难度:★☆☆☆☆ 1星
目标网站: https://www.xfb315.com/tousu/94739696
这个网站上的api的参数都被加密成了code: xxx的格式,code的值看不懂是被加密了的:
OK,这里存好了断点书签,然后再来看栈帧,可以看到栈顶就是刚刚那个function(data)的函数,我们已经确定data就是拿到的响应了,然后getDetail就是准备发出请求的栈帧,这个时候还没有发出请求,只是构造了一个{id: "94739696"}的参数,那加密的部分肯定就在中间这两个帧了,先定位到392这一帧,打个断点看下data是什么:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 | // 在getDetail传进来的前四个参数是(再后面我也没记,应该不重要吧...): // arguments[0] = "post" // arguments[1] = "TousuDetail" // arguments[2] = {"id": "94739696"} // arguments[3] = 获取到数据之后的回调函数 c. default .prototype.$api = function (e, n, data, t, o, r) { var c = this , d = {} , _ = {}; switch (e) { case "put" : case "post" : d = data; break ; case "get" : (_ = data)._t = ht++; break ; case "delete" : _ = data } if (-1 != [ "BrandInfoToplist" , "getMultipleTopList" , "getToplistTag" , "getBrandTopList" , "Search" , "adsList" ].indexOf(n) || n !== c.$store.state.repeated) { if (c.$store.state.repeated = n, void 0 === o) { if (vt <= 0) { [ "TousuCommentList" , "ArticleDetail" ].includes(n) && (c.$store.state.detailLoading = !0), c.$store.state.isloading = !0 } vt++ } if (![ "SendSms" , "TopicDetails" , "ArticleDetail" , "UploadPic" , "TopicAnswerAdd" , "TopicAdd" , "cluesCreate" , "Create" , "UploadHeadImg" , "TousuAddComment" , "TousuReplenish" , "TousuAppraise" , "BulterStoreNew" , "TopicCommentAdd" , "TopicAnswerList" , "predictionInfo" , "predictionAdd" , "predictionShare" , "agreementAppeal" , "getApplyInfo" , "addApply" , "updateApply" ].includes(n) && Object.keys(data).length > 0) { // n是TousuDetail,并不在白名单内,所以它的参数需要被加密 // 传进来的{"id": "94739696"}被序列化为json字符串 var l = JSON.stringify(data) , // 创建了一个RSA加密的对象 A = new JSEncrypt; // 为其设置公钥,这个是写死在上面的,不确定会不会随着时间而变化 2020-11-17 19:39:04 // ........ // lt = "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" // ........ // var mt = lt A.setPublicKey(mt); // 然后把转为json字符串的参数加密传进去 // 就是前面看到的请求里样子了 var m = { // 在这个地方打断点,然后鼠标移到encrypt上,跟进去 code: A.encrypt(l) }; // 序列化 d = yt.stringify(m, { arrayFormat: "indices" }) } c.$store.commit( "setRetryCount" , 0), c.$store.commit( "setErrorCount" , 0), this .$axios({ method: e, url: ut.a[n], baseURL: c.$apiurl, data: d, params: _, responseType: "json" , validateStatus: function (e) { return e >= 200 && e < 300 }, paramsSerializer: function (e) { return yt.stringify(e, { arrayFormat: "indices" }) }, transformResponse: [ function (data) { return "string" == typeof data ? JSON.parse(data) : data } ] }).then(( function (data) { if (c.$nextTick(( function () { c.$store.state.repeated = "" , void 0 === o && --vt <= 0 && (c.$store.state.detailLoading = !1, c.$store.state.isloading = !1) } )), data.data.msg_type && 200 === data.data.msg_type) t(data.data); else if (data.data.msg_type && 203 === data.data.msg_type) c.$router.replace( "/busy" ); else { if (data.data.msg_type && 15 === data.data.msg_type) { if ( "Favours" === n) return ; return void c.$store.commit( "showEntrance" , "login" ) } if ([ "complainHelp" , "TousuResultZan" , "TousuAddCollects" , "TopicZanAdd" , "TopicCollectAdd" , "ArticleUserful" ].includes(n) && 40001 === data.data.msg_type) return t(data.data), void c.$message(data.data.msg, "warning" ); if (r) return void r(data.data); if (data.data.msg_type && 500 === data.data.msg_type) return void c.$message( "服务繁忙,请稍后再试!" , "warning" ); if (data.data.msg_type && 401 === data.data.msg_type) return c.$message( "浏览更多内容请登录!" , "warning" ), void c.$store.commit( "showEntrance" , "login" ); c.$message(data.data.msg, "warning" ) } } )) } } |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | // 补环境 const window = { navigator: { appName: "Netscape" } }; const navigator = window.navigator; ! function (t,e){ "object" == typeof exports&& "undefined" != typeof module?e(exports): "function" == typeof define&&define.amd?define([ "exports" ],e):e(t.JSEncrypt={})}( this , function (t){ "use strict" ; var e= "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; function a(t){ return e.charAt(t)} function i(t,e){ return t&e} function u(t,e){ return t|e} function r(t,e){ return t^e} function n(t,e){ return t&~e} function s(t){ if (0==t) return -1; var e=0; return 0==(65535&t)&&(t>>=16,e+=16),0==(255&t)&&(t>>=8,e+=8),0==(15&t)&&(t>>=4,e+=4),0==(3&t)&&(t>>=2,e+=2),0==(1&t)&&++e,e} function o(t){ for ( var e=0;0!=t;)t&=t-1,++e; return e} var h= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" ; function c(t){ var e,i,r= "" ; for (e=0;e+3<=t.length;e+=3)i=parseInt(t.substring(e,e+3),16),r+=h.charAt(i>>6)+h.charAt(63&i); for (e+1==t.length?(i=parseInt(t.substring(e,e+1),16),r+=h.charAt(i<<2)):e+2==t.length&&(i=parseInt(t.substring(e,e+2),16),r+=h.charAt(i>>2)+h.charAt((3&i)<<4));0<(3&r.length);)r+= "=" ; return r} function f(t){ var e,i= "" ,r=0,n=0; for (e=0;e<t.length&& "=" !=t.charAt(e);++e){ var s=h.indexOf(t.charAt(e));s<0||(0==r?(i+=a(s>>2),n=3&s,r=1):1==r?(i+=a(n<<2|s>>4),n=15&s,r=2):2==r?(i+=a(n),i+=a(s>>2),n=3&s,r=3):(i+=a(n<<2|s>>4),i+=a(15&s),r=0))} return 1==r&&(i+=a(n<<2)),i} var l,p= function (t,e){ return (p=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]} instanceof Array&& function (t,e){t.__proto__=e}|| function (t,e){ for ( var i in e)e.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(t[i]=e[i])})(t,e)}; var g,d= function (t){ var e; if (void 0===l){ var i= "0123456789ABCDEF" ,r= " \f\n\r\t \u2028\u2029" ; for (l={},e=0;e<16;++e)l[i.charAt(e)]=e; for (i=i.toLowerCase(),e=10;e<16;++e)l[i.charAt(e)]=e; for (e=0;e<r.length;++e)l[r.charAt(e)]=-1} var n=[],s=0,o=0; for (e=0;e<t.length;++e){ var h=t.charAt(e); if ( "=" ==h) break ; if (-1!=(h=l[h])){ if (void 0===h) throw new Error( "Illegal character at offset " +e);s|=h,2<=++o?(n[n.length]=s,o=s=0):s<<=4}} if (o) throw new Error( "Hex encoding incomplete: 4 bits missing" ); return n},v={decode: function (t){ var e; if (void 0===g){ var i= "= \f\n\r\t \u2028\u2029" ; for (g=Object.create( null ),e=0;e<64;++e)g[ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" .charAt(e)]=e; for (e=0;e<i.length;++e)g[i.charAt(e)]=-1} var r=[],n=0,s=0; for (e=0;e<t.length;++e){ var o=t.charAt(e); if ( "=" ==o) break ; if (-1!=(o=g[o])){ if (void 0===o) throw new Error( "Illegal character at offset " +e);n|=o,4<=++s?(r[r.length]=n>>16,r[r.length]=n>>8&255,r[r.length]=255&n,s=n=0):n<<=6}} switch (s){ case 1: throw new Error( "Base64 encoding incomplete: at least 2 bits missing" ); case 2:r[r.length]=n>>10; break ; case 3:r[r.length]=n>>16,r[r.length]=n>>8&255} return r},re:/-----BEGIN [^-]+-----([A-Za-z0-9+\/=\s]+)-----END [^-]+-----|begin-base64[^\n]+\n([A-Za-z0-9+\/=\s]+)====/,unarmor: function (t){ var e=v.re.exec(t); if (e) if (e[1])t=e[1]; else { if (!e[2]) throw new Error( "RegExp out of sync" );t=e[2]} return v.decode(t)}},m=1e13,y= function (){ function t(t){ this .buf=[+t||0]} return t.prototype.mulAdd= function (t,e){ var i,r,n= this .buf,s=n.length; for (i=0;i<s;++i)(r=n[i]*t+e)<m?e=0:r-=(e=0|r/m)*m,n[i]=r;0<e&&(n[i]=e)},t.prototype.sub= function (t){ var e,i,r= this .buf,n=r.length; for (e=0;e<n;++e)(i=r[e]-t)<0?(i+=m,t=1):t=0,r[e]=i; for (;0===r[r.length-1];)r.pop()},t.prototype.toString= function (t){ if (10!=(t||10)) throw new Error( "only base 10 is supported" ); for ( var e= this .buf,i=e[e.length-1].toString(),r=e.length-2;0<=r;--r)i+=(m+e[r]).toString().substring(1); return i},t.prototype.valueOf= function (){ for ( var t= this .buf,e=0,i=t.length-1;0<=i;--i)e=e*m+t[i]; return e},t.prototype.simplify= function (){ var t= this .buf; return 1==t.length?t[0]: this },t}(),b= "…" ,T=/^(\d\d)(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])([01]\d|2[0-3])(?:([0-5]\d)(?:([0-5]\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,3}))?)?)?(Z|[-+](?:[0]\d|1[0-2])([0-5]\d)?)?$/,S=/^(\d\d\d\d)(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])([01]\d|2[0-3])(?:([0-5]\d)(?:([0-5]\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,3}))?)?)?(Z|[-+](?:[0]\d|1[0-2])([0-5]\d)?)?$/; function E(t,e){ return t.length>e&&(t=t.substring(0,e)+b),t} var w,D= function (){ function i(t,e){ this .hexDigits= "0123456789ABCDEF" ,t instanceof i?( this .enc=t.enc, this .pos=t.pos):( this .enc=t, this .pos=e)} return i.prototype.get= function (t){ if (void 0===t&&(t= this .pos++),t>= this .enc.length) throw new Error( "Requesting byte offset " +t+ " on a stream of length " + this .enc.length); return "string" == typeof this .enc? this .enc.charCodeAt(t): this .enc[t]},i.prototype.hexByte= function (t){ return this .hexDigits.charAt(t>>4&15)+ this .hexDigits.charAt(15&t)},i.prototype.hexDump= function (t,e,i){ for ( var r= "" ,n=t;n<e;++n) if (r+= this .hexByte( this .get(n)),!0!