void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { //Getting the current color of the workspace String currentPropColor = GetEnumProp(this,"Color"); int currentColorInt = StrToInt(currentPropColor); //Getting the first button align enum and, if different, //setting it to alLeft String currentAlignProp = GetEnumProp(Button1, "Align"); if (currentAlignProp != "alLeft") { SetEnumProp(Button1, "Align", "alLeft"); } //Checking if the form background color was set. if(currentColorInt < 0) { currentColorInt = GetSysColor(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE); } //Setting the form background color as the negative value //of the current background color SetEnumProp(this, "Color", IntToStr((int)(clWhite - currentColorInt))); } void __fastcall TForm2::Button2Click(TObject *Sender) { int p[5] = {clYellow, clGreen, clRed, clBlue, clBlack}; SetEnumProp(this, "Color", IntToStr(p[random(5)])); //Getting the second button align enum and, if different, //setting it to alRight String currentAlignProp = GetEnumProp(Button2, "Align"); if (currentAlignProp != "alRight") { SetEnumProp(Button2, "Align", "alRight"); } }