Delphi2010以后增加了新的RTTI信息,也就是通过RTTI可以在运行时获取/调用对象的公开成员或者函数. ScriptControl可以添加外部的对象,这个对象是个IDispatch接口,脚本调用的时候实际上是调用IDispatch的Invoke方法. 那么我们只要实现了IDispatch的Invoke方法,在里面通过RTTI再转而调用Delphi对象的Public方法即可.通过这个可以代理任何Delphi的对象.
仅仅调用Delphi对象似乎还不够完美,对象事件如果能关联到脚本的函数就更好了.那好,封装一个事件代理的类就可以. 例子如下:
procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Fscript := CreateScriptControl(); // 把Form1当成一个对象添加到Script中 Fscript . AddObject(Self . Name, SA(Self), true ); Fscript . AddCode( 'function Form1_OnMouseMove(Sender, shift, x, y)' // + '{' // 在JS里面直接调用Form1上的任何Public的东西就都可以了,JS里面几乎没有类型的概念.事件的参数随便.计算也随便 + 'Form1.Button1.Caption = "x:"+x+";"+"y:"+y +";" + "shift:" + shift;' // + '}' // + 'function Button1_Click(Sender)' // + '{' //调用Delphi对象的方法 + 'Form1.SetBounds(0,0,800,480);' // + '}' // ); //关联Delphi的事件到JS的函数 Self . OnMouseMove := TEventDispatch . Create<TMouseMoveEvent>(Self, Fscript, 'Form1_OnMouseMove' ); Button1 . OnClick := TEventDispatch . Create<TNotifyEvent>(Button1, Fscript, 'Button1_Click' ); end ; |
看上去很爽吧. 不过这个仅供我自己玩的,代码实现的比较毛糙,也没有经过严格的测试,甚至自己也没从头到尾再检查一次.如果有需要实用的朋友最好谨慎,肯定有细节问题要解决. 另外这个ScriptControl仅仅有32位的,在64位Windows上的system32里面并没有这个DLL,仅仅在SysWow64中才有.也就是说如果你要开发64位Windows程序就不能用了.当然如果是在64位Windows中运行的32位程序则没问题.
{ 让Delphi使用windows自带的scriptcontrol,在javascript中可以调用delphi的对象, 并且可以使用事件. wr960204武稀松 2013 } unit ScriptObjectUtilsWithRTTI; interface { 是否使用外部的MSScriptControl_TLB单元.我把这个单元的接口声明都放在后面了, 可以避免引入ActiveX等单元 如果觉得我的声明太旧或者有问题,可以打开这个开关,使用外部自己Import生成的单元 } { .$DEFINE Use_External_TLB } { 这个开关是使用LoadLibrary方式加载COM DLL,也就及时COM组件没有注册也可以创建COM对象 } {$DEFINE COMOBJ_FROMDLL} uses {$IFDEF Use_External_TLB} MSScriptControl_TLB, { $ENDIF } System . ObjAuto, System . Classes, System . RTTI, System . Variants, Winapi . Windows, Winapi . ActiveX, System . TypInfo; type {$REGION 'MSScriptControl_TLB'} {$IFDEF Use_External_TLB} IScriptControl = MSScriptControl_TLB . IScriptControl; { $ELSE } ScriptControlStates = TOleEnum; IScriptModuleCollection = IDispatch; IScriptError = IDispatch; IScriptProcedureCollection = IDispatch; IScriptControl = interface (IDispatch) [ '{0E59F1D3-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}' ] function Get_Language: WideString ; safecall; procedure Set_Language( const pbstrLanguage: WideString ); safecall; function Get_State: ScriptControlStates; safecall; procedure Set_State(pssState: ScriptControlStates); safecall; procedure Set_SitehWnd(phwnd: Integer ); safecall; function Get_SitehWnd: Integer ; safecall; function Get_Timeout: Integer ; safecall; procedure Set_Timeout(plMilleseconds: Integer ); safecall; function Get_AllowUI: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_AllowUI(pfAllowUI: WordBool); safecall; function Get_UseSafeSubset: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_UseSafeSubset(pfUseSafeSubset: WordBool); safecall; function Get_Modules: IScriptModuleCollection; safecall; function Get_Error: IScriptError; safecall; function Get_CodeObject: IDispatch; safecall; function Get_Procedures: IScriptProcedureCollection; safecall; procedure _AboutBox; safecall; procedure AddObject( const Name: WideString ; const Object_: IDispatch; AddMembers: WordBool); safecall; procedure Reset; safecall; procedure AddCode( const Code: WideString ); safecall; function Eval( const Expression: WideString ): OleVariant; safecall; procedure ExecuteStatement( const Statement: WideString ); safecall; function Run( const ProcedureName: WideString ; var Parameters: PSafeArray) : OleVariant; safecall; property Language: WideString read Get_Language write Set_Language; property