==i) switch (15&n){ case 7:r+= " " ; break ; case 15:r+= "\n" ; break ; default :r+= " " } return r},i.prototype.isASCII= function (t,e){ for ( var i=t;i<e;++i){ var r= this .get(i); if (r<32||176<r) return !1} return !0},i.prototype.parseStringISO= function (t,e){ for ( var i= "" ,r=t;r<e;++r)i+=String.fromCharCode( this .get(r)); return i},i.prototype.parseStringUTF= function (t,e){ for ( var i= "" ,r=t;r<e;){ var n= this .get(r++);i+=n<128?String.fromCharCode(n):191<n&&n<224?String.fromCharCode((31&n)<<6|63& this .get(r++)):String.fromCharCode((15&n)<<12|(63& this .get(r++))<<6|63& this .get(r++))} return i},i.prototype.parseStringBMP= function (t,e){ for ( var i,r,n= "" ,s=t;s<e;)i= this .get(s++),r= this .get(s++),n+=String.fromCharCode(i<<8|r); return n},i.prototype.parseTime= function (t,e,i){ var r= this .parseStringISO(t,e),n=(i?T:S).exec(r); return n?(i&&(n[1]=+n[1],n[1]+=+n[1]<70?2e3:1900),r=n[1]+ "-" +n[2]+ "-" +n[3]+ " " +n[4],n[5]&&(r+= ":" +n[5],n[6]&&(r+= ":" +n[6],n[7]&&(r+= "." +n[7]))),n[8]&&(r+= " UTC" , "Z" !=n[8]&&(r+=n[8],n[9]&&(r+= ":" +n[9]))),r): "Unrecognized time: " +r},i.prototype.parseInteger= function (t,e){ for ( var i,r= this .get(t),n=127<r,s=n?255:0,o= "" ;r==s&&++t<e;)r= this .get(t); if (0===(i=e-t)) return n?-1:0; if (4<i){ for (o=r,i<<=3;0==(128&(+o^s));)o=+o<<1,--i;o= "(" +i+ " bit)\n" }n&&(r-=256); for ( var h= new y(r),a=t+1;a<e;++a)h.mulAdd(256, this .get(a)); return o+h.toString()},i.prototype.parseBitString= function (t,e,i){ for ( var r= this .get(t),n= "(" +((e-t-1<<3)-r)+ " bit)\n" ,s= "" ,o=t+1;o<e;++o){ for ( var h= this .get(o),a=o==e-1?r:0,u=7;a<=u;--u)s+=h>>u&1? "1" : "0" ; if (s.length>i) return n+E(s,i)} return n+s},i.prototype.parseOctetString= function (t,e,i){ if ( this .isASCII(t,e)) return E( this .parseStringISO(t,e),i); var r=e-t,n= "(" +r+ " byte)\n" ;(i/=2)<r&&(e=t+i); for ( var s=t;s<e;++s)n+= this .hexByte( this .get(s)); return i<r&&(n+=b),n},i.prototype.parseOID= function (t,e,i){ for ( var r= "" ,n= new y,s=0,o=t;o<e;++o){ var h= this .get(o); if (n.mulAdd(128,127&h),s+=7,!(128&h)){ if ( "" ===r) if ((n=n.simplify()) instanceof y)n.sub(80),r= "2." +n.toString(); else { var a=n<80?n<40?0:1:2;r=a+ "." +(n-40*a)} else r+= "." +n.toString(); if (r.length>i) return E(r,i);n= new y,s=0}} return 0<s&&(r+= ".incomplete" ),r},i}(),x= function (){ function c(t,e,i,r,n){ if (!(r instanceof R)) throw new Error( "Invalid tag value." ); this .stream=t, this .header=e, this .length=i, this .tag=r, this .sub=n} return c.prototype.typeName= function (){ switch ( this .tag.tagClass){ case 0: switch ( this .tag.tagNumber){ case 0: return "EOC" ; case 1: return "BOOLEAN" ; case 2: return "INTEGER" ; case 3: return "BIT_STRING" ; case 4: return "OCTET_STRING" ; case 5: return "NULL" ; case 6: return "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER" ; case 7: return "ObjectDescriptor" ; case 8: return "EXTERNAL" ; case 9: return "REAL" ; case 10: return "ENUMERATED" ; case 11: return "EMBEDDED_PDV" ; case 12: return "UTF8String" ; case 16: return "SEQUENCE" ; case 17: return "SET" ; case 18: return "NumericString" ; case 19: return "PrintableString" ; case 20: return "TeletexString" ; case 21: return "VideotexString" ; case 22: return "IA5String" ; case 23: return "UTCTime" ; case 24: return "GeneralizedTime" ; case 25: return "GraphicString" ; case 26: return "VisibleString" ; case 27: return "GeneralString" ; case 28: return "UniversalString" ; case 30: return "BMPString" } return "Universal_" + this .tag.tagNumber.toString(); case 1: return "Application_" + this .tag.tagNumber.toString(); case 2: return "[" + this .tag.tagNumber.toString()+ "]" ; case 3: return "Private_" + this .tag.tagNumber.toString()}},c.prototype.content= function (t){ if (void 0=== this .tag) return null ;void 0===t&&(t=1/0); var e= this .posContent(),i=Math.abs( this .length); if (! this .tag.isUniversal()) return null !== this .sub? "(" + this .sub.length+ " elem)" : this .stream.parseOctetString(e,e+i,t); switch ( this .tag.tagNumber){ case 1: return 0=== this .stream.get(e)? "false" : "true" ; case 2: return this .stream.parseInteger(e,e+i); case 3: return this .sub? "(" + this .sub.length+ " elem)" : this .stream.parseBitString(e,e+i,t); case 4: return this .sub? "(" + this .sub.length+ " elem)" : this .stream.parseOctetString(e,e+i,t); case 6: return this .stream.parseOID(e,e+i,t); case 16: case 17: return null !== this .sub? "(" + this .sub.length+ " elem)" : "(no elem)" ; case 12: return E( this .stream.parseStringUTF(e,e+i),t); case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 26: return E( this .stream.parseStringISO(e,e+i),t); case 30: return E( this .stream.parseStringBMP(e,e+i),t); case 23: case 24: return this .stream.parseTime(e,e+i,23== this .tag.tagNumber)} return null },c.prototype.toString= function (){ return this .typeName()+ "@" + this .stream.pos+ "[header:" + this .header+ ",length:" + this .length+ ",sub:" +( null === this .sub? "null" : this .sub.length)+ "]" },c.prototype.toPrettyString= function (t){void 0===t&&(t= "" ); var e=t+ this .typeName()+ " @" + this .stream.pos; if (0<= this .length&&(e+= "+" ),e+= this .length, this .tag.tagConstructed?e+= " (constructed)" :! this .tag.isUniversal()||3!= this .tag.tagNumber&&4!= this .tag.tagNumber|| null === this .sub||(e+= " (encapsulates)" ),e+= "\n" , null !== this .sub){t+= " " ; for ( var i=0,r= this .sub.length;i<r;++i)e+= this .sub[i].toPrettyString(t)} return e},c.prototype.posStart= function (){ return this .stream.pos},c.prototype.posContent= function (){ return this .stream.pos+ this .header},c.prototype.posEnd= function (){ return this .stream.pos+ this .header+Math.abs( this .length)},c.prototype.toHexString= function (){ return this .stream.hexDump( this .posStart(), this .posEnd(),!0)},c.decodeLength= function (t){ var e=t.get(),i=127&e; if (i==e) return i; if (6<i) throw new Error( "Length over 48 bits not supported at position " +(t.pos-1)); if (0===i) return null ; for ( var r=e=0;r<i;++r)e=256*e+t.get(); return e},c.prototype.getHexStringValue= function (){ var t= this .toHexString(),e=2* this .header,i=2* this .length; return t.substr(e,i)},c.decode= function (t){ var r;r=t instanceof D?t: new D(t,0); var e= new D(r),i= new R(r),n=c.decodeLength(r),s=r.pos,o=s-e.pos,h= null ,a= function (){ var t=[]; if ( null !==n){ for ( var e=s+n;r.pos<e;)t[t.length]=c.decode(r); if (r.pos!=e) throw new Error( "Content size is not correct for container starting at offset " +s)} else try { for (;;){ var i=c.decode(r); if (i.tag.isEOC()) break ;t[t.length]=i}n=s-r.pos} catch (t){ throw new Error( "Exception while decoding undefined length content: " +t)} return t}; if (i.tagConstructed)h=a(); else if (i.isUniversal()&&(3==i.tagNumber||4==i.tagNumber)) try { if (3==i.tagNumber&&0!=r.get()) throw new Error( "BIT STRINGs with unused bits cannot encapsulate." );h=a(); for ( var u=0;u<h.length;++u) if (h[u].tag.isEOC()) throw new Error( "EOC is not supposed to be actual content." )} catch (t){h= null } if ( null ===h){ if ( null ===n) throw new Error( "We can't skip over an invalid tag with undefined length at offset " +s);r.pos=s+Math.abs(n)} return new c(e,o,n,i,h)},c}(),R= function (){ function t(t){ var e=t.get(); if ( this .tagClass=e>>6, this .tagConstructed=0!=(32&e), this .tagNumber=31&e,31== this .tagNumber){ for ( var i= new y;e=t.get(),i.mulAdd(128,127&e),128&e;); this .tagNumber=i.simplify()}} return t.prototype.isUniversal= function (){ return 0=== this .tagClass},t.prototype.isEOC= function (){ return 0=== this .tagClass&&0=== this .tagNumber},t}(),B=[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997],A=(1<<26)/B[B.length-1],O= function (){ function b(t,e,i){ null !=t&&( "number" == typeof t? this .fromNumber(t,e,i): null ==e&& "string" != typeof t? this .fromString(t,256): this .fromString(t,e))} return b.prototype.toString= function (t){ if ( this .s<0) return "-" + this .negate().toString(t); var e; if (16==t)e=4; else if (8==t)e=3; else if (2==t)e=1; else if (32==t)e=5; else { if (4!=t) return this .toRadix(t);e=2} var i,r=(1<<e)-1,n=!1,s= "" ,o= this .t,h= this .DB-o* this .DB%e; if (0<o--) for (h< this .DB&&0<(i= this [o]>>h)&&(n=!0,s=a(i));0<=o;)h<e?