【LiveCharts2】 笛卡儿积图 Zooming And Panning


1、nuget 添加以下三个包






using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using LiveChartsCore;
using LiveChartsCore.Defaults;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView;
using LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.Painting;
using SkiaSharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LYFWPFUI.MVVM.ViewModels

    public partial class RatioViewModel
        public ISeries[] Series { get; set; }
        public Axis[] XAxes { get; set; }
        public RatioViewModel()
            Series = new ISeries[]
                   new LineSeries<DateTimePoint>
            TooltipLabelFormatter = (chartPoint) =>
                $"{new DateTime((long) chartPoint.SecondaryValue):MMMM dd}: {chartPoint.PrimaryValue}",
            Values = new ObservableCollection<DateTimePoint>
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 1, 1), 3),
                // notice we are missing the day new DateTime(2021, 1, 2)
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 1, 3), 6),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 1, 4), 5),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 1, 5), 3),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 9, 6), 5),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2022, 1, 7), 8),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2022, 2, 25), 6)
                   new LineSeries<DateTimePoint>
            TooltipLabelFormatter = (chartPoint) =>
                $"{new DateTime((long) chartPoint.SecondaryValue):MMMM dd}: {chartPoint.PrimaryValue}",
            Values = new ObservableCollection<DateTimePoint>
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 1, 1), 3),
                // notice we are missing the day new DateTime(2021, 1, 2)
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 2, 3), 15),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 5, 4), 25),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 7, 5), 13),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2021, 11, 6), 25),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2022, 1, 7), 18),
                new DateTimePoint(new DateTime(2022, 3, 25), 6)

             XAxes = new Axis[]
                 new Axis
                      Labeler = value => new DateTime((long) value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                      LabelsRotation = 80,

                      // when using a date time type, let the library know your unit 
                      UnitWidth = TimeSpan.FromDays(1).Ticks, 

                       // if the difference between our points is in hours then we would:
                       // UnitWidth = TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Ticks,

                      // since all the months and years have a different number of days
                      // we can use the average, it would not cause any visible error in the user interface
                     // Months: TimeSpan.FromDays(30.4375).Ticks
                     // Years: TimeSpan.FromDays(365.25).Ticks

                     // The MinStep property forces the separator to be greater than 1 day.
                        MinStep = TimeSpan.FromDays(1).Ticks




        <lvc:CartesianChart  Grid.Row="1"
            Series="{Binding Series}"
            XAxes="{Binding XAxes}"


点集合:Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
壁画的大小和颜色:Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red) { StrokeThickness = 8 }, 
填充色:Fill = null,
点的图形:GeometryFill = null,
点的图形笔画:GeometryStroke = null





Series = new ISeries[]
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 4, 7, 2, 8 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Blue) { StrokeThickness = 4 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 7, 5, 3, 2, 6 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Red) { StrokeThickness = 8 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null
    new LineSeries<int>
        Values = new [] { 4, 2, 5, 3, 9 },
        Stroke = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.Green) { StrokeThickness = 1 }, 
        Fill = null,
        GeometryFill = null,
        GeometryStroke = null


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