--修改库存启用日期 表1 UFDATA下表: AccInformation
select * from AccInformation where csysid='st' and ctype='Ddate'
update AccInformation set cvalue='2023-01-01' where csysid='st' and ctype='Ddate'
--修改库存启用日期 表2:UFSystem下表
select * from UA_Account_sub where cacc_id='930' and iyear='9999' and csub_id='st'
update UA_Account_sub set dSubSysUsed='2023-01-01',dSubOriDate='2023-01-01' where cacc_id='930' and iyear='9999' and csub_id='st'
--UFdata 下结账表GL_mend表,ST表示库存结账:
select * from GL_mend where iyear='2022'
update GL_mend set bflag_st=1 where iyear='2022'
2023-04-27 补充
--查询结账期间状况表 数据库为账套数据库UFdata:
select * from GL_mend where iyear=2022
注意含两个时间字段:dsubsysused dsuboridate
select * from UA_Account_sub where cAcc_Id='103' and iyear=9999
--查询UFDATA下 AccInformation 这里需要更新三个包含日期字段:
select * from AccInformation where cSysID='AP' and cCaption like '%启用%'
dAPFirstDate --应付启用开始时间
dAPNatStartDate --自然启用日期
dAPStartDate ---应付系统启用日期