(i=( this [o]&(1<<h)-1)<<e-h,i|= this [--o]>>(h+= this .DB-e)):(i= this [o]>>(h-=e)&r,h<=0&&(h+= this .DB,--o)),0<i&&(n=!0),n&&(s+=a(i)); return n?s: "0" },b.prototype.negate= function (){ var t=M(); return b.ZERO.subTo( this ,t),t},b.prototype.abs= function (){ return this .s<0? this .negate(): this },b.prototype.compareTo= function (t){ var e= this .s-t.s; if (0!=e) return e; var i= this .t; if (0!=(e=i-t.t)) return this .s<0?-e:e; for (;0<=--i;) if (0!=(e= this [i]-t[i])) return e; return 0},b.prototype.bitLength= function (){ return this .t<=0?0: this .DB*( this .t-1)+U( this [ this .t-1]^ this .s& this .DM)},b.prototype.mod= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .abs().divRemTo(t, null ,e), this .s<0&&0<e.compareTo(b.ZERO)&&t.subTo(e,e),e},b.prototype.modPowInt= function (t,e){ var i; return i=t<256||e.isEven()? new I(e): new N(e), this .exp(t,i)},b.prototype.clone= function (){ var t=M(); return this .copyTo(t),t},b.prototype.intValue= function (){ if ( this .s<0){ if (1== this .t) return this [0]- this .DV; if (0== this .t) return -1} else { if (1== this .t) return this [0]; if (0== this .t) return 0} return ( this [1]&(1<<32- this .DB)-1)<< this .DB| this [0]},b.prototype.byteValue= function (){ return 0== this .t? this .s: this [0]<<24>>24},b.prototype.shortValue= function (){ return 0== this .t? this .s: this [0]<<16>>16},b.prototype.signum= function (){ return this .s<0?-1: this .t<=0||1== this .t&& this [0]<=0?0:1},b.prototype.toByteArray= function (){ var t= this .t,e=[];e[0]= this .s; var i,r= this .DB-t* this .DB%8,n=0; if (0<t--) for (r< this .DB&&(i= this [t]>>r)!=( this .s& this .DM)>>r&&(e[n++]=i| this .s<< this .DB-r);0<=t;)r<8?(i=( this [t]&(1<<r)-1)<<8-r,i|= this [--t]>>(r+= this .DB-8)):(i= this [t]>>(r-=8)&255,r<=0&&(r+= this .DB,--t)),0!=(128&i)&&(i|=-256),0==n&&(128& this .s)!=(128&i)&&++n,(0<n||i!= this .s)&&(e[n++]=i); return e},b.prototype.equals= function (t){ return 0== this .compareTo(t)},b.prototype.min= function (t){ return this .compareTo(t)<0? this :t},b.prototype.max= function (t){ return 0< this .compareTo(t)? this :t},b.prototype.and= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .bitwiseTo(t,i,e),e},b.prototype.or= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .bitwiseTo(t,u,e),e},b.prototype.xor= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .bitwiseTo(t,r,e),e},b.prototype.andNot= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .bitwiseTo(t,n,e),e},b.prototype.not= function (){ for ( var t=M(),e=0;e< this .t;++e)t[e]= this .DM&~ this [e]; return t.t= this .t,t.s=~ this .s,t},b.prototype.shiftLeft= function (t){ var e=M(); return t<0? this .rShiftTo(-t,e): this .lShiftTo(t,e),e},b.prototype.shiftRight= function (t){ var e=M(); return t<0? this .lShiftTo(-t,e): this .rShiftTo(t,e),e},b.prototype.getLowestSetBit= function (){ for ( var t=0;t< this .t;++t) if (0!= this [t]) return t* this .DB+s( this [t]); return this .s<0? this .t* this .DB:-1},b.prototype.bitCount= function (){ for ( var t=0,e= this .s& this .DM,i=0;i< this .t;++i)t+=o( this [i]^e); return t},b.prototype.testBit= function (t){ var e=Math.floor(t/ this .DB); return e>= this .t?0!= this .s:0!=( this [e]&1<<t% this .DB)},b.prototype.setBit= function (t){ return this .changeBit(t,u)},b.prototype.clearBit= function (t){ return this .changeBit(t,n)},b.prototype.flipBit= function (t){ return this .changeBit(t,r)},b.prototype.add= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .addTo(t,e),e},b.prototype.subtract= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .subTo(t,e),e},b.prototype.multiply= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .multiplyTo(t,e),e},b.prototype.divide= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .divRemTo(t,e, null ),e},b.prototype.remainder= function (t){ var e=M(); return this .divRemTo(t, null ,e),e},b.prototype.divideAndRemainder= function (t){ var e=M(),i=M(); return this .divRemTo(t,e,i),[e,i]},b.prototype.modPow= function (t,e){ var i,r,n=t.bitLength(),s=F(1); if (n<=0) return s;i=n<18?1:n<48?3:n<144?4:n<768?5:6,r=n<8? new I(e):e.isEven()? new P(e): new N(e); var o=[],h=3,a=i-1,u=(1<<i)-1; if (o[1]=r.convert( this ),1<i){ var c=M(); for (r.sqrTo(o[1],c);h<=u;)o[h]=M(),r.mulTo(c,o[h-2],o[h]),h+=2} var f,l,p=t.t-1,g=!0,d=M(); for (n=U(t[p])-1;0<=p;){ for (a<=n?f=t[p]>>n-a&u:(f=(t[p]&(1<<n+1)-1)<<a-n,0<p&&(f|=t[p-1]>> this .DB+n-a)),h=i;0==(1&f);)f>>=1,--h; if ((n-=h)<0&&(n+= this .DB,--p),g)o[f].copyTo(s),g=!1; else { for (;1<h;)r.sqrTo(s,d),r.sqrTo(d,s),h-=2;0<h?r.sqrTo(s,d):(l=s,s=d,d=l),r.mulTo(d,o[f],s)} for (;0<=p&&0==(t[p]&1<<n);)r.sqrTo(s,d),l=s,s=d,d=l,--n<0&&(n= this .DB-1,--p)} return r.revert(s)},b.prototype.modInverse= function (t){ var e=t.isEven(); if ( this .isEven()&&e||0==t.signum()) return b.ZERO; for ( var i=t.clone(),r= this .clone(),n=F(1),s=F(0),o=F(0),h=F(1);0!=i.signum();){ for (;i.isEven();)i.rShiftTo(1,i),e?(n.isEven()&&s.isEven()||(n.addTo( this ,n),s.subTo(t,s)),n.rShiftTo(1,n)):s.isEven()||s.subTo(t,s),s.rShiftTo(1,s); for (;r.isEven();)r.rShiftTo(1,r),e?(o.isEven()&&h.isEven()||(o.addTo( this ,o),h.subTo(t,h)),o.rShiftTo(1,o)):h.isEven()||h.subTo(t,h),h.rShiftTo(1,h);0<=i.compareTo(r)?(i.subTo(r,i),e&&n.subTo(o,n),s.subTo(h,s)):(r.subTo(i,r),e&&o.subTo(n,o),h.subTo(s,h))} return 0!=r.compareTo(b.ONE)?b.ZERO:0<=h.compareTo(t)?h.subtract(t):h.signum()<0?(h.addTo(t,h),h.signum()<0?h.add(t):h):h},b.prototype.pow= function (t){ return this .exp(t, new V)},b.prototype.gcd= function (t){ var e= this .s<0? this .negate(): this .clone(),i=t.s<0?t.negate():t.clone(); if (e.compareTo(i)<0){ var r=e;e=i,i=r} var n=e.getLowestSetBit(),s=i.getLowestSetBit(); if (s<0) return e; for (n<s&&(s=n),0<s&&(e.rShiftTo(s,e),i.rShiftTo(s,i));0<e.signum();)0<(n=e.getLowestSetBit())&&e.rShiftTo(n,e),0<(n=i.getLowestSetBit())&&i.rShiftTo(n,i),0<=e.compareTo(i)?(e.subTo(i,e),e.rShiftTo(1,e)):(i.subTo(e,i),i.rShiftTo(1,i)); return 0<s&&i.lShiftTo(s,i),i},b.prototype.isProbablePrime= function (t){ var e,i= this .abs(); if (1==i.t&&i[0]<=B[B.length-1]){ for (e=0;e<B.length;++e) if (i[0]==B[e]) return !0; return !1} if (i.isEven()) return !1; for (e=1;e<B.length;){ for ( var r=B[e],n=e+1;n<B.length&&r<A;)r*=B[n++]; for (r=i.modInt(r);e<n;) if (r%B[e++]==0) return !1} return i.millerRabin(t)},b.prototype.copyTo= function (t){ for ( var e= this .t-1;0<=e;--e)t[e]= this [e];t.t= this .t,t.s= this .s},b.prototype.fromInt= function (t){ this .t=1, this .s=t<0?-1:0,0<t? this [0]=t:t<-1? this [0]=t+ this .DV: this .t=0},b.prototype.fromString= function (t,e){ var i; if (16==e)i=4; else if (8==e)i=3; else if (256==e)i=8; else if (2==e)i=1; else if (32==e)i=5; else { if (4!=e) return void this .fromRadix(t,e);i=2} this .t=0, this .s=0; for ( var r=t.length,n=!1,s=0;0<=--r;){ var o=8==i?255&+t[r]:C(t,r);o<0? "-" ==t.charAt(r)&&(n=!0):(n=!1,0==s? this [ this .t++]=o:s+i> this .DB?( this [ this .t-1]|=(o&(1<< this .DB-s)-1)<<s, this [ this .t++]=o>> this .DB-s): this [ this .t-1]|=o<<s,(s+=i)>= this .DB&&(s-= this .DB))}8==i&&0!=(128&+t[0])&&( this .s=-1,0<s&&( this [ this .t-1]|=(1<< this .DB-s)-1<<s)), this .clamp(),n&&b.ZERO.subTo( this , this )},b.prototype.clamp= function (){ for ( var t= this .s& this .DM;0< this .t&& this [ this .t-1]==t;)-- this .t},b.prototype.dlShiftTo= function (t,e){ var i; for (i= this .t-1;0<=i;--i)e[i+t]= this [i]; for (i=t-1;0<=i;--i)e[i]=0;e.t= this .t+t,e.s= this .s},b.prototype.drShiftTo= function (t,e){ for ( var i=t;i< this .t;++i)e[i-t]= this [i];e.t=Math.max( this .t-t,0),e.s= this .s},b.prototype.lShiftTo= function (t,e){ for ( var i=t% this .DB,r= this .DB-i,n=(1<<r)-1,s=Math.floor(t/ this .DB),o= this .s<<i& this .DM,h= this .t-1;0<=h;--h)e[h+s+1]= this [h]>>r|o,o=( this [h]&n)<<i; for (h=s-1;0<=h;--h)e[h]=0;e[s]=o,e.t= this .t+s+1,e.s= this .s,e.clamp()},b.prototype.rShiftTo= function (t,e){e.s= this .s; var i=Math.floor(t/ this .DB); if (i>= this .t)e.t=0; else { var r=t% this .DB,n= this .DB-r,s=(1<<r)-1;e[0]= this [i]>>r; for ( var o=i+1;o< this .t;++o)e[o-i-1]|=( this [o]&s)<<n,e[o-i]= this [o]>>r;0<r&&(e[ this .t-i-1]|=( this .s&s)<<n),e.t= this .t-i,e.clamp()}},b.prototype.subTo= function (t,e){ for ( var i=0,r=0,n=Math.min(t.t, this .t);i<n;)r+= this [i]-t[i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB; if (t.t< this .t){ for (r-=t.s;i< this .t;)r+= this [i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB;r+= this .s} else { for (r+= this .s;i<t.t;)r-=t[i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB;r-=t.s}e.s=r<0?