3款Google Analytics之外的开源网站分析工具





If you operate your own website, analytic software can be crucial in order to track exactly how well your site is doing. Without this software, you can do whatever you want with your site, but you will never know if it is getting more visitors, aside from the amount of comments. When you look at the possible options you have for analytic software, the most popular choice is Google Analytics. However, if you’re not a fan of Google or its Analytics package, there’s no need to fear. There are still a handful of options for you to try out.

If you also care about the correctness of the code so that visitors can maintain their privacy, great open source solutions exist as well.

Grape Web Statistics

open source web analytics

Grape Web Statistics is a fairly simple piece of analytics software. Grape is most appealing to those who find Google’s offering to be too much or overwhelming and would like to keep things simple. Grape doesn’t offer a whole lot out of the box, though if you are a good HTML and PHP developer you may be able to extend the software to meet your own unique needs.

Grape shows you some of the most commonly sought-after statistics for your site. This includes the number of visitors, the top referrers, and the operating system of each visitor. These statistics can be shown at hourly, daily, monthly, and annual levels. Specific dates can be chosen as well.



One negative side to Grape is that a new version hasn’t been released in over a year, though I suppose that isn’t so important if it wants to stay minimal in the amount of features it offers.

Open Web Analytics

free web analytics

Open Web Analytics comes in spot number 2, although it isn’t far away from first place.  OWA, as the website calls it, packs a much more powerful punch compared to Grape simply by its massive feature set. The software also features a great user interface that organizes all the different statistics that can be shown. There are lots of different statistics that can be viewed, such as the browser type, geo-location, top pages, search terms, search engines, and ad performance.

OWA also offers some nice visual graphs to represent certain statistics. I found that on all pages, a graph of the current number of visitors for the past few days is shown. I’m not sure if this can be turned off or modified. However, one can tell that much effort was put into making the information visually pleasing and easy to understand. The graphs are also clean, aside from some random entries here and there, such as “Default Browser” when listing the browser types or “Not Set” for geo-location.

Piwik Web Analytics

open source web analytics

So who took the top prize? That goes to Piwik, my personal favorite for open source web analytics tools. Piwik currently has the most extensive feature set out of the three, and is under heavy active development. One of the things Piwik is best at is integration with any site. There are many, many different frameworks such as WordPress and Joomla! that have plugins for Piwik, and for any other sites you can simply add a self-generated snippet of code to your footer.

Piwik also offers easy upgrade paths. It will notify you whenever there is an update, which can be installed with a single button, much like WordPress’s style of updating. This makes keeping up with the latest features and bugfixes super easy.

Even better, Piwik lets you set goals so you can actively try to reach those goals. There are many different parameters that you can set, so the sky’s the limit!


Indeed, there are some good choices available when it comes to open source web analytics tools. Which tool you choose is up to you and your needs. Either way, they are available and ready to make you more productive.



如果你在运作自己的网站,使用分析软件跟踪网站信息至关重要。不用这类软件,你也可以在网站上做任何事情,但那样你就不能知道网站是不是有了更多的访问者,除了查看评论的数量。当你寻找分析软件的时候,最好的选择莫过于谷歌分析(Google Analytics)不过,如果你不是谷歌或者这款工具的粉丝,不需要担心,仍然有许多的选择值得一试。


Grape Web Statistics

Grape Web Statistics 是一款十分简单的分析软件。Grape 主要面向那些觉得谷歌提供服务太多而力求简单的用户。Grape 在框架之外提供的功能不多,不过如果擅长 HTML 和 PHP开发,你可以扩展软件的功能来符合自己的需要。

open source web analytics

Grape 展示最主要的一些统计数据,包括访客数量、反向链接以及每个访客的操作系统。这些统计数据可以根据小时、天、月或者年显示。也可以选择特定的数据。

Grape 的一个缺点是已经一年多没有更新了,尽管我觉得如果想要保持同能数量的最小化,这一点倒是无足轻重。

Open Web Analytics

Open Web Analytics 虽然排在第二,但是跟第一也不分伯仲。OWA,网站这样称呼它,比起 Grape 增加了更多强大的功能,通过它大量的特性集。这款软件还有一个很有特色的界面,用于管理要显示的所有统计信息。有许多不同的统计数据可以查看,比如浏览器类型、地理位置、最多访问页面、搜索项,以及广告绩效等。

free web analytics

OWA 还提供一些直观的图形来展示某些统计数据。我发现在所有页面,都有一个最近几天的当前用户访问量图形显示。我不知道能不能把这个功能关掉或进行修改。然而你可以看到,付出了很多努力来让信息更加直观、更易理解。除开一些随处可见的随机内容,图形也很直观,例如列出浏览器类型时候的“默认浏览器”,或者查看地理位置时的“未设置”。

Piwik Web Analytics

第一的位置给谁?当然是给我最喜欢的开源网站分析工具——Piwik。Piwik 目前拥有这三个当中最丰富的功能集,而且开发进度紧凑。Piwik 最擅长的是与任何网站的集成功能,有许多许多不同的网站,比如 WordPress 和 Joomla! 都有 Piwik 插件,其他的任何站点你都可以在页面的 footer 部分添加自动生成的代码。

open source web analytics

Piwik 还提供了简单的升级途径。当有升级时它会及时提醒你,只需要点击按钮就可以安装,就像是 WordPress 的升级一样。这使得保持最新功能和问题修正超级简单。

更好的事,Piwik 允许你设置目标然后去实现。有许多的参数你都可以设置,没有任何限制。



posted @ 2013-05-17 09:08  长城的草  阅读(938)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报