
Chap 1 Point Set Topology


Def: \(T\) topology of X if: (1) \(\empty, X\in T\) (2) ( union of elts in \(T\)) \(\in T\) (3) \(a, b\in T\), then \(a\cap b \in T\).

Notation: elts of \(T\) open; \((X, T)\) topological space; \(C \subset X\) closed if \(X/C\) open; \(A\) neighborhood of \(x\) if \(x \in B \subset A, B\in T\).

Fact: \(A\) open iff \(A\) is nbhd of all its elts.


Def: \(f: X\to Y\) continuous if for any \(U\subset Y\) open, \(f^{-1}(U)\) open in \(X\).

Prop: TFAE

(1) \(f\) continuous

(2) \(f^{-1}(C)\) closed in \(X\) for any \(C\) closed in \(Y\)

(3) any \(x\in X\), any nbhd \(V\) of \(f(x)\), \(f^{-1}(V)\) is a nbhd of \(x\)

(Proof: (1) equiv to (2) is trivial. (1) to (3) is trivial. (3) to (1) since the inverse image is nbhd of every elt. )

Example: continuous on standard topology is the usual meaning of continuous.

Def: f homeomorphism if \(f, f^{-1}\) continuous and bijective.

Def: Induced topology \(T_A\) on \(A\sub X\) are the elements \(v\cap A\) with \(v\in T\).


Def. \((X, T_1), (X, T_2)\) topological spaces with \(T_1\subset T_2\), then we call \(T_1\) coarser than \(T_2\), \(T_2\) finer than \(T_1\).

Def. interior \(A^\circ\) are the elements with \(A\) as nhbd

closure \(\overline A\) are the elements \(x\) such that \(X/A\) is not a nbhd of \(x\).

boundary \(\part A=\overline A/A^\circ\)

Prop. \(A^\circ\sub A\sub \overline A\).

Prop. \(A^\circ=\cup_{U\text{ open}, U\sub A}U\), \(\overline A=\cap_{U\text{ closed}, A\sub U}U\).

Prop. \(A^\circ\) is the largest open set \(\sub A\); \(\overline A\) is the smallest closed set contains \(A\).

TFAE: \(A\) open; \(A^\circ=A\); \(A\) is nhbd of every \(x\in A\).

Lec 3

Def. Metric distance \(d\) on \(X\): \(X \times X \to \R^+\), s.t. (1) \(d(x, y)=0\) iff \(x=y\); (2) \(d(x,y)=d(y,x)\); (3) trig ineq;

Let \((X, d)\) be a metric space. Induced topology: open if for each \(x\), a small open ball centered at \(x\) is in the set.

Two metrics on \(X\) are equivalent: within a constant factor.

Conti map between metric spaces: if \(\delta, \epsilon\) language holds.

Lec 4

Basis: \(B\sub T\) a basis if every elt in \(T\) can be written as a union of elts in \(B\).

Subbasis: \(S\sub T\) such that finite intersections of elts in \(S\) is a basis of \(T\).

(Often we only need to check basis. For example: \(f\) continuous, we only need \(f^{-1}(B)\) open for a basis \(B\) of the image.)

Prop: \(B\) is a basis if \(X\) is the union of elts in \(\mathcal B\), and for any \(x\in B_1\cap B_2\), exists \(x\in B\sub B_1\cap B_2\) for \(B\in \mathcal B\).

Cor: \(S\) subbasis only need the union of elts is \(S\).

Product space

Box topology: topology generated by \(\Pi u_i\), with \(u_i\sub X_i\), \(u_i\) open.

Product topology: generated by subbasis \(S = \{\pi^{-1}_j(U_j), U_j\sub_{open} X_j\}\).

Remarks: 1. Fin intersection of \(S\) are those whose all but finite dims are \(X_i\).

  1. \(I\) finite, then box = product.
  2. \(\pi_i\) continuous (when the topology on the product space is product topology)
  3. \(X\) be a space, \(f_i: X\to X_i\) is a map, \(f: X\to \prod x_i, x\to(f_i(x))\), then \(f\) conti iff each \(f_i\) conti.

Lec 6

Quotient topology on \(X/\sim\): \(U\) open if \(\pi^{-1}(U)\) open.

Induced function \(g:X/\sim\to Y\) from \(f: X\to Y\) (need to be well defined)

​ Then \(g\) surjective iff \(f\) surjective; \(g\) injective if diff class to diff result; \(g\) conti iff \(f\) conti. (\(f=g\pi\), \(g^{-1}=\pi f^{-1}\)).

​ To show \(g\) Open: suffices to show \(g(u)=f(\pi^{-1}(u))\) open for open \(\pi^{-1}(u)\). (Sometime suffices for basis.)

Lec 7

Def. Nbhd basis of \(x\): a family of nbhds \(B_x\), for any \(x\in U\) open, exists \(B\in B_x, B\sub U\).

Def. Sequence: A map from \(\N\) to \(X\), write as \((x_n)\).

Def. \(X\) a top space, \((x_n)\) a sequence, an element \(x\in X\) is a limit of \((x_n)\) (write as \((x_n) \to x\)) if for any \(x\in U\sub X\) open, exists \(N\ge0\) such that for any \(n > N\), \(x_n\in U\). And say that \((x_n)\) converges to \(x\).

Remark: We only need to check the case \(U\in B_x\).

Examples: in \((X, T_{discrete}), (X, T_{cocountable})\), converge to \(x_n\) iff stationary (all is \(x_n\) after a point. ) (proof: \(X-\{x_n\}+x\) is open)

​ in \((X, T_{trivial})\), converges to anything

​ in \((X, T_d)\), nhbd basis are open balls centered at \(x\), so it's the usual understanding of limit.

Def. A topological space \(X\) Hausdoff if for any \(x, y\in X\), then exists disjoint open sets \(U, V\) with \(x\in U, y\in V\).

Prop. Let \(X\) be a Hausdoff space. If \((x_n)\to x, (x_n) \to y\), then \(x=y\). (Proof: ow, exists \(U, V\) Separate \(x, y\). After a point all is in \(U\cap V\), contradicts)

Examples. \((X, T_{discrete}), (X, T_d)\) are Hausdoff, while \((X, T_{trivial})\) is not.

Remark: \(A\sub X\) subspace(induced topology), \(X\) Hausdoff, then \(A\) is Hausdoff.

(In pset4, will prove properties of Hausdoff vs. products and quotients. )

Question: \(X\) Hausdoff implies uniqueness of limits, what about the converse?

Def: \(X\) is first countable if any \(x\in X\) admits a countable nbhd basis. (On Wednesday, we'll see examples and how this is relevant to the question)

Def. A map \(f:X\to Y\) of top. spaces is sequentially continuous if for any \((x_n) \to x\), we have \(f(x_n)\to f(x)\).

Def. \(A\sub X\) sequentially closed if for any \((a_n)\to x\), we have \(x\in A\).



Special cases:

Claim: All subsets of \(X\) endowed with discrete top. are sequentially closed.

Claim: The only SC subsets of \(X\) endowed with triv. top. are \(\empty, X\). (converge to any. )

\((0, 1]\) in \(\R\) with \(\R_{std}\) is not sc. (\(1/n\to 0\))

Prop: Closed subsets are sc. (Ow, \(x_n\to x\) with \(x\in A^c\), take \(x\in U\sub_{open} X\) contradicts).

Map sequentially continuous:

Claim: If \(f:X\to Y\) continuous, then sequentially continuous. (For open \(f(x)\sub U\), \(f^{-1}(U)\) open around \(x\) so finally fall in \(U\). )

First Countability:

Claim: Metrix spaces are first countable. (Simply choose \(B(x, 1/n)\))

Thm: Let \(X\) be a first countable top. space, then

  1. X Hausdorff iff every convergence sequence converges to a unique point

  2. \(A\sub X\) closed iff \(A\) sequentially closed

  3. \(f:X\to Y\) continuous iff \(f\) sequentially continuous.

Lemma: \(X\) first countable, \(x\in X\), there exists a basis of open nghb \(B_x = \{B_n\}\) such that \(B_{n+1}\sub B_n\), and if \((x_n)\) is a seq with \(x_n\in B_n\), then \(x_n\to x\).

