delphi  XE,Berlin

[dcc32 Error] Unit9.pas(93): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical

function ReadProcessMemory(hProcess: THandle; const lpBaseAddress: Pointer; lpBuffer: Pointer;
  nSize: SIZE_T; var lpNumberOfBytesRead: SIZE_T): BOOL; stdcall;
{$EXTERNALSYM ReadProcessMemory}
function WriteProcessMemory(hProcess: THandle; const lpBaseAddress: Pointer; lpBuffer: Pointer;
  nSize: SIZE_T; var lpNumberOfBytesWritten: SIZE_T): BOOL; stdcall;


lpNumberOfBytesRead: SIZE_T用dwBytesWriten: THandle;类型就可以了。
posted on 2016-09-19 12:13  lypzxy  阅读(1993)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报