State: ScriptControlStates read Get_State write Set_State; property SitehWnd: Integer read Get_SitehWnd write Set_SitehWnd; property Timeout: Integer read Get_Timeout write Set_Timeout; property AllowUI: WordBool read Get_AllowUI write Set_AllowUI; property UseSafeSubset: WordBool read Get_UseSafeSubset write Set_UseSafeSubset; property Modules: IScriptModuleCollection read Get_Modules; property Error: IScriptError read Get_Error; property CodeObject: IDispatch read Get_CodeObject; property Procedures: IScriptProcedureCollection read Get_Procedures; end ; { $ENDIF } {$ENDREGION 'MSScriptControl_TLB'} { 事件代理的泛型类,可以把Delphi的事件映射到Javascript的函数上. 注意,这是一个TComponent的派生类.如果不指定Ownder的话要手工释放的. } TEventDispatch = class (TComponent) private FScriptControl: IScriptControl; FScriptFuncName: string ; FInternalDispatcher: TMethod; FRttiContext: TRttiContext; FRttiType: TRttiMethodType; procedure InternalInvoke(Params: PParameters; StackSize: Integer ); function ValueToVariant(Value: TValue): Variant; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; ATTypeInfo: PTypeInfo); reintroduce; overload; public class function Create<T>(AOwner: TComponent; ScriptControl: IScriptControl; ScriptFuncName: String ): T; reintroduce; overload; destructor Destroy; override; end ; { 很普通,创建一个MSWindows自带的ScriptControl实例,默认脚本是Javascript } function CreateScriptControl(ScriptName: String = 'javascript' ): IScriptControl; { 创建对象的IDispatch的代理, Owned表示这个IDispatch拥有代理对象的生杀大权,当代理的IDispatch 释放的时候这个Obj也会被释放掉 } function SA(Obj: TObject; Owned: Boolean ): IDispatch; overload; { 创建对象的IDispatch的代理 } function SA(Obj: TObject): IDispatch; overload; implementation uses {$IFNDEF COMOBJ_FROMDLL} System . Win . ComObj, { $ENDIF } System . SysUtils; function CreateScriptControl(ScriptName: String ): IScriptControl; const CLASS_ScriptControl: TGUID = '{0E59F1D5-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}' ; {$IFDEF COMOBJ_FROMDLL} MSSCRIPTMODULE = 'msscript.ocx' ; var DllGetClassObject: function ( const clsid, IID: TGUID; var Obj) : HRESULT; stdcall; ClassFactory: IClassFactory; hLibInst: HMODULE; hr: HRESULT; begin Result := nil ; hLibInst := GetModuleHandle(MSSCRIPTMODULE); if hLibInst = 0 then hLibInst := LoadLibrary(MSSCRIPTMODULE); if hLibInst = 0 then Exit; DllGetClassObject := GetProcAddress(hLibInst, 'DllGetClassObject' ); if Assigned(DllGetClassObject) then begin hr := DllGetClassObject(CLASS_ScriptControl, IClassFactory, ClassFactory); if hr = S_OK then begin hr := ClassFactory . CreateInstance( nil , IScriptControl, Result); if (hr = S_OK) and (Result <> nil ) then Result . Language := ScriptName; end ; end ; end ; { $ELSE } begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_ScriptControl) as IScriptControl; if Result <> nil then Result . Language := ScriptName; end ; { $ENDIF } type TDispatchKind = (dkMethod, dkProperty, dkSubComponent); TDispatchInfo = record Instance: TObject; case Kind: TDispatchKind of dkMethod: (MethodInfo: TRttiMethod); dkProperty: (PropInfo: TRttiProperty); dkSubComponent: (ComponentInfo: NativeInt); end ; TDispatchInfos = array of TDispatchInfo; { IDispatch代理类.通过RTTI可以把Delphi对象的成员/属性/函数映射给IDispatch. 