-1:0,r<-1?e[i++]= this .DV+r:0<r&&(e[i++]=r),e.t=i,e.clamp()},b.prototype.multiplyTo= function (t,e){ var i= this .abs(),r=t.abs(),n=i.t; for (e.t=n+r.t;0<=--n;)e[n]=0; for (n=0;n<r.t;++n)e[n+i.t]=i.am(0,r[n],e,n,0,i.t);e.s=0,e.clamp(), this .s!=t.s&&b.ZERO.subTo(e,e)},b.prototype.squareTo= function (t){ for ( var e= this .abs(),i=t.t=2*e.t;0<=--i;)t[i]=0; for (i=0;i<e.t-1;++i){ var r=e.am(i,e[i],t,2*i,0,1);(t[i+e.t]+=e.am(i+1,2*e[i],t,2*i+1,r,e.t-i-1))>=e.DV&&(t[i+e.t]-=e.DV,t[i+e.t+1]=1)}0<t.t&&(t[t.t-1]+=e.am(i,e[i],t,2*i,0,1)),t.s=0,t.clamp()},b.prototype.divRemTo= function (t,e,i){ var r=t.abs(); if (!(r.t<=0)){ var n= this .abs(); if (n.t<r.t) return null !=e&&e.fromInt(0),void( null !=i&& this .copyTo(i)); null ==i&&(i=M()); var s=M(),o= this .s,h=t.s,a= this .DB-U(r[r.t-1]);0<a?(r.lShiftTo(a,s),n.lShiftTo(a,i)):(r.copyTo(s),n.copyTo(i)); var u=s.t,c=s[u-1]; if (0!=c){ var f=c*(1<< this .F1)+(1<u?s[u-2]>> this .F2:0),l= this .FV/f,p=(1<< this .F1)/f,g=1<< this .F2,d=i.t,v=d-u,m= null ==e?M():e; for (s.dlShiftTo(v,m),0<=i.compareTo(m)&&(i[i.t++]=1,i.subTo(m,i)),b.ONE.dlShiftTo(u,m),m.subTo(s,s);s.t<u;)s[s.t++]=0; for (;0<=--v;){ var y=i[--d]==c? this .DM:Math.floor(i[d]*l+(i[d-1]+g)*p); if ((i[d]+=s.am(0,y,i,v,0,u))<y) for (s.dlShiftTo(v,m),i.subTo(m,i);i[d]<--y;)i.subTo(m,i)} null !=e&&(i.drShiftTo(u,e),o!=h&&b.ZERO.subTo(e,e)),i.t=u,i.clamp(),0<a&&i.rShiftTo(a,i),o<0&&b.ZERO.subTo(i,i)}}},b.prototype.invDigit= function (){ if ( this .t<1) return 0; var t= this [0]; if (0==(1&t)) return 0; var e=3&t; return 0<(e=(e=(e=(e=e*(2-(15&t)*e)&15)*(2-(255&t)*e)&255)*(2-((65535&t)*e&65535))&65535)*(2-t*e% this .DV)% this .DV)? this .DV-e:-e},b.prototype.isEven= function (){ return 0==(0< this .t?1& this [0]: this .s)},b.prototype.exp= function (t,e){ if (4294967295<t||t<1) return b.ONE; var i=M(),r=M(),n=e.convert( this ),s=U(t)-1; for (n.copyTo(i);0<=--s;) if (e.sqrTo(i,r),0<(t&1<<s))e.mulTo(r,n,i); else { var o=i;i=r,r=o} return e.revert(i)},b.prototype.chunkSize= function (t){ return Math.floor(Math.LN2* this .DB/Math.log(t))},b.prototype.toRadix= function (t){ if ( null ==t&&(t=10),0== this .signum()||t<2||36<t) return "0" ; var e= this .chunkSize(t),i=Math.pow(t,e),r=F(i),n=M(),s=M(),o= "" ; for ( this .divRemTo(r,n,s);0<n.signum();)o=(i+s.intValue()).toString(t).substr(1)+o,n.divRemTo(r,n,s); return s.intValue().toString(t)+o},b.prototype.fromRadix= function (t,e){ this .fromInt(0), null ==e&&(e=10); for ( var i= this .chunkSize(e),r=Math.pow(e,i),n=!1,s=0,o=0,h=0;h<t.length;++h){ var a=C(t,h);a<0? "-" ==t.charAt(h)&&0== this .signum()&&(n=!0):(o=e*o+a,++s>=i&&( this .dMultiply(r), this .dAddOffset(o,0),o=s=0))}0<s&&( this .dMultiply(Math.pow(e,s)), this .dAddOffset(o,0)),n&&b.ZERO.subTo( this , this )},b.prototype.fromNumber= function (t,e,i){ if ( "number" == typeof e) if (t<2) this .fromInt(1); else for ( this .fromNumber(t,i), this .testBit(t-1)|| this .bitwiseTo(b.ONE.shiftLeft(t-1),u, this ), this .isEven()&& this .dAddOffset(1,0);! this .isProbablePrime(e);) this .dAddOffset(2,0), this .bitLength()>t&& this .subTo(b.ONE.shiftLeft(t-1), this ); else { var r=[],n=7&t;r.length=1+(t>>3),e.nextBytes(r),0<n?r[0]&=(1<<n)-1:r[0]=0, this .fromString(r,256)}},b.prototype.bitwiseTo= function (t,e,i){ var r,n,s=Math.min(t.t, this .t); for (r=0;r<s;++r)i[r]=e( this [r],t[r]); if (t.t< this .t){ for (n=t.s& this .DM,r=s;r< this .t;++r)i[r]=e( this [r],n);i.t= this .t} else { for (n= this .s& this .DM,r=s;r<t.t;++r)i[r]=e(n,t[r]);i.t=t.t}i.s=e( this .s,t.s),i.clamp()},b.prototype.changeBit= function (t,e){ var i=b.ONE.shiftLeft(t); return this .bitwiseTo(i,e,i),i},b.prototype.addTo= function (t,e){ for ( var i=0,r=0,n=Math.min(t.t, this .t);i<n;)r+= this [i]+t[i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB; if (t.t< this .t){ for (r+=t.s;i< this .t;)r+= this [i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB;r+= this .s} else { for (r+= this .s;i<t.t;)r+=t[i],e[i++]=r& this .DM,r>>= this .DB;r+=t.s}e.s=r<0?-1:0,0<r?e[i++]=r:r<-1&&(e[i++]= this .DV+r),e.t=i,e.clamp()},b.prototype.dMultiply= function (t){ this [ this .t]= this .am(0,t-1, this ,0,0, this .t),++ this .t, this .clamp()},b.prototype.dAddOffset= function (t,e){ if (0!=t){ for (; this .t<=e;) this [ this .t++]=0; for ( this [e]+=t; this [e]>= this .DV;) this [e]-= this .DV,++e>= this .t&&( this [ this .t++]=0),++ this [e]}},b.prototype.multiplyLowerTo= function (t,e,i){ var r=Math.min( this .t+t.t,e); for (i.s=0,i.t=r;0<r;)i[--r]=0; for ( var n=i.t- this .t;r<n;++r)i[r+ this .t]= this .am(0,t[r],i,r,0, this .t); for (n=Math.min(t.t,e);r<n;++r) this .am(0,t[r],i,r,0,e-r);i.clamp()},b.prototype.multiplyUpperTo= function (t,e,i){--e; var r=i.t= this .t+t.t-e; for (i.s=0;0<=--r;)i[r]=0; for (r=Math.max(e- this .t,0);r<t.t;++r)i[ this .t+r-e]= this .am(e-r,t[r],i,0,0, this .t+r-e);i.clamp(),i.drShiftTo(1,i)},b.prototype.modInt= function (t){ if (t<=0) return 0; var e= this .DV%t,i= this .s<0?t-1:0; if (0< this .t) if (0==e)i= this [0]%t; else for ( var r= this .t-1;0<=r;--r)i=(e*i+ this [r])%t; return i},b.prototype.millerRabin= function (t){ var e= this .subtract(b.ONE),i=e.getLowestSetBit(); if (i<=0) return !1; var r=e.shiftRight(i);B.length<(t=t+1>>1)&&(t=B.length); for ( var n=M(),s=0;s<t;++s){n.fromInt(B[Math.floor(Math.random()*B.length)]); var o=n.modPow(r, this ); if (0!=o.compareTo(b.ONE)&&0!=o.compareTo(e)){ for ( var h=1;h++<i&&0!=o.compareTo(e);) if (0==(o=o.modPowInt(2, this )).compareTo(b.ONE)) return !1; if (0!=o.compareTo(e)) return !1}} return !0},b.prototype.square= function (){ var t=M(); return this .squareTo(t),t},b.prototype.gcda= function (t,e){ var i= this .s<0? this .negate(): this .clone(),r=t.s<0?t.negate():t.clone(); if (i.compareTo(r)<0){ var n=i;i=r,r=n} var s=i.getLowestSetBit(),o=r.getLowestSetBit(); if (o<0)e(i); else {s<o&&(o=s),0<o&&(i.rShiftTo(o,i),r.rShiftTo(o,r)); var h= function (){0<(s=i.getLowestSetBit())&&i.rShiftTo(s,i),0<(s=r.getLowestSetBit())&&r.rShiftTo(s,r),0<=i.compareTo(r)?(i.subTo(r,i),i.rShiftTo(1,i)):(r.subTo(i,r),r.rShiftTo(1,r)),0<i.signum()?setTimeout(h,0):(0<o&&r.lShiftTo(o,r),setTimeout( function (){e(r)},0))};setTimeout(h,10)}},b.prototype.fromNumberAsync= function (t,e,i,r){ if ( "number" == typeof e) if (t<2) this .fromInt(1); else { this .fromNumber(t,i), this .testBit(t-1)|| this .bitwiseTo(b.ONE.shiftLeft(t-1),u, this ), this .isEven()&& this .dAddOffset(1,0); var n= this ,s= function (){n.dAddOffset(2,0),n.bitLength()>t&&n.subTo(b.ONE.shiftLeft(t-1),n),n.isProbablePrime(e)?setTimeout( function (){r()},0):setTimeout(s,0)};setTimeout(s,0)} else { var o=[],h=7&t;o.length=1+(t>>3),e.nextBytes(o),0<h?o[0]&=(1<<h)-1:o[0]=0, this .fromString(o,256)}},b}(),V= function (){ function t(){} return t.prototype.convert= function (t){ return t},t.prototype.revert= function (t){ return t},t.prototype.mulTo= function (t,e,i){t.multiplyTo(e,i)},t.prototype.sqrTo= function (t,e){t.squareTo(e)},t}(),I= function (){ function t(t){ this .m=t} return t.prototype.convert= function (t){ return t.s<0||0<=t.compareTo( this .m)?t.mod( this .m):t},t.prototype.revert= function (t){ return t},t.prototype.reduce= function (t){t.divRemTo( this .m, null ,t)},t.prototype.mulTo= function (t,e,i){t.multiplyTo(e,i), this .reduce(i)},t.prototype.sqrTo= function (t,e){t.squareTo(e), this .reduce(e)},t}(),N= function (){ function t(t){ this .m=t, this .mp=t.invDigit(), this .mpl=32767& this .mp, this .mph= this .mp>>15, this .um=(1<<t.DB-15)-1, this .mt2=2*t.t} return t.prototype.convert= function (t){ var e=M(); return t.abs().dlShiftTo( this .m.t,e),e.divRemTo( this .m, null ,e),t.s<0&&0<e.compareTo(O.ZERO)&& this .m.subTo(e,e),e},t.prototype.revert= function (t){ var e=M(); return t.copyTo(e), this .reduce(e),e},t.prototype.reduce= function (t){ for (;t.t<= this .mt2;)t[t.t++]=0; for ( var e=0;e< this .m.t;++e){ var i=32767&t[e],r=i* this .mpl+((i* this .mph+(t[e]>>15)* this .mpl& this .um)<<15)&t.DM; for (t[i=e+ this .m.t]+= this .m.am(0,r,t,e,0, this .m.t);t[i]>=t.DV;)t[i]-=t.DV,t[++i]++}t.clamp(),t.drShiftTo( this .m.t,t),0<=t.compareTo( this .m)&&t.subTo( this .m,t)},t.prototype.mulTo= function (t,e,i){t.multiplyTo(e,i), this .reduce(i)},t.prototype.sqrTo= function (t,e){t.squareTo(e), this .reduce(e)},t}(),P= function (){ function t(t){ this .m=t, this .r2=M(), this .q3=M(),O.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*t.t, this .r2), this .mu= this .r2.divide(t)} return t.prototype.convert= function (t){ if (t.s<0||t.t>2* this .m.t) return t.mod( this .m); if (t.compareTo( this .m)<0) return t; var e=M(); return t.copyTo(e), this .reduce(e),e},t.prototype.revert= function (t){ return t},t.prototype.reduce= function (t){ for (t.drShiftTo( this .m.t-1, this .r2),t.t> this .m.t+1&&(t.t= this .m.t+1,t.clamp()), this .mu.multiplyUpperTo( this .r2, this .m.t+1, this .q3), this .m.multiplyLowerTo( this .q3, this .m.t+1, this .r2);t.compareTo( this .r2)<0;)t.dAddOffset(1, this .m.t+1); for (t.subTo( this .r2,t);0<=t.compareTo( this .m);)t.subTo( this .m,t)},t.prototype.mulTo= function (t,e,i){t.multiplyTo(e,i), this .reduce(i)},t.prototype.sqrTo= function (t,e){t.squareTo(e), this .reduce(e)},t}(); function M(){ return new O( null )} function q(t,e){ return new O(t,e)} "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ==navigator.appName?(O.prototype.am= function (t,e,i,r,n,s){ for ( var o=32767&e,h=e>>15;0<=--s;){ var a=32767& this [t],u= this [t++]>>15,c=h*a+u*o;n=((a=o*a+((32767&c)<<15)+i[r]+(1073741823&n))>>>30)+(c>>>15)+h*u+(n>>>30),i[r++]=1073741823&a} return n},w=30): "Netscape" !=navigator.appName?(O.prototype.am= function (t,e,i,r,n,s){ for (;0<=--s;){ var o=e* this [t++]+i[r]+n;n=Math.floor(o/67108864),i[r++]=67108863&o} return n},w=26):(O.prototype.am= function (t,e,i,r,n,s){ for ( var o=16383&e,h=e>>14;0<=--s;){ var a=16383& this [t],u= this [t++]>>14,c=h*a+u*o;n=((a=o*a+((16383&c)<<14)+i[r]+n)>>28)+(c>>14)+h*u,i[r++]=268435455&a} return n},w=28),O.prototype.DB=w,O.prototype.DM=(1<<w)-1,O.prototype.DV=1<<w;O.prototype.FV=Math.pow(2,52),O.prototype.F1=52-w,O.prototype.F2=2*w-52; var j,L,H=[]; for (j= "0" .charCodeAt(0),L=0;L<=9;++L)H[j++]=L; for (j= "a" .charCodeAt(0),L=10;L<36;++L)H[j++]=L; for (j= "A" .charCodeAt(0),L=10;L<36;++L)H[j++]=L; function C(t,e){ var i=H[t.charCodeAt(e)]; return null ==i?-1:i} function F(t){ var e=M(); return e.fromInt(t),e} function U(t){ var e,i=1; return 0!=(e=t>>>16)&&(t=e,i+=16),0!=(e=t>>8)&&(t=e,i+=8),0!=(e=t>>4)&&(t=e,i+=4),0!=(e=t>>2)&&(t=e,i+=2),0!=(e=t>>1)&&(t=e,i+=1),i}O.ZERO=F(0),O.ONE=F(1); var K= function (){ function t(){ this .i=0, this .j=0, this .S=[]} return t.prototype.init= function (t){ var e,i,r; for (e=0;e<256;++e) this .S[e]=e; for (e=i=0;e<256;++e)i=i+ this .S[e]+t[e%t.length]&255,r= this .S[e], this .S[e]= this .S[i], this .S[i]=r; this .i=0, this .j=0},t.prototype.next= function (){ var t; return this .i= this .i+1&255, this .j= this .j+ this .S[ this .i]&255,t= this .S[ this .i], this .S[ this .i]= this .S[ this .j], this .S[ this .j]=t, this .S[t+ this .S[ this .i]&255]},t}(); var k,_,z=256,Z= null ; if ( null ==Z){Z=[]; var G=void(_=0); if (window.crypto&&window.crypto.getRandomValues){ var $= new Uint32Array(256); for (window.crypto.getRandomValues($),G=0;G<$.length;++G)Z[_++]=255&$[G]} var Y= function (t){ if ( this .count= this .count||0,256<= this .count||z<=_)window.removeEventListener?window.removeEventListener( "mousemove" ,Y,!1):window.detachEvent&&window.detachEvent( "onmousemove" ,Y); else try { var e=t.x+t.y;Z[_++]=255&e, this .count+=1} catch (t){}};window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener( "mousemove" ,Y,!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent( "onmousemove" ,Y)} function J(){ if ( null ==k){ for (k= new K;_<z;){ var t=Math.floor(65536*Math.random());Z[_++]=255&t} for (k.init(Z),_=0;_<Z.length;++_)Z[_]=0;_=0} return k.next()} var X= function (){ function t(){} return t.prototype.nextBytes= function (t){ for ( var e=0;e<t.length;++e)t[e]=J()},t}(); var Q= function (){ function t(){ this .n= null , this .e=0, this .d= null , this .p= null , this .q= null , this .dmp1= null , this .dmq1= null , this .coeff= null } return t.prototype.doPublic= function (t){ return t.modPowInt( this .e, this .n)},t.prototype.doPrivate= function (t){ if ( null == this .p|| null == this .q) return t.modPow( this .d, this .n); for ( var e=t.mod( this .p).modPow( this .dmp1, this .p),i=t.mod( this .q).modPow( this .dmq1, this .q);e.compareTo(i)<0;)e=e.add( this .p); return e.subtract(i).multiply( this .coeff).mod( this .p).multiply( this .q).add(i)},t.prototype.setPublic= function (t,e){ null !=t&& null !=e&&0<t.length&&0<e.length?( this .n=q(t,16), this .e=parseInt(e,16)):console.error( "Invalid RSA public key" )},t.prototype.encrypt= function (t){ var e= function (t,e){ if (e<t.length+11) return console.error( "Message too long for RSA" ), null ; for ( var i=[],r=t.length-1;0<=r&&0<e;){ var n=t.charCodeAt(r--);n<128?i[--e]=n:127<n&&n<2048?(i[--e]=63&n|128,i[--e]=n>>6|192):(i[--e]=63&n|128,i[--e]=n>>6&63|128,i[--e]=n>>12|224)}i[--e]=0; for ( var s= new X,o=[];2<e;){ for (o[0]=0;0==o[0];)s.nextBytes(o);i[--e]=o[0]} return i[--e]=2,i[--e]=0, new O(i)}(t, this .n.bitLength()+7>>3); if ( null ==e) return null ; var i= this .doPublic(e); if ( null ==i) return null ; var r=i.toString(16); return 0==(1&r.length)?r: "0" +r},t.prototype.setPrivate= function (t,e,i){ null !=t&& null !=e&&0<t.length&&0<e.length?( this .n=q(t,16), this .e=parseInt(e,16), this .d=q(i,16)):console.error( "Invalid RSA private key" )},t.prototype.setPrivateEx= function (t,e,i,r,n,s,o,h){ null !=t&& null !=e&&0<t.length&&0<e.length?( this .n=q(t,16), this .e=parseInt(e,16), this .d=q(i,16), this .p=q(r,16), this .q=q(n,16), this .dmp1=q(s,16), this .dmq1=q(o,16), this .coeff=q(h,16)):console.error( "Invalid RSA private key" )},t.prototype.generate= function (t,e){ var i= new X,r=t>>1; this .e=parseInt(e,16); for ( var n= new O(e,16);;){ for (; this .p= new O(t-r,1,i),0!= this .p.subtract(O.ONE).gcd(n).compareTo(O.ONE)||! this .p.isProbablePrime(10);); for (; this .q= new O(r,1,i),0!= this .q.subtract(O.ONE).gcd(n).compareTo(O.ONE)||! this .q.isProbablePrime(10);); if ( this .p.compareTo( this .q)<=0){ var s= this .p; this .p= this .q, this .q=s} var o= this .p.subtract(O.ONE),h= this .q.subtract(O.ONE),a=o.multiply(h); if (0==a.gcd(n).compareTo(O.ONE)){ this .n= this .p.multiply( this .q), this .d=n.modInverse(a), this .dmp1= this .d.mod(o), this .dmq1= this .d.mod(h), this .coeff= this .q.modInverse( this .p); break }}},t.prototype.decrypt= function (t){ var e=q(t,16),i= this .doPrivate(e); return null ==i? null : function (t,e){ var i=t.toByteArray(),r=0; for (;r<i.length&&0==i[r];)++r; if (i.length-r!=e-1||2!=i[r]) return null ;++r; for (;0!=i[r];) if (++r>=i.length) return null ; var n= "" ; for (;++r<i.length;){ var s=255&i[r];s<128?n+=String.fromCharCode(s):191<s&&s<224?(n+=String.fromCharCode((31&s)<<6|63&i[r+1]),++r):(n+=String.fromCharCode((15&s)<<12|(63&i[r+1])<<6|63&i[r+2]),r+=2)} return n}(i, this .n.bitLength()+7>>3)},t.prototype.generateAsync= function (t,e,n){ var s= new X,o=t>>1; this .e=parseInt(e,16); var h= new O(e,16),a= this ,u= function (){ var e= function (){ if (a.p.compareTo(a.q)<=0){ var t=a.p;a.p=a.q,a.q=t} var e=a.p.subtract(O.ONE),i=a.q.subtract(O.ONE),r=e.multiply(i);0==r.gcd(h).compareTo(O.ONE)?(a.n=a.p.multiply(a.q),a.d=h.modInverse(r),a.dmp1=a.d.mod(e),a.dmq1=a.d.mod(i),a.coeff=a.q.modInverse(a.p),setTimeout( function (){n()},0)):setTimeout(u,0)},i= function (){a.q=M(),a.q.fromNumberAsync(o,1,s, function (){a.q.subtract(O.ONE).gcda(h, function (t){0==t.compareTo(O.ONE)&&a.q.isProbablePrime(10)?setTimeout(e,0):setTimeout(i,0)})})},r= function (){a.p=M(),a.p.fromNumberAsync(t-o,1,s, function (){a.p.subtract(O.ONE).gcda(h, function (t){0==t.compareTo(O.ONE)&&a.p.isProbablePrime(10)?setTimeout(i,0):setTimeout(r,0)})})};setTimeout(r,0)};setTimeout(u,0)},t.prototype.sign= function (t,e,i){ var r= function (t,e){ if (e<t.length+22) return console.error( "Message too long for RSA" ), null ; for ( var i=e-t.length-6,r= "" ,n=0;n<i;n+=2)r+= "ff" ; return q( "0001" +r+ "00" +t,16)}((W[i]|| "" )+e(t).toString(), this .n.bitLength()/4); if ( null ==r) return null ; var n= this .doPrivate(r); if ( null ==n) return null ; var s=n.toString(16); return 0==(1&s.length)?s: "0" +s},t.prototype.verify= function (t,e,i){ var r=q(e,16),n= this .doPublic(r); return null ==n? null : function (t){ for ( var e in W) if (W.hasOwnProperty(e)){ var i=W[e],r=i.length; if (t.substr(0,r)==i) return t.substr(r)} return t}(n.toString(16).replace(/^1f+00/, "" ))==i(t).toString()},t}(); var W={md2: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020205000410" ,md5: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410" ,sha1: "3021300906052b0e03021a05000414" ,sha224: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c" ,sha256: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420" ,sha384: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430" ,sha512: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440" ,ripemd160: "3021300906052b2403020105000414" }; var tt={};tt.lang={extend: function (t,e,i){ if (!e||!t) throw new Error( "YAHOO.lang.extend failed, please check that all dependencies are included." ); var r= function (){}; if (r.prototype=e.prototype,t.prototype= new r,(t.prototype.constructor=t).superclass=e.prototype,e.prototype.constructor==Object.prototype.constructor&&(e.prototype.constructor=e),i){ var n; for (n in i)t.prototype[n]=i[n]; var s= function (){},o=[ "toString" , "valueOf" ]; try {/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(s= function (t,e){ for (n=0;n<o.length;n+=1){ var i=o[n],r=e[i]; "function" == typeof r&&r!