy key, and later read to
determine whether the change of the secret was
DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string
::= { usmUserEntry 11 }
usmUserStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX StorageType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row.
Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' must
allow write-access at a minimum to:
- usmUserAuthKeyChange, usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange
and usmUserPublic for a user who employs
authentication, and
- usmUserPrivKeyChange, usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange
and usmUserPublic for a user who employs
Note that any user who employs authentication or
privacy must allow its secret(s) to be updated and
thus cannot be 'readOnly'.
If an initial set operation tries to set the value to
'readOnly' for a user who employs authentication or
privacy, then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be
returned. Note that if the value has been previously
set (implicit or explicit) to any value, then the rules
as defined in the StorageType Textual Convention apply.
It is an implementation issue to decide if a SET for
a readOnly or permanent row is accepted at all. In some
contexts this may make sense, in others it may not. If
a SET for a readOnly or permanent row is not accepted
at all, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
::= { usmUserEntry 12 }
usmUserStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
Until instances of all corresponding columns are
appropriately configured, the value of the
corresponding instance of the usmUserStatus column
is 'notReady'.
In particular, a newly created row for a user who
employs authentication, cannot be made active until the
corresponding usmUserCloneFrom and usmUserAuthKeyChange
have been set.
Further, a newly created row for a user who also
employs privacy, cannot be made active until the
usmUserPrivKeyChange has been set.
The RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
other objects in this row can be modified:
The value of this object has no effect on whether
other objects in this conceptual row can be modified,
except for usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange and
usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange. For these 2 objects, the
value of usmUserStatus MUST be active.
::= { usmUserEntry 13 }
-- Conformance Information *******************************************
usmMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBConformance 1 }
usmMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usmMIBConformance 2 }
-- Compliance statements
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP engines which
implement the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.
MODULE -- this module
OBJECT usmUserAuthProtocol
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT usmUserPrivProtocol
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
::= { usmMIBCompliances 1 }
-- Units of compliance
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing for configuration
of an SNMP engine which implements the SNMP
User-based Security Model.
::= { usmMIBGroups 1 }
HMAC-MD5-96 Authentication Protocol是一种基于HMAC和MD5算法的认证协议,它用于确保数据包的来源和完整性。以下是其实现的基本原理:
HMAC-SHA-96 Authentication Protocol是一种基于HMAC和SHA算法的认证协议,它用于确保数据包的来源和完整性。以下是其实现的基本原理:
CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption Protocol是RFC3414中定义的一种用户基础安全模型的第一种隐私协议。这个协议使用DES(数据加密标准)进行对称加密,以确保数据的机密性。以下是其工作流程的详细描述: