.NET Tools 2005--小气的神


SQL 2005 Beta2 和VS 2005 Beta1安装的问题


SQL Server 2005 Installation
So the party has begun - SQL Server 2005 is released, as many out in the blog-sphere has already reported. And Whidbey (excuse me Visual studio 2005) Beta 1 is also released.
You may notice that the CLR versions of VS and SQL2K5 are different. VS is 40607.16 whereas SQL2K5 is .42. This can have consequences when installing the stuff. To be on the safe side, install SQL2K5 first followed by VS. That way the latest CLR (.42) will be installed, which SQL2K5 requires, and VS will play just nicely with this build. If you however already have installed VS, then SQL will complain about not having the right CLR version. If this is the case, un-install the CLR and then install SQL, followed by VS.
Have Fun!!
The SQL Express version that shipped with Visual Studio Beta 1 is not Beta 2. I've already discovered one difference; SQL Express can use “FOR XML” with user-defined-type columns, in Beta 2 this produces an “unsupported” error message. There is a newer version of SQL Express released on MSDN subscriptions...or install the Developer's Edition of Beta 2.

sqlaccess.dll is the in-database .NET data provider, System.Data.SqlServer. If you do any data access in .NET stored procedures, UDFs, triggers, UDTs, and UDAggregates, you are using this provider.
There is a version in Visual Studio Beta 1 (in \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies) that (I think) Visual Studio uses in its Database projects. There's a different version (the size is different by 1k) in \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\binn.
I've renamed Visual Studio's version to sqlaccess_vs.dll and copied SQL Server's version to the VS PublicAssemblies directory. I'm not exactly sure what's different yet, but am suspicious because the PublicAssemblies directory also contains ClrCppModule.dll. In SQLServer 2005 Beta 2, this piece is no longer needed to run CLR items in SQL Server.

posted on 2004-07-29 06:54  ccBoy  阅读(2958)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