Proof: 取nbhd basis的前缀交。

Proof of 1, 2, 3: If not Hausdorff, pick \(B_x(i)\cap B_y(i)\), then two limits.

​ If not closed, for \(a\notin A\), not open so can pick elts \(B_x(a)\cap A\), then limit \(=a \in A\)

​ If not continuous, \(f^{-1}(X)\) is not nbhd of \(x\). Pick \(x_n\in B_n(x) - f^{-1}(X)\), finally will converge to \(x\) so \(f\) will converge to \(f(x)\), thus will fall in \(X\).

Lec 8

Def. A topological space \(X\) is connected if for any disjoint \(U,V\sub X\) with \(X=U\cup V\), one has \(U=\empty\) or \(V=\empty\).


  1. \(X\) not connected if \(X=U\cup V\), \(U, V\) dsjoint, non empty, open in \(X\).

  2. For \(X, Y\) homeomorphic, then \(X\) connected iff \(Y\) connected.

  3. \(X\) connected iff the only sets in \(X\) that both open and closed are \(X, \empty\).

  4. For \(Y\sub X\) subspace, \(Y\) connected iff \(\forall U,V\sub X_{open}\), \(Y\sub U\cup V, Y\cap U\cap V=\empty\) implies \(Y\sub U\) or \(Y\sub V\).

    (Negation of both are \(Y=(U\cap Y)\sqcup(V\cap Y)\) for \(U\cap Y, V\cap Y \ne \empty\)


​ (1) \(X,T_{triv}\) connected

​ (2) If \(|X|\ge 2\), then \((X,T_{discrete})\) not connected

​ (3) \((0,1)\cup (-1,0)\) in \(\R\) not connected

Prop. Let \(X\) be a space and \(A_i\) connected subspace \(\forall i\in I\). If \(\cap A_i\ne \empty\), then \(\cup A_i\) connected. (Ow, 分成 \(U, V\). 交集中的某个元素在 \(U\) 中则所有 \(A_i\sub U\). )

(Detailed Proof: Ow, assume \(U, V\) disj. with \(\cup A_i\sub U\cup V\) and \(\cup A_i \cap U\cap V=\empty\). Pick \(x\in \cap A_i\), assume \(x\in U\) WLOG. Consider \(A_i\cap U\), \(A_i\cap V\). The second must be empty, so every \(A_i\sub U\). )

Prop. \(A\) space, \(A\sub X\) a connected subspace. If \(B\sub X\) subspace with \(A\sub B\sub \bar A\), then \(B\) connected. (Pf: \(A\) 和开集不交则 \(\bar A\) 也不交)

(Detailed Proof: (Recall: \(\bar A\) is inter of all closed contains \(A\). )

Ow assume open \(U, V\sub X\). Then \((A\cap U), (A\cap V)\) splits \(A\) so can assume \(A\sub U\), \(A\sub X-V\). If exists \(x\in B, x\notin X-V\), then since \(A\sub X-V\), \(x\notin \cap_{A\sub C, C closed} C\), contradicts. )

Prop. \(f\) Continuous, \(X\) connected, then \(f(X)\) connected. (Ow, \(f^{-1}(U)\) and \(f^{-1}(V)\)).

Prop: \(\prod_{1\le i\le n} X_i\) connected iff each \(X_i\) connected.

Proof: Left to right: trivial.

Otherside: induction. Fix \(b\in Y\). Note \(X\times Y=\cup_{x\in X} (\{x\}\times Y)\cup(X\times \{b\})\). Let the term be \(T_x\), then each \(T_x\) connected(two things homeo to \(X,Y\)), and all \(T_x\) inter nonem.

Lec 9

To show: \((a, b) \in \R\) connected.

Proof: Otherwise, assume not inter union of \(U, V\), pick \(u\in U, v\in V\) with \(u<v\) WLOG. Let \(S=\{s\mid [u,s] \in U\}\). \(S\) Non-empty and bounded, so exists \(s_0=\sup S\).

