ret retf iret

RET, and its exact synonym RETN, pop IP or EIP from the stack and transfer control to the new address. Optionally, if a numeric second operand is provided, they increment the stack pointer by a further imm16 bytes after popping the return address.


RETF executes a far return: after popping IP/EIP, it then pops CS, and then increments the stack pointer by the optional argument if present.


IRET returns from an interrupt (hardware or software) by means of popping IP (or EIP), CS and the flags off the stack and then continuing execution from the new CS:IP.


IRETW pops IP, CS and the flags as 2 bytes each, taking 6 bytes off the stack in total.


IRETD pops EIP as 4 bytes, pops a further 4 bytes of which the top two are discarded and the bottom two go into CS, and pops the flags as 4 bytes as well, taking 12 bytes off the stack.


IRET is a shorthand for either IRETW or IRETD, depending on the default BITS setting at the time.


从异常或中断处理例程返回必须使用IRET(或IRETD)指令。IRET 指令与RET 指

令的唯一不同在于前者将恢复保存的EFLAGS 寄存器。只有当CPL 为0 时,才恢复EFLAGS

寄存器的IOPL 域。只有CPL 小于或等于IOPL 时才改变IF 标志。


posted on 2012-12-15 18:22  追寻前人的脚步  阅读(916)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