而且忽略调用协议. } TScriptObjectAdapter = class (TInterfacedObject, IDispatch) private // FRttiContext: TRttiContext; FRttiType: TRttiType; FDispatchInfoCount: Integer ; FDispatchInfos: TDispatchInfos; FComponentNames: TStrings; FInstance: TObject; FOwned: Boolean ; function AllocDispID(AKind: TDispatchKind; Value: Pointer ; AInstance: TObject): TDispID; protected property Instance: TObject read FInstance; public { IDispatch } function GetIDsOfNames( const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer ; NameCount: Integer ; LocaleID: Integer ; DispIDs: Pointer ): HRESULT; virtual; stdcall; function GetTypeInfo(Index: Integer ; LocaleID: Integer ; out TypeInfo) : HRESULT; stdcall; function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer ): HRESULT; stdcall; function Invoke(DispID: Integer ; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer ; Flags: Word ; var Params; VarResult: Pointer ; ExcepInfo: Pointer ; ArgErr: Pointer ): HRESULT; virtual; stdcall; public constructor Create(Instance: TObject; Owned: Boolean = False ); destructor Destroy; override; end ; function SA(Obj: TObject; Owned: Boolean ): IDispatch; begin Result := TScriptObjectAdapter . Create(Obj, Owned); end ; function SA(Obj: TObject): IDispatch; begin Result := TScriptObjectAdapter . Create(Obj, False ); end ; const ofDispIDOffset = 100 ; { TScriptObjectAdapter } function TScriptObjectAdapter . AllocDispID(AKind: TDispatchKind; Value: Pointer ; AInstance: TObject): TDispID; var I: Integer ; dispatchInfo: TDispatchInfo; begin for I := FDispatchInfoCount - 1 downto 0 do with FDispatchInfos[I] do if (Kind = AKind) and (MethodInfo = Value) then begin // Already have a dispid for this methodinfo Result := ofDispIDOffset + I; Exit; end ; if FDispatchInfoCount = Length(FDispatchInfos) then SetLength(FDispatchInfos, Length(FDispatchInfos) + 10 ); Result := ofDispIDOffset + FDispatchInfoCount; with dispatchInfo do begin Instance := AInstance; Kind := AKind; MethodInfo := Value; end ; FDispatchInfos[FDispatchInfoCount] := dispatchInfo; Inc(FDispatchInfoCount); end ; constructor TScriptObjectAdapter . Create(Instance: TObject; Owned: Boolean ); begin inherited Create; FComponentNames := TStringList . Create; FInstance := Instance; FOwned := Owned; FRttiContext := TRttiContext . Create; FRttiType := FRttiContext . GetType(FInstance . ClassType); end ; destructor TScriptObjectAdapter . Destroy; begin if FOwned then FInstance . Free; FRttiContext . Free; FComponentNames . Free; inherited Destroy; end ; function TScriptObjectAdapter . GetIDsOfNames( const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer ; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer ; DispIDs: Pointer ): HRESULT; type PNames = ^TNames; TNames = array [ 0 .. 100 ] of POleStr; PDispIDs = ^TDispIDs; TDispIDs = array [ 0 .. 100 ] of Cardinal ; var Name: String ; MethodInfo: TRttiMethod; PropertInfo: TRttiProperty; ComponentInfo: TComponent; lDispId: TDispID; begin Result := S_OK; lDispId := - 1 ; Name := WideCharToString(PNames(Names)^[ 0 ]); MethodInfo := FRttiType . GetMethod(Name); // MethodInfo.Invoke(FInstance, ['']); if MethodInfo <> nil then begin lDispId := AllocDispID(dkMethod, MethodInfo, FInstance); end else begin PropertInfo := FRttiType . GetProperty(Name); if PropertInfo <> nil then begin lDispId := AllocDispID(dkProperty, PropertInfo, FInstance); end else if FInstance is TComponent then begin ComponentInfo := TComponent(FInstance).FindComponent(Name); if ComponentInfo <> nil then begin lDispId := AllocDispID(dkSubComponent, Pointer (FComponentNames . Add(Name) ), FInstance); end ; end ; end ; if lDispId >= ofDispIDOffset then begin Result := S_OK; PDispIDs(DispIDs)^[ 0 ] := lDispId; end ; end ; function TScriptObjectAdapter . GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer ; out TypeInfo): HRESULT; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end ; function TScriptObjectAdapter . GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer ): HRESULT; begin Result := E_NOTIMPL; end ; function TScriptObjectAdapter . Invoke(DispID: Integer ; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer ; Flags: Word ; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer ): HRESULT; type PVariantArray = ^TVariantArray; TVariantArray = array [ 0 .. 