

Chapter 2

2.8 Char 2 / Char 3

Char 2 下,Ellip curve 两种形式:

  1. \(y^2+xy+x^3+a_2 x^2 + a_6=0, a_6 \ne 0\)
  2. \(y^2+a_3y+x^3+a_4x+a_6=0, a_3 \ne 0\)

Char 3 下,无法消去 \(x^2\) 项。

2.9 Endomorphisms

Thm 2.22:非零的endomorphism都surjective。

Proof: 至多有一个 \(p(x)-aq(x)=0\) 无解;此时可表示为另两点的差。

\(dx/y\) 是 translation invariant。 并且是唯一的(up to scalar)。

Lemma 2.26 \(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3\) endormophisms, such that \(\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 = \alpha_3\). Let \(\alpha_i = (P_i(x), yQ_i(x))\). 如果存在 \(c_i = P_i'/Q_i\),则 \(c_1+c_2=c_3\)

(事实上一定存在\(c_i\):因为 \(dx/dy \circ \alpha\) 是平移不变的)

Proof: 链式法则(待完善)

Cor 2.28 对于 endomorphism \(nP\)\(n(x, y) = (R(x), yS(x))\), 有 \(R'/S = n\)

Prop 2.29 \(r \phi_q+s\) seperable iff $p\nmid s $。

2.11 ellip curves mod n (n composite)

\((u, v, w)\) primitive in ring \(R\) : 1 is their \(R\) - linear combination

等价类:\((u, v, w) \sim (ku, kv, kw)\)

​ 一些假设:

  1. \(2 \in R^*\)(可逆);

  2. 一个矩阵满足:所有元素 primitive,每个 2 * 2 余子式都是 0 则这个矩阵的行能组合出 primitive tuple

  3. 对于ellip curve,\(4A^3+27B^2 \in R^*\)

(小技巧:\(Z\) 上 2 没有逆元:可以考虑 \(a / 2^b\) 这个环)


Cor 2.32:对于 \((n_1, n_2) = 1\), 均为奇数, \(E(\Z_{n_1*n2}) \cong E(\Z_{n_1}) \oplus E(\Z_{n_2})\)(因为primitive tuples一一对应;公式在模意义下也对)

Cor 2.33:对于 \(\Q\) 下的 EC,如果\((n, 4A^3+27B^2)=1\),则模 \(n\) 操作 是homomorphism。(因为加法公式在模意义下也对)

(具体而言:将 \(E(\Q)\) 写成 primitive tuple \((x:y:z) \in P^2(\Z)\),每位模 \(n\)。)

Cor 2.34:对于 \(R, I\)\((4A^3+27B^2)r-1 \in I\),有类似的\(E(R) \to E(R/I)\) reduce。

Chapter 3

3.1 Torsion points

\(E[n] := {P \in E(\overline K), nP = \infin}\)

Theo 3.2: (\(p = char F\)​)

  1. \(p \nmid n, E[n] \cong \Z(n) \oplus \Z(n)\)
  2. 否则 \(E[n] \cong \Z(n) \oplus \Z(n')\)\(E[n] \cong \Z(n') \oplus \Z(n')\),其中 \(n = p^r n'\)

如果\(E[p] = \{0\}\),称 \(p\) supersingular. 否则 \(p\) ordinary.

考虑\(p \nmid n, E[n] \cong \Z(n) \oplus \Z(n)\)的case。对于\(E(\overline K) \to E(\overline K)\) 的homomorphism,在\(E[n]\)上对应一个 2 x 2矩阵。

3.2 Division Polynomial


\(\psi_0 = 0, \psi_1 = 1, \psi_2=2y, \psi_3 = 3x^4+6Ax^2+12Bx-A^2, \psi_4 = 4y(x^6+5Ax^4+20Bx^3-5A^2x^2-4ABx-8B^2-A^3)\)

\(\psi_{2m+1}=\psi_{m+2}\psi_m^3-\psi_{m-1}\psi^3_{m+1} (m\ge 2)\)

\(\psi_{2m} = (2y)^{-1}\psi_m(\psi_{m+2}\psi_{m-1}^2-\psi_{m-2}\psi_{m+1}^2) (m\ge 3)\)

\(\psi_n\) : division polynomials.

\(\in \Z[x, y^2, A, B]\) when \(n\) odd;

\(\in 2y\Z[x, y^2, A, B]\) when \(n\) even.



\(\phi_n \in \Z[x, y^2, A, B]\)

\(\omega_n \in \Z[x, y^2, A, B]\) when \(n\) Even,

$\in y\Z[x, y^2, A, B]$ when $n$ odd. 

(证明额外的 \(2\) 因子:可以对 \(\psi_n\)\(2\) 意义下的系数归纳。)

Lemma 3.5: \(\phi_n(x) = x^{n^2} + \cdots\)

\(\psi_n^2(x) = n^2x^{n^2-1}+\cdots\)

Thm 3.6: (\(char \ne 2\))

\(P=(x, y)\) on the curve \(y^2=x^3+Ax+B\)

Then $nP = $ \((\phi_n(x)/\psi_n^2(x), \omega_n(x, y)/\psi_n^3(x, y))\)

Cor 3.7: endomorphism nP has degree \(n^2\).

Proof: 只需证互素。考虑最小的不互素对,如果 \(n\) 是偶数,考虑先计算 \((n/2