

chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
Then you can start a separate client Chrome instance, using a distinct user profile: chrome.exe --user-data-dir=<some directory>

Now you can navigate to the given port from your client and attach to any of the discovered tabs for debugging: http://localhost:9222

You will find the Developer Tools interface identical to the embedded one and here is why:

  • When you navigate your client browser to the remote's Chrome port, Developer Tools front-end is being served from the host Chrome as a Web Application from the Web Server.
  • It fetches HTML, JavaScript and CSS files over HTTP
  • Once loaded, Developer Tools establishes a Web Socket connection to its host and starts exchanging JSON messages with it.

In this scenario, you can substitute Developer Tools front-end with your own implementation. Instead of navigating to the HTML page at http://localhost:9222, your application can discover available pages by requesting: http://localhost:9222/json and getting a JSON object with information about inspectable pages along with the WebSocket addresses that you could use in order to start instrumenting them. See the HTTP Endpoints section below for more.


posted on 2019-02-19 16:27  bug_x  阅读(304)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报