65535 ] of Variant; PIntegerArray = ^TIntegerArray; TIntegerArray = array [ 0 .. 65535 ] of Integer ; var Parms: PDispParams; TempRet: Variant; dispatchInfo: TDispatchInfo; lParams: TArray<TValue>; paramInfos: TArray<TRttiParameter>; I: Integer ; component: TComponent; propertyValue: TValue; _SetValue: NativeInt; tmpv: Variant; begin Result := S_OK; Parms := @Params; try if VarResult = nil then VarResult := @TempRet; if (DispID - ofDispIDOffset >= 0 ) and (DispID - ofDispIDOffset < FDispatchInfoCount) then begin dispatchInfo := FDispatchInfos[DispID - ofDispIDOffset]; case dispatchInfo . Kind of dkProperty: begin if Flags and (DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF or DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) <> 0 then if (Parms . cNamedArgs <> 1 ) or (PIntegerArray(Parms . rgdispidNamedArgs)^[ 0 ] <> DISPID_PROPERTYPUT) then Result := DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND else begin propertyValue := TValue . Empty; case dispatchInfo . PropInfo . PropertyType . Handle^.Kind of tkInt64, tkInteger: propertyValue := TValue . FromOrdinal (dispatchInfo . PropInfo . PropertyType . Handle, PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[ 0 ]); tkFloat: propertyValue := TValue . From< Extended > (PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[ 0 ]); tkString, tkUString, tkLString, tkWString: propertyValue := TValue . From< String >(PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[ 0 ]); tkSet: begin _SetValue := PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[ 0 ]; TValue . Make(_SetValue, dispatchInfo . PropInfo . PropertyType . Handle, propertyValue); end ; else propertyValue := TValue . FromVariant(PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[ 0 ]); end ; dispatchInfo . PropInfo . SetValue(dispatchInfo . Instance, propertyValue); end else if Parms . cArgs <> 0 then Result := DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT else if dispatchInfo . PropInfo . PropertyType . Handle^.Kind = tkClass then POleVariant(VarResult)^ := SA(dispatchInfo . PropInfo . GetValue(dispatchInfo . Instance) .AsObject()) as IDispatch else POleVariant(VarResult)^ := dispatchInfo . PropInfo . GetValue (dispatchInfo . Instance).AsVariant; end ; dkMethod: begin paramInfos := dispatchInfo . MethodInfo . GetParameters; SetLength(lParams, Length(paramInfos)); for I := Low(paramInfos) to High(paramInfos) do if I < Parms . cArgs then begin //因为IDispatch是COM对象,一般是stdcall或者safecall,参数是由右到左传递的 tmpv := PVariantArray(Parms . rgvarg)^[Parms . cArgs - 1 - I]; lParams[I] := TValue . FromVariant(tmpv); end else //不足的参数补空 begin TValue . Make( 0 , paramInfos[I].ParamType . Handle, lParams[I]); end ; if (dispatchInfo . MethodInfo . ReturnType <> nil ) and (dispatchInfo . MethodInfo . ReturnType . Handle^.Kind = tkClass) then begin POleVariant(VarResult)^ := SA(dispatchInfo . MethodInfo . Invoke(dispatchInfo . Instance, lParams).AsObject()) as IDispatch; end else begin POleVariant(VarResult)^ := dispatchInfo . MethodInfo . Invoke (dispatchInfo . Instance, lParams).AsVariant(); end ; end ; dkSubComponent: begin component := TComponent(dispatchInfo . Instance) .FindComponent(FComponentNames[dispatchInfo . ComponentInfo]); if component = nil then Result := DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; POleVariant(VarResult)^ := SA(component) as IDispatch; end ; end ; end else Result := DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; except if ExcepInfo <> nil then begin FillChar(ExcepInfo^, SizeOf(TExcepInfo), 0 ); with TExcepInfo(ExcepInfo^) do begin bstrSource := StringToOleStr(ClassName); if ExceptObject is Exception then bstrDescription := StringToOleStr(Exception(ExceptObject).Message); scode := E_FAIL; end ; end ; Result := DISP_E_EXCEPTION; end ; end ; { TEventDispatch<T> } class function TEventDispatch . Create<T>(AOwner: TComponent; ScriptControl: IScriptControl; ScriptFuncName: String ): T; type PT = ^T; var ed: TEventDispatch; begin ed := TEventDispatch . Create(AOwner, TypeInfo(T)); ed . FScriptControl := ScriptControl; ed . FScriptFuncName := ScriptFuncName; Result := PT(@ed . FInternalDispatcher)^; end ; constructor TEventDispatch . Create(AOwner: TComponent; ATTypeInfo: PTypeInfo); var LRttiType: TRttiType; begin FRttiContext := TRttiContext . Create; LRttiType := FRttiContext . GetType(ATTypeInfo); if not (LRttiType is TRttiMethodType) then begin raise Exception . Create( 'T only is Method(Member function)!' ); end ; FRttiType := TRttiMethodType(LRttiType); Inherited Create(AOwner); FInternalDispatcher := CreateMethodPointer(InternalInvoke, GetTypeData(FRttiType . Handle)); end ; destructor TEventDispatch . Destroy; begin ReleaseMethodPointer(FInternalDispatcher); inherited Destroy; end ; function TEventDispatch . ValueToVariant(Value: TValue): Variant; var _SetValue: Int64Rec; begin Result := EmptyParam; case Value . TypeInfo^.Kind of tkClass: Result := SA(Value . AsObject); tkInteger: Result := Value . AsInteger; tkString, tkLString, tkChar, tkUString: Result := Value . AsString; tkSet: begin Value . ExtractRawData(@_SetValue); case Value . DataSize of 1 : Result := _SetValue . Bytes[ 0 ]; 2 : Result := _SetValue . Words[ 0 ]; 4 : Result := _SetValue . Cardinals[ 0 ]; 8 : Result := Int64 (_SetValue); end ; end ; else Result := Value . AsVariant; end ; end ; function GetParamSize(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo): Integer ; begin if TypeInfo = nil then Exit( 0 ); case TypeInfo^.Kind of tkInteger, tkEnumeration, tkChar, tkWChar, tkSet: case GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.OrdType of otSByte, otUByte: Exit( 1 ); otSWord, otUWord: Exit( 2 ); otSLong, otULong: Exit( 4 ); else Exit( 0 ); end ; tkFloat: case GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.FloatType of ftSingle: Exit( 4 ); ftDouble: Exit( 8 ); ftExtended: Exit(SizeOf( Extended )); ftComp: Exit( 8 ); ftCurr: Exit( 8 ); else Exit( 0 ); end ; tkClass, tkClassRef: Exit(SizeOf( Pointer )); tkInterface: Exit(-SizeOf( Pointer )); tkMethod: Exit(SizeOf(TMethod)); tkInt64: Exit( 8 ); tkDynArray, tkUString, tkLString, tkWString: Exit(-SizeOf( Pointer )); tkString: Exit(GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.MaxLength + 1 ); tkPointer: Exit(SizeOf( Pointer )); tkRecord: if IsManaged(TypeInfo) then Exit(-GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.RecSize) else Exit(GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.RecSize); tkArray: Exit(GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.ArrayData . Size); tkVariant: Exit(-SizeOf(Variant)); else Exit( 0 ); end ; end ; procedure TEventDispatch . InternalInvoke(Params: PParameters; StackSize: Integer ); var lRttiParameters, tmp: TArray<TRttiParameter>; lRttiParam: TRttiParameter; lParamValues: TArray<TValue>; I, ParamSize: Integer ; PStack: PByte; test: string ; ParamIsByRef: Boolean ; RegParamIndexs: array [ 0 .. 