=Object.prototype[i]&&(t[i]=r)}})} catch (t){}s(t.prototype,i)}}}; var et={};void 0!==et.asn1&&et.asn1||(et.asn1={}),et.asn1.ASN1Util= new function (){ this .integerToByteHex= function (t){ var e=t.toString(16); return e.length%2==1&&(e= "0" +e),e}, this .bigIntToMinTwosComplementsHex= function (t){ var e=t.toString(16); if ( "-" !=e.substr(0,1))e.length%2==1?e= "0" +e:e.match(/^[0-7]/)||(e= "00" +e); else { var i=e.substr(1).length;i%2==1?i+=1:e.match(/^[0-7]/)||(i+=2); for ( var r= "" ,n=0;n<i;n++)r+= "f" ;e= new O(r,16).xor(t).add(O.ONE).toString(16).replace(/^-/, "" )} return e}, this .getPEMStringFromHex= function (t,e){ return hextopem(t,e)}, this .newObject= function (t){ var e=et.asn1,i=e.DERBoolean,r=e.DERInteger,n=e.DERBitString,s=e.DEROctetString,o=e.DERNull,h=e.DERObjectIdentifier,a=e.DEREnumerated,u=e.DERUTF8String,c=e.DERNumericString,f=e.DERPrintableString,l=e.DERTeletexString,p=e.DERIA5String,g=e.DERUTCTime,d=e.DERGeneralizedTime,v=e.DERSequence,m=e.DERSet,y=e.DERTaggedObject,b=e.ASN1Util.newObject,T=Object.keys(t); if (1!=T.length) throw "key of param shall be only one." ; var S=T[0]; if (-1== ":bool:int:bitstr:octstr:null:oid:enum:utf8str:numstr:prnstr:telstr:ia5str:utctime:gentime:seq:set:tag:" .indexOf( ":" +S+ ":" )) throw "undefined key: " +S; if ( "bool" ==S) return new i(t[S]); if ( "int" ==S) return new r(t[S]); if ( "bitstr" ==S) return new n(t[S]); if ( "octstr" ==S) return new s(t[S]); if ( "null" ==S) return new o(t[S]); if ( "oid" ==S) return new h(t[S]); if ( "enum" ==S) return new a(t[S]); if ( "utf8str" ==S) return new u(t[S]); if ( "numstr" ==S) return new c(t[S]); if ( "prnstr" ==S) return new f(t[S]); if ( "telstr" ==S) return new l(t[S]); if ( "ia5str" ==S) return new p(t[S]); if ( "utctime" ==S) return new g(t[S]); if ( "gentime" ==S) return new d(t[S]); if ( "seq" ==S){ for ( var E=t[S],w=[],D=0;D<E.length;D++){ var x=b(E[D]);w.push(x)} return new v({array:w})} if ( "set" ==S){ for (E=t[S],w=[],D=0;D<E.length;D++){x=b(E[D]);w.push(x)} return new m({array:w})} if ( "tag" ==S){ var R=t[S]; if ( "[object Array]" ===Object.prototype.toString.call(R)&&3==R.length){ var B=b(R[2]); return new y({tag:R[0],explicit:R[1],obj:B})} var A={}; if (void 0!==R.explicit&&(A.explicit=R.explicit),void 0!==R.tag&&(A.tag=R.tag),void 0===R.obj) throw "obj shall be specified for 'tag'." ; return A.obj=b(R.obj), new y(A)}}, this .jsonToASN1HEX= function (t){ return this .newObject(t).getEncodedHex()}},et.asn1.ASN1Util.oidHexToInt= function (t){ for ( var e= "" ,i=parseInt(t.substr(0,2),16),r=(e=Math.floor(i/40)+ "." +i%40, "" ),n=2;n<t.length;n+=2){ var s=( "00000000" +parseInt(t.substr(n,2),16).toString(2)).slice(-8); if (r+=s.substr(1,7), "0" ==s.substr(0,1))e=e+ "." + new O(r,2).toString(10),r= "" } return e},et.asn1.ASN1Util.oidIntToHex= function (t){ var h= function (t){ var e=t.toString(16); return 1==e.length&&(e= "0" +e),e},e= function (t){ var e= "" ,i= new O(t,10).toString(2),r=7-i.length%7;7==r&&(r=0); for ( var n= "" ,s=0;s<r;s++)n+= "0" ;i=n+i; for (s=0;s<i.length-1;s+=7){ var o=i.substr(s,7);s!=i.length-7&&(o= "1" +o),e+=h(parseInt(o,2))} return e}; if (!t.match(/^[0-9.]+$/)) throw "malformed oid string: " +t; var i= "" ,r=t.split( "." ),n=40*parseInt(r[0])+parseInt(r[1]);i+=h(n),r.splice(0,2); for ( var s=0;s<r.length;s++)i+=e(r[s]); return i},et.asn1.ASN1Object= function (){ this .getLengthHexFromValue= function (){ if (void 0=== this .hV|| null == this .hV) throw "this.hV is null or undefined." ; if ( this .hV.length%2==1) throw "value hex must be even length: n=" + "" .length+ ",v=" + this .hV; var t= this .hV.length/2,e=t.toString(16); if (e.length%2==1&&(e= "0" +e),t<128) return e; var i=e.length/2; if (15<i) throw "ASN.1 length too long to represent by 8x: n = " +t.toString(16); return (128+i).toString(16)+e}, this .getEncodedHex= function (){ return ( null == this .hTLV|| this .isModified)&&( this .hV= this .getFreshValueHex(), this .hL= this .getLengthHexFromValue(), this .hTLV= this .hT+ this .hL+ this .hV, this .isModified=!1), this .hTLV}, this .getValueHex= function (){ return this .getEncodedHex(), this .hV}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return "" }},et.asn1.DERAbstractString= function (t){et.asn1.DERAbstractString.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .getString= function (){ return this .s}, this .setString= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .s=t, this .hV=stohex( this .s)}, this .setStringHex= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .s= null , this .hV=t}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&( "string" == typeof t? this .setString(t):void 0!==t.str? this .setString(t.str):void 0!==t.hex&& this .setStringHex(t.hex))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERAbstractString,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERAbstractTime= function (t){et.asn1.DERAbstractTime.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .localDateToUTC= function (t){ return utc=t.getTime()+6e4*t.getTimezoneOffset(), new Date(utc)}, this .formatDate= function (t,e,i){ var r= this .zeroPadding,n= this .localDateToUTC(t),s=String(n.getFullYear()); "utc" ==e&&(s=s.substr(2,2)); var o=s+r(String(n.getMonth()+1),2)+r(String(n.getDate()),2)+r(String(n.getHours()),2)+r(String(n.getMinutes()),2)+r(String(n.getSeconds()),2); if (!0===i){ var h=n.getMilliseconds(); if (0!=h){ var a=r(String(h),3);o=o+ "." +(a=a.replace(/[0]+$/, "" ))}} return o+ "Z" }, this .zeroPadding= function (t,e){ return t.length>=e?t: new Array(e-t.length+1).join( "0" )+t}, this .getString= function (){ return this .s}, this .setString= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .s=t, this .hV=stohex(t)}, this .setByDateValue= function (t,e,i,r,n,s){ var o= new Date(Date.UTC(t,e-1,i,r,n,s,0)); this .setByDate(o)}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV}},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERAbstractTime,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERAbstractStructured= function (t){et.asn1.DERAbstractString.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .setByASN1ObjectArray= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .asn1Array=t}, this .appendASN1Object= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .asn1Array.push(t)}, this .asn1Array= new Array,void 0!==t&&void 0!==t.array&&( this .asn1Array=t.array)},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERAbstractStructured,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERBoolean= function (){et.asn1.DERBoolean.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "01" , this .hTLV= "0101ff" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERBoolean,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERInteger= function (t){et.asn1.DERInteger.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "02" , this .setByBigInteger= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .hV=et.asn1.ASN1Util.bigIntToMinTwosComplementsHex(t)}, this .setByInteger= function (t){ var e= new O(String(t),10); this .setByBigInteger(e)}, this .setValueHex= function (t){ this .hV=t}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&(void 0!==t.bigint? this .setByBigInteger(t.bigint):void 0!==t.int? this .setByInteger(t.int): "number" == typeof t? this .setByInteger(t):void 0!==t.hex&& this .setValueHex(t.hex))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERInteger,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERBitString= function (t){ if (void 0!==t&&void 0!