实时分析WEB访问日志的工具 ApacheTop


Apachetop is a curses-based top-like display for Apache information, including requests per second, bytes per second, most popular URLs, etc.

Apachetop watches a logfile generated by Apache (in standard common or combined logformat, although it doesn't (yet) make use of any of the extra fields in combined) and generates human-parsable output in realtime.


wget http://www.webta.org/apachetop/apachetop-0.12.6.tar.gz 
tar xzvf apachetop

cd apachetop
/configure make make install


apachetop -f access.log


原文地址:FeiSan.个实时分析WEB访问日志的工具 ApacheTop.http://blog.csdn.net/feisan/article/details/2219379

posted @ 2012-11-15 13:49  长城的草  阅读(369)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报