.NET Tools 2005--小气的神



JJX 回来了,好久没有看到他了,在评测网上看到他有关Spring.NET系列的文章,才真切的感受到他似乎又回到了网络的世界,感到一丝冬天的温暖,也才感到评测网的人气J

对于IoCSpring的情况,我认为JJX一直是专家和先行的实践者,很多时候我更愿意从他那里获得疑问的解答。Don Box也提到过这方面的情况IoC/DI in Indigo,当然是因为Martin Fowler挑起了这个话题并作了研究。

对了,老外还是非常认真的,Christian Liensberger给我发来邮件,说他曾看到我在WebLog上提前过他的Object-Persistent-Framework (OPF.Net),现在有了一个新的版本叫Opf3,网址是www.opf3.com

并说” It has been redesigned from scratch and is now similar to ObjectSpaces and WinFS.”

我很愿意按他说的那样更新之前的链接和信息。其实内心里我更喜欢Wilson ORMapper.其一,ORMapper 更便宜一些,只要$50还可以拿到Source code,其二我比较喜欢ORMapper 的编程模式和设计,这么说但愿Christian Liensberger不会生气,而且在有空的时候应该问问Paul Wilson,他的ORMapper for NET FX 2.0 什么时候发表啊J Paul Wilson是一个很好的Sales,我用我的招商银行卡付了50美金,很快他就给我了邮件,服务特别好,而且还解答了我好几个使用问题J,招行的卡不错 Paul Wilson人也不错,Wilson ORMapper 也不错(haha) ---算是帮招商银行和Paul Wilson做广告吧。无论如何,我的感觉,在ORMapper这里领域,真正用在项目中的还是太少,希望以后可以看到多一些这方面的体验和描述


大家都知道WSE SP2 发布了,当然老大们也发话了--WSE2.0 可以运行在.NET FX 2.0上了

WSE 2.0 on .NET FX 2.0 - Update

.NET Framework 2.0 is still a moving target for the WSE team but things have stabilized a lot recently. We made a few tweaks inside the WSE 2.0 SP2 PreRelease plus got a few bugs fixed in the framework itself. The net result is that we believe that WSE 2.0 SP2 will run correctly on .NET Framework 2.0. Note that this only applies to 32bit mode - there's no support in WSE2 for 64bit execution.

WSE2还有不错的信息--WS-RM4WSE2 –Download下来这个源代码学习吧

Andres. WS-ReliableMessaging glue for WSE 2.0.


文章Managing Security Context Tokens in a Web Farm 也不错



VSS Remoting - The remote SourceSafe access software 这样你不用苦等到VSS 2005


还有一个工具叫VSS Connect

VssConnect is a client/server solution that provides access to a Source Safe database over a slow internet connection.  It is many times faster than accessing Visual Source Safe using an internet accessible network share and less expensive than similar products.





Ref++Visual Studio .NET的一个内插附件,它提供了C++重构功能。能完全与Visual Studio .NET 2003结合。给那些C++用户吧



Axosoft OnTime也应该值得注意一下,一个非常不错的软件缺陷跟踪和特征管理的解决方案,如果可能在你的项目使用起来吧,这样你又可以不用等到VS 2005 Team System 出来了才考虑你的bug管理问题了

BuildUtilities.NET –SendMSN之后你可以用命令符的方式将某种结果发送到MSN上,现在你还可以将DailyBuildBVT的结果继续发表到MSN上,当然SmartPhone也行有空试试吧


至于Outlook2003 SMS Add-in (MOSA) 知道就行了,不多说了。




No-agent discovery & inventory. Apps, software, system, network monitor, IT asset configuration management, correlation, reporting. Use snmp, wbem, wmi, ssh, sftp, smb, nfs, http,ftp, nmap, ldap, dns, dhcp, sql, jdbc, groovy, rest on linux, unix, windows. XML, XPath, XQuery, URI



Nagios is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of network problems before your clients, end-users or managers do. It has been designed to run under the Linux operating system, but works fine under most *NIX variants as well. The monitoring daemon runs intermittent checks on hosts and services you specify using external "plugins" which return status information to Nagios. When problems are encountered, the daemon can send notifications out to administrative contacts in a variety of different ways (email, instant message, SMS, etc.). Current status information, historical logs, and reports can all be accessed via a web browser.



Client: Netsaint Windows Client - is a plug-in used by Netsaint to monitor all kind of information on a Windows NT, 2000 or XP server.



HealthMonitor is a free powerful and featureful monitoring tool for Windows. It works as a windows Service and check system status(event viewer, disk free space, service status, performance..) and notify the administration by e-Mail, by POPUP or logging to a DB


我得承认,目前这方面还没有十分好的解决方案,当然你需要的东西永远都在明天,比如Web Services For Management Extensions (WMX), 目前看来SMS也是一个备选的方案。


最后这篇文章一定要看,一定要试,因为因为这是一个非常好的思路和开始,还因为WSE3, Indigo, SQL 2005都已经有了这方面的实现和验证,也许使用的技术不同,但这是一个非常不错的话题,Running ASMX without IIS



posted on 2004-12-06 23:17  ccBoy  阅读(2428)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