==t.obj){ var e=et.asn1.ASN1Util.newObject(t.obj);t.hex= "00" +e.getEncodedHex()}et.asn1.DERBitString.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "03" , this .setHexValueIncludingUnusedBits= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .hV=t}, this .setUnusedBitsAndHexValue= function (t,e){ if (t<0||7<t) throw "unused bits shall be from 0 to 7: u = " +t; var i= "0" +t; this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .hV=i+e}, this .setByBinaryString= function (t){ var e=8-(t=t.replace(/0+$/, "" )).length%8;8==e&&(e=0); for ( var i=0;i<=e;i++)t+= "0" ; var r= "" ; for (i=0;i<t.length-1;i+=8){ var n=t.substr(i,8),s=parseInt(n,2).toString(16);1==s.length&&(s= "0" +s),r+=s} this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .hV= "0" +e+r}, this .setByBooleanArray= function (t){ for ( var e= "" ,i=0;i<t.length;i++)1==t[i]?e+= "1" :e+= "0" ; this .setByBinaryString(e)}, this .newFalseArray= function (t){ for ( var e= new Array(t),i=0;i<t;i++)e[i]=!1; return e}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&( "string" == typeof t&&t.toLowerCase().match(/^[0-9a-f]+$/)? this .setHexValueIncludingUnusedBits(t):void 0!==t.hex? this .setHexValueIncludingUnusedBits(t.hex):void 0!==t.bin? this .setByBinaryString(t.bin):void 0!==t.array&& this .setByBooleanArray(t.array))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERBitString,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DEROctetString= function (t){ if (void 0!==t&&void 0!==t.obj){ var e=et.asn1.ASN1Util.newObject(t.obj);t.hex=e.getEncodedHex()}et.asn1.DEROctetString.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "04" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DEROctetString,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERNull= function (){et.asn1.DERNull.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "05" , this .hTLV= "0500" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERNull,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier= function (t){ var h= function (t){ var e=t.toString(16); return 1==e.length&&(e= "0" +e),e},s= function (t){ var e= "" ,i= new O(t,10).toString(2),r=7-i.length%7;7==r&&(r=0); for ( var n= "" ,s=0;s<r;s++)n+= "0" ;i=n+i; for (s=0;s<i.length-1;s+=7){ var o=i.substr(s,7);s!=i.length-7&&(o= "1" +o),e+=h(parseInt(o,2))} return e};et.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "06" , this .setValueHex= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .s= null , this .hV=t}, this .setValueOidString= function (t){ if (!t.match(/^[0-9.]+$/)) throw "malformed oid string: " +t; var e= "" ,i=t.split( "." ),r=40*parseInt(i[0])+parseInt(i[1]);e+=h(r),i.splice(0,2); for ( var n=0;n<i.length;n++)e+=s(i[n]); this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .s= null , this .hV=e}, this .setValueName= function (t){ var e=et.asn1.x509.OID.name2oid(t); if ( "" ===e) throw "DERObjectIdentifier oidName undefined: " +t; this .setValueOidString(e)}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&( "string" == typeof t?t.match(/^[0-2].[0-9.]+$/)? this .setValueOidString(t): this .setValueName(t):void 0!==t.oid? this .setValueOidString(t.oid):void 0!==t.hex? this .setValueHex(t.hex):void 0!==t.name&& this .setValueName(t.name))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DEREnumerated= function (t){et.asn1.DEREnumerated.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "0a" , this .setByBigInteger= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .hV=et.asn1.ASN1Util.bigIntToMinTwosComplementsHex(t)}, this .setByInteger= function (t){ var e= new O(String(t),10); this .setByBigInteger(e)}, this .setValueHex= function (t){ this .hV=t}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&(void 0!==t.int? this .setByInteger(t.int): "number" == typeof t? this .setByInteger(t):void 0!==t.hex&& this .setValueHex(t.hex))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DEREnumerated,et.asn1.ASN1Object),et.asn1.DERUTF8String= function (t){et.asn1.DERUTF8String.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "0c" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERUTF8String,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERNumericString= function (t){et.asn1.DERNumericString.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "12" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERNumericString,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERPrintableString= function (t){et.asn1.DERPrintableString.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "13" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERPrintableString,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERTeletexString= function (t){et.asn1.DERTeletexString.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "14" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERTeletexString,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERIA5String= function (t){et.asn1.DERIA5String.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "16" },tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERIA5String,et.asn1.DERAbstractString),et.asn1.DERUTCTime= function (t){et.asn1.DERUTCTime.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "17" , this .setByDate= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .date=t, this .s= this .formatDate( this .date, "utc" ), this .hV=stohex( this .s)}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return void 0=== this .date&&void 0=== this .s&&( this .date= new Date, this .s= this .formatDate( this .date, "utc" ), this .hV=stohex( this .s)), this .hV},void 0!==t&&(void 0!==t.str? this .setString(t.str): "string" == typeof t&&t.match(/^[0-9]{12}Z$/)? this .setString(t):void 0!==t.hex? this .setStringHex(t.hex):void 0!==t.date&& this .setByDate(t.date))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERUTCTime,et.asn1.DERAbstractTime),et.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime= function (t){et.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "18" , this .withMillis=!1, this .setByDate= function (t){ this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0, this .date=t, this .s= this .formatDate( this .date, "gen" , this .withMillis), this .hV=stohex( this .s)}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return void 0=== this .date&&void 0=== this .s&&( this .date= new Date, this .s= this .formatDate( this .date, "gen" , this .withMillis), this .hV=stohex( this .s)), this .hV},void 0!==t&&(void 0!==t.str? this .setString(t.str): "string" == typeof t&&t.match(/^[0-9]{14}Z$/)? this .setString(t):void 0!==t.hex? this .setStringHex(t.hex):void 0!==t.date&& this .setByDate(t.date),!0===t.millis&&( this .withMillis=!0))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime,et.asn1.DERAbstractTime),et.asn1.DERSequence= function (t){et.asn1.DERSequence.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "30" , this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ for ( var t= "" ,e=0;e< this .asn1Array.length;e++){t+= this .asn1Array[e].getEncodedHex()} return this .hV=t, this .hV}},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERSequence,et.asn1.DERAbstractStructured),et.asn1.DERSet= function (t){et.asn1.DERSet.superclass.constructor.call( this ,t), this .hT= "31" , this .sortFlag=!0, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ for ( var t= new Array,e=0;e< this .asn1Array.length;e++){ var i= this .asn1Array[e];t.push(i.getEncodedHex())} return 1== this .sortFlag&&t.sort(), this .hV=t.join( "" ), this .hV},void 0!==t&&void 0!==t.sortflag&&0==t.sortflag&&( this .sortFlag=!1)},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERSet,et.asn1.DERAbstractStructured),et.asn1.DERTaggedObject= function (t){et.asn1.DERTaggedObject.superclass.constructor.call( this ), this .hT= "a0" , this .hV= "" , this .isExplicit=!0, this .asn1Object= null , this .setASN1Object= function (t,e,i){ this .hT=e, this .isExplicit=t, this .asn1Object=i, this .isExplicit?( this .hV= this .asn1Object.getEncodedHex(), this .hTLV= null , this .isModified=!0):( this .hV= null , this .hTLV=i.getEncodedHex(), this .hTLV= this .hTLV.replace(/^../,e), this .isModified=!1)}, this .getFreshValueHex= function (){ return this .hV},void 0!==t&&(void 0!==t.tag&&( this .hT=t.tag),void 0!==t.explicit&&( this .isExplicit=t.explicit),void 0!