BluetoothLE Server

To create a server to expose or publish standard services:

  1. Place a TBluetoothLE component in your project.
  2. Use the GetGattServer method to publish Bluetooth Low Energy services.
  3. Use the CreateService method from the TBluetoothGattServer class to create the service using the standard UUID.
  4. Use the CreateCharacteristic method from the TBluetoothGattServer class to create the characteristics for the service using the standard UUIDs.
  5. Use the AddService method to add the service to the Gatt server.
  6. The OnCharacteristicReadRequest event handler fires when the server receives a reading request from the client device.
  7. The OnCharacteristicWriteRequest event handler fires when the server receives a writing request from the client device.

Bluetooth Improvements

posted on 2015-11-18 21:09  lypzxy  阅读(442)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报