Received subscribe acknowledgement with invalid QoS values from the broker


客户端:php-mqtt/client 3.x


  • 需求

    • 项目需要自定义订阅客户端的离线和上线
  • 代码

    $server   = 'emqx server url';
    $port     = 1883;
    $clientId = 'sys_client';
    $username = 'test';
    $password = '12345678';
    $mqtt = new \PhpMqtt\Client\MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId);
    $connectionSettings = (new \PhpMqtt\Client\ConnectionSettings)
    $mqtt->connect($connectionSettings, true);
    $mqtt->subscribe($topics, function ($topic, $message) {
    			echo sprintf("Received message on topic [%s]: %s\n", $topic, $message);
    		}, 0);
  • 为什么会出现异常?

    Received subscribe acknowledgement with invalid QoS values from the broker.
  • 如何解决?

    • 参考EMQX的ACL文档做规则设置:

    • 默认的acl.conf

      {allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.
      {allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.
      {deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.
      {allow, all}.
    • 修改acl.conf,为了安全起见,我这里做了只允许指定的ip订阅$SYS/brokers/+/clients/#

      {allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.
      {allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.
      {allow, {ipaddr, ""}, subscribe, ["$SYS/brokers/+/clients/#"]}.
      #{allow, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/brokers/+/clients/#"]}.
      {deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.
      {allow, all}.
    • 然后,通过命令行的方式运行一下,应该就不会报错了

posted @ 2022-02-25 10:49  深海空气  阅读(136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报