#include <System.RegularExpressions.hpp>
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { const String bigString = "Look for a the strings in this strang of strungs."; const String littlestring = "(str)([iau]ng)"; TRegEx *regex; TGroupCollection mygrps; regex = new TRegEx(littlestring); mycoll = regex->Matches(bigString); Edit1->Text = "Count: " + IntToStr(mycoll.Count); Memo1->Lines->Add("First Collection: "); for (int i=0; i < mycoll.Count; i++) { Memo1->Lines->Add("Match #" + IntToStr(i) + ": " + mycoll.Item[i].Value); Memo1->Lines->Add("Group: " + IntToStr(i)); mygrps = mycoll.Item[i].Groups; for (int j=0; j < mygrps.Count; j++) Memo1->Lines->Add("Value: " + mygrps.Item[j].Value); }; }
sql server 字符串 正则表达式
and dm like '[0-9]%'
and dm like '[A-z]%'