2 ] of Byte ; RegParamIndex: Integer ; v, tmpv: Variant; ParameterArray: PSafeArray; begin tmp := FRttiType . GetParameters; SetLength(lRttiParameters, Length(tmp) + 1 ); lRttiParameters[ 0 ] := nil ; for I := Low(tmp) to High(tmp) do lRttiParameters[I + 1 ] := tmp[I]; SetLength(lParamValues, Length(lRttiParameters)); PStack := @Params . Stack[ 0 ]; if (FRttiType . CallingConvention = ccReg) then begin // 看那些参数用了寄存器传输 FillChar(RegParamIndexs, SizeOf(RegParamIndexs), - 1 ); RegParamIndexs[ 0 ] := 0 ; RegParamIndex := 1 ; for I := 1 to High(lRttiParameters) do begin lRttiParam := lRttiParameters[I]; ParamSize := GetParamSize(lRttiParam . ParamType . Handle); ParamIsByRef := (lRttiParam <> nil ) and (([pfVar, pfConst, pfOut] * lRttiParam . Flags) <> []); if ((ParamSize <= SizeOf( Pointer )) and ( not (lRttiParam . ParamType . Handle . Kind in [tkFloat]))) or (ParamIsByRef) then begin RegParamIndexs[RegParamIndex] := I; if (RegParamIndex = High(RegParamIndexs)) or (I = High(lRttiParameters)) then Break; Inc(RegParamIndex); end ; end ; for I := High(lRttiParameters) downto Low(lRttiParameters) do begin lRttiParam := lRttiParameters[I]; if I = 0 then TValue . Make(Params . EAXRegister, TypeInfo(TObject), lParamValues[I]) else begin ParamIsByRef := (lRttiParam <> nil ) and (([pfVar, pfConst, pfOut] * lRttiParam . Flags) <> []); ParamSize := GetParamSize(lRttiParam . ParamType . Handle); if (ParamSize < SizeOf( Pointer )) or (ParamIsByRef) then ParamSize := SizeOf( Pointer ); if (I in [RegParamIndexs[ 0 ], RegParamIndexs[ 1 ], RegParamIndexs[ 2 ]]) then begin if ParamIsByRef then begin TValue . Make( Pointer (Params . Registers[RegParamIndex]), lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]); end else begin TValue . Make(Params . Registers[RegParamIndex], lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]); end ; Dec(RegParamIndex); end else begin if ParamIsByRef then TValue . Make(PPointer(PStack)^, lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]) else TValue . Make(PStack, lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]); Inc(PStack, ParamSize); end ; end ; end ; end else begin for I := Low(lRttiParameters) to High(lRttiParameters) do begin ParamIsByRef := (lRttiParameters[I] <> nil ) and (([pfVar, pfConst, pfOut] * lRttiParameters[I].Flags) <> []); if I = 0 then begin // Self ParamSize := SizeOf(TObject); TValue . Make(PStack, TypeInfo(TObject), lParamValues[I]); end else begin ParamSize := GetParamSize(lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle); if ParamSize < SizeOf( Pointer ) then ParamSize := SizeOf( Pointer ); // TValue.Make(PStack, lRttiParameters[I].ParamType.Handle, lParamValues[I]); if ParamIsByRef then TValue . Make(PPointer(PStack)^, lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]) else TValue . Make(PStack, lRttiParameters[I].ParamType . Handle, lParamValues[I]); end ; Inc(PStack, ParamSize); end ; end ; if (FScriptControl <> nil ) and (FScriptFuncName <> '' ) then begin v := VarArrayCreate([ 0 , Length(lParamValues) - 1 ], varVariant); for I := 1 to Length(lParamValues) - 1 do begin test := lRttiParameters[I].Name; tmpv := ValueToVariant(lParamValues[I]); v[I - 1 ] := tmpv; end ; ParameterArray := PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray); FScriptControl . Run(FScriptFuncName, ParameterArray); end ; end ; |