First, \(u\le s_0\le v\), thus \(s_0\in (a, b)\). \(s_0 \notin U\) (or will be larger \(s_0\)), \(s_0 \notin V\) (or will be smaller \(s_0\)).

Cor. \(\R, [a,b],(a,b],[a,b), (-\infty, a), (a, \infty), (-\infty, a], [a, \infty)\) connected.

Proof: pset1 shows that all open intervals are homeomorphic thus connected. \((a,b) \sub (a,b]\sub [a, b]=\overline{(a,b)}\), thus \((a,b]\) connected.

Thm: \(X\) connected, \(f:X \to \R\) continuous, if \(f(a) < r < f(b)\), then exists \(c\in X\) with \(f(c)=r\). (Pf: image of connected should be connected)

(Detailed Proof: Ow, \(f(X)\) not connected (as \(f(X)=(f(X)\cap (-\infty, r))\cup (f(X) \cap (r, \infty)))\). Since \(f\) continuous, so \(x\) not connected. )

Def. Let \(X\) be a top space, a path in \(X\) from \(x\in X\) to \(y\in X\) is a continuous function \(f: [a, b] \to X\) with \(f(a)=x, f(b)=y\).

Def. \(X\) path-connected if \(\forall x, y\in X\), \(x, y\) can be joined by a path.

Rmk: This is a topological notion, so for \(X, Y\) homeomorphic, \(X\) path connected iff \(Y\) path connected.

Prop: If \(X\) is path-connected, then is connected. (Converse is not true. )

Proof: If not connected, is disjoint union of \(U, V\). Pick \(u\in U, v\in V\), \(\gamma: [a, b] \to X\), \(\gamma(a)=u, \gamma(b)=v\). Then \([a,b]=\gamma^{-1}(U)\sqcup \gamma^{-1}(V)\), both open and non empty, so \([a, b]\) not connected, contradicts.

Examples: active learning: \(S^n\) path-connected for \(n\ge 1\).

pet5: \(X\) (Path) connected \(\to\) \(X/\sim\) (path) connected.

Lec 10 & ALS

Def: \(A\sub R^n\) convex: if for any \(x, y\in A\), for any \(0\le t\le 1\), \(tx+(1-t)y\in A\).

Prop: Convex \(\to\) Path-connected. (\(f(t) = tx+(1-t)y\)).

\(\R^n - \{0\}\) path-connected for \(n\ge 2\). (Pf: for \(xy\) not pass through \(0\), easy. Pass through \(0\): pick another \(z\) not on the line. )

Goal: \(\R^n-\{0\}\simeq S^{n-1}\R_{>0} (n>1)\)

Pf: \(f:x\to (x/|x|, |x|)\), has inverse \(g(a, b)\) = \(ba\). Easy to see \(x/|x|, |x|\) continuous as function to \(S^{n-1}, \R_{>0}\), restricting image maintains continuity. \(g\) continous as function from \(\R^n\times \R \to \R^n\), restricting domain maintains continuity.

Goal2: \(S^n\) path connected for \(n>0\). (Since \(S^{n} \R_{>0}\) connected, easy to construct a path for \(a, b\in S^n\).

Prop. \(\R\) and \(\R^n\) not homeomorphic for \(n>1\). (Ow, consider \(\R-\{0\}\), \(B=\R^n-\{f(0)\}\), one path connected while the other not. )

Def. A space \(X\) is locally path-connected if every \(x\in X\) admits a path-connected nbhd.

Prop: Locally path-connected and connected $\to $ path-connected.

Proof: pick \(x\in X\), let \(U=\{y\mid y\in X, \exists \text{ path from } x \text{ to } y \}\). \(U\) Non-empty, suffices to show \(U\) is both open and closed (then \(U=X\)). Open: any \(y\in U\), \(y\) 的 path connected nbhd \(\sub U\). Closed: need \(U=\bar U=\{z\mid X-U \text{ not nbhd of } z\}\). Let \(z\in \bar U\), exists path connected nbhd, has intersection with \(U\).

Connected but not path connected: \(\{(0, 0)\}\cup \{(t, \sin(1/t)) \mid t\in (0, 1)\}\).

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