==t.obj&&( this .asn1Object=t.obj, this .setASN1Object( this .isExplicit, this .hT, this .asn1Object)))},tt.lang.extend(et.asn1.DERTaggedObject,et.asn1.ASN1Object); var it= function (i){ function r(t){ var e=i.call( this )|| this ; return t&&( "string" == typeof t?e.parseKey(t):(r.hasPrivateKeyProperty(t)||r.hasPublicKeyProperty(t))&&e.parsePropertiesFrom(t)),e} return function (t,e){ function i(){ this .constructor=t}p(t,e),t.prototype= null ===e?Object.create(e):(i.prototype=e.prototype, new i)}(r,i),r.prototype.parseKey= function (t){ try { var e=0,i=0,r=/^\s*(?:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\s*)+$/.test(t)?d(t):v.unarmor(t),n=x.decode(r); if (3===n.sub.length&&(n=n.sub[2].sub[0]),9===n.sub.length){e=n.sub[1].getHexStringValue(), this .n=q(e,16),i=n.sub[2].getHexStringValue(), this .e=parseInt(i,16); var s=n.sub[3].getHexStringValue(); this .d=q(s,16); var o=n.sub[4].getHexStringValue(); this .p=q(o,16); var h=n.sub[5].getHexStringValue(); this .q=q(h,16); var a=n.sub[6].getHexStringValue(); this .dmp1=q(a,16); var u=n.sub[7].getHexStringValue(); this .dmq1=q(u,16); var c=n.sub[8].getHexStringValue(); this .coeff=q(c,16)} else { if (2!==n.sub.length) return !1; var f=n.sub[1].sub[0];e=f.sub[0].getHexStringValue(), this .n=q(e,16),i=f.sub[1].getHexStringValue(), this .e=parseInt(i,16)} return !0} catch (t){ return !1}},r.prototype.getPrivateBaseKey= function (){ var t={array:[ new et.asn1.DERInteger({int:0}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .n}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({int: this .e}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .d}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .p}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .q}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .dmp1}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .dmq1}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .coeff})]}; return new et.asn1.DERSequence(t).getEncodedHex()},r.prototype.getPrivateBaseKeyB64= function (){ return c( this .getPrivateBaseKey())},r.prototype.getPublicBaseKey= function (){ var t= new et.asn1.DERSequence({array:[ new et.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier({oid: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" }), new et.asn1.DERNull]}),e= new et.asn1.DERSequence({array:[ new et.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this .n}), new et.asn1.DERInteger({int: this .e})]}),i= new et.asn1.DERBitString({hex: "00" +e.getEncodedHex()}); return new et.asn1.DERSequence({array:[t,i]}).getEncodedHex()},r.prototype.getPublicBaseKeyB64= function (){ return c( this .getPublicBaseKey())},r.wordwrap= function (t,e){ if (!t) return t; var i= "(.{1," +(e=e||64)+ "})( +|$\n?)|(.{1," +e+ "})" ; return t.match(RegExp(i, "g" )).join( "\n" )},r.prototype.getPrivateKey= function (){ var t= "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" ; return t+=r.wordwrap( this .getPrivateBaseKeyB64())+ "\n" ,t+= "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" },r.prototype.getPublicKey= function (){ var t= "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" ; return t+=r.wordwrap( this .getPublicBaseKeyB64())+ "\n" ,t+= "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" },r.hasPublicKeyProperty= function (t){ return (t=t||{}).hasOwnProperty( "n" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "e" )},r.hasPrivateKeyProperty= function (t){ return (t=t||{}).hasOwnProperty( "n" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "e" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "d" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "p" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "q" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "dmp1" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "dmq1" )&&t.hasOwnProperty( "coeff" )},r.prototype.parsePropertiesFrom= function (t){ this .n=t.n, this .e=t.e,t.hasOwnProperty( "d" )&&( this .d=t.d, this .p=t.p, this .q=t.q, this .dmp1=t.dmp1, this .dmq1=t.dmq1, this .coeff=t.coeff)},r}(Q),rt= function (){ function t(t){t=t||{}, this .default_key_size=parseInt(t.default_key_size,10)||1024, this .default_public_exponent=t.default_public_exponent|| "010001" , this .log=t.log||!1, this .key= null } return t.prototype.setKey= function (t){ this .log&& this .key&&console.warn( "A key was already set, overriding existing." ), this .key= new it(t)},t.prototype.setPrivateKey= function (t){ this .setKey(t)},t.prototype.setPublicKey= function (t){ this .setKey(t)},t.prototype.decrypt= function (t){ try { return this .getKey().decrypt(f(t))} catch (t){ return !1}},t.prototype.encrypt= function (t){ try { return c( this .getKey().encrypt(t))} catch (t){ return !1}},t.prototype.sign= function (t,e,i){ try { return c( this .getKey().sign(t,e,i))} catch (t){ return !1}},t.prototype.verify= function (t,e,i){ try { return this .getKey().verify(t,f(e),i)} catch (t){ return !1}},t.prototype.getKey= function (t){ if (! this .key){ if ( this .key= new it,t&& "[object Function]" ==={}.toString.call(t)) return void this .key.generateAsync( this .default_key_size, this .default_public_exponent,t); this .key.generate( this .default_key_size, this .default_public_exponent)} return this .key},t.prototype.getPrivateKey= function (){ return this .getKey().getPrivateKey()},t.prototype.getPrivateKeyB64= function (){ return this .getKey().getPrivateBaseKeyB64()},t.prototype.getPublicKey= function (){ return this .getKey().getPublicKey()},t.prototype.getPublicKeyB64= function (){ return this .getKey().getPublicBaseKeyB64()},t.version= "3.0.0-rc.1" ,t}();window.JSEncrypt=rt,t.JSEncrypt=rt,t. default =rt,Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule" ,{value:!0})}); function encryptToCode(passwd) { const o = new window.JSEncrypt(); const publicKey = "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" ; o.setPublicKey(publicKey); return o.encrypt(passwd); } console.log(encryptToCode( "cc" ) |
加密逻辑已经理清楚了,接下来就是编码实现就可以了,确定了扣出来的js没问题,还可以试下用python的rsa加密看看可以不,如果可以的话说明是标准的rsa加密(有些会魔改故意坑人),那么就不需要再调用js文件了,直接用python的rsa加密库即可,那js文件就用不到了就白扣了 :)
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 | #!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 """ @author: CC11001100 """ import base64 import functools import json import execjs import requests from Cryptodome.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA def login(username, passwd): """ 登录 :param username: :param passwd: :return: """ data = { "mobile" : username, "password" : passwd, "source_type" : 0 } data = encrypt_to_code(data) print (f "login data = {data}" ) url = "https://api2.xfb315.com/v6.5.1/login" r = requests.post(url, data = data) print (r.status_code) print (r.json()) def get_tousu(tousu_id): """ 获取投诉详情 :param tousu_id: :return: """ url = f "https://api2.xfb315.com/v6.5.1/complaint/detailinfo" data = { "id" : tousu_id } data = encrypt_to_code(data) headers = { # 必须要带的,否则不返回东西 "source" : "pc" , # 可以不带 "user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36" , } print (f "get tousu data = {data}" ) r = requests.post(url, data = data, headers = headers) print (r.status_code) print (r.json()) def encrypt_to_code(json_table): s = json.dumps(json_table) # 废弃,不再执行js获取 # code = load_js_context().call("encryptToCode", s) # 标准的rsa调python的库就可以了 public_key = "MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA6j0DsaBPHiW4GOAOihZL0jzh7seoj8IKlRSj3fj6TJked/OAhC7Q0AdVdHIeXQrEQ2Y2z6BSul0gkNi0rg+b2Ugf8dZG3qGe7gyv1midmTZgmIdgr17VlYPpo0HRMu+2K3u/lpfeVInyR9IWv+0z6+PztcxnlmcxH/if4GKFVFacpM6U2iPgLRbqlLafASMGW4VpffPGLYLCR9x69FgJJLsMqfbqsqwZEWOl/eEoS846D6mQmh7Wm8XtFwbDGjFgGrExA6tFl17DxbLJZIQvnmezG4jN5pxcDZX+ViuFhJNA0CIvA/nlnkd80mZMEkHKLF6MtxzuZZPMb9YRZyhgk0gy+5P7rlFP1jDj9aHbgB79ZFQwdsmrtRUuPWk6VwtwUXcn8AyanFrB+Y4Ti9M0ReQl+qV96ANbcZxberBfjsPZ/2g34ei1yYKqTZZu6AYnK42hAQ0Fx2toVHH7JUY3FO1Hnz6v4eZXr0+6x6EwKSV1B1xHwTIkJ8AW2kJYfgARFpPLGWvrDEom1IrAVe0VEBR9BNrplF8sNptyl7IQjChtePD7MKTY4ZoURmJihNF59zIdwDcnYSJ2zA615L0iYW7yJlRNNfVVZJLkhjoIiJOx5rj8ZI+OowFtdWXfvz5aC5clqd3SNvBZw+aRsD8f+CIoALPTrNr4dTNrzapDnM8CAwEAAQ==" rsa_key = RSA.import_key(base64.b64decode(public_key)) cipher = PKCS1_v1_5.new(rsa_key) code = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(s.encode(encoding = "UTF-8" ))) return { "code" : code } @functools .lru_cache(maxsize = 1 ) def load_js_context(): with open ( "./encrypt.js" , encoding = "UTF-8" ) as f: js_code = f.read() return execjs. compile (js_code) if __name__ = = "__main__" : login( "13791488888" , "ccIs0KccIs0K" ) get_tousu( "94739696" ) |
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