Firemonkey下的ScrollBox 拖拽控制,滚动控制,拖拽,滚动条
scrlbx.AniCalculations.TouchTracking := [System.UITypes.ttVertical];
StringGrid1.AniCalculations.TouchTracking :=[];
AniCalculations.BoundsAnimation := false;
Allows you to set various parameters that control the inertial scrolling effect animation.
AniCalculations keeps a TScrollCalculations object created by CreateAniCalculations. Using properties of this object you can programmatically set values for inertial scrolling properties in order to emulate on the current platform the inertial scrolling behavior typical for other platforms. For example, you can select the emulation of the iOS scrolling behavior under Windows and vice-versa. TScrollCalculations is the descendant of the TAniCalculations class, which provides methods to calculate parameters of the inertial scrolling.
By using AniCalculations you can set:
- Whether the scrolling is animated (via the TAniCalculations.Animation property).
- The deceleration rate of the inertial scrolling (via the TAniCalculations.DecelerationRate property).
- Whether the inertial scrolling is bound to the area (via the TAniCalculations.BoundsAnimation property).
- Whether the scrolling bars appear automatically when the scroll action is initiated (via the TAniCalculations.AutoShowing property).
- Whether the scrolling bars are hidden automatically when they are not needed (via the TAniCalculations.Shown property).
- other properties of the TScrollCalculations object.
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