IBM 看到的blog如何 存储在redis种
var ArticleHelper = function () { this.ArticleIDSet = "AIDSet"; // 存放文章 ID 的集合 this.ArticleIDPrefix = "Article"; // 文章 KEY 前缀 this.CommentIDPrefix = "Comment"; // 评论 KEY 前缀 }; ArticleHelper.prototype.getArticleIDs = function(){ var that = this; var promise = ArticleMySQLHelper.getIDs().then(function (artis) { if(artis.length == 0 ) { return null; } var _ = []; artis.forEach( function(arti) { _.push(redis.zaddAsync(that.ArticleIDSet, [1, arti.ID])); } ); return Q.all(_); }); return promise; }; //取数据 ArticleHelper.prototype.getArticle = function(id){ var that = this; var promise = redis.hgetallAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id).then(function(res) { if (res == null) { return ArticleMySQLHelper.getOne(id).then(function(article) { return redis.hmsetAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id, article). then(function(res) { return Q.resolve(article); }); }); } else { return Q.resolve(res); } }); return promise; } //获取评论 ArticleHelper.prototype.getComment = function(id) { var that = this; var promise = redis.zrangeAsync(that.CommentIDPrefix+id, [0, -1]).then(function(res) { if (res == null) { var p = ArticleMySQLHelper.getComments(id).then(function(cmmts) { var _ = []; cmmts.forEach(function(cmmt) { _.push(redis.zaddAsync(that.CommentIDPrefix+id,[cmmt.index, cmmt.body])); }); return Q.all(_); }); return p; } else { return Q.resolve(res); } }) return promise; } //添加评论 ArticleHelper.prototype.addComment = function(id, comment) { var that = this; var promise = ArticleMySQLHelper.saveComment(id, comment).then(function(res){ return redis.expireAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id, [0]); }); return promise; }; //评论过期 ArticleHelper.prototype.getArticleExpire = function(id) { var that = this; var promise = redis.hgetallAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id).then(function(res) { if (res == null) { return ArticleMySQLHelper.getOne(id).then(function(article) { return redis.hmsetAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id, article).then(function(res) { return redis.expireAsync(that.ArticleIDPrefix+id, 3600*2); }).then(function(){ return Q.resolve(article); }); }); } else { return Q.resolve(res); } }); return promise; } ####这是用到的redis 命令 zadd zrange hgetall hget hmset hmget expire