
 1 import os
 2 import collections
 4 def work(path):
 5     resPath = r"G:\python学习课件\python学习笔记\千锋教育\day\day10\res"
 6     # 打开文件
 7     with open(path, "r") as f:
 8         while True:
 9             # laphae11985@163.com----198587
10             lineInfo = f.readline()
11             if len(lineInfo) < 5:
12                 break
13             # 邮箱的字符串
14             # laphae11985@163.com
15             emailStr = lineInfo.split("----")[0]
16             # 邮箱类型的目录
17             # G:\python学习课件\python学习笔记\千锋教育\day\day10\res\163
18             fileType = emailStr.split("@")[1].split(".")[0]
19             dirStr = os.path.join(resPath, fileType)
20             if not os.path.exists(dirStr):
21                 # 不存在,创建
22                 os.mkdir(dirStr)
23             filePath = os.path.join(dirStr, fileType + ".txt")
24             with open(filePath, "w") as fw:
25                 fw.write(emailStr + "\n")
27 def getAllDirQU(path):
28     queue = collections.deque()
29     queue.append(path)
30     while len(queue) != 0:
31         dirPath = queue.popleft()
32         fileList = os.listdir(dirPath)
33         for fileName in fileList:
34             fileAbsPath = os.path.join(dirPath, fileName)
35             if os.path.isdir(fileAbsPath):
36                 queue.append(fileAbsPath)
37             else:
38                 # 处理普通文件
39                 work(fileAbsPath)
41 getAllDirQU(r"G:\python学习课件\python学习笔记\千锋教育\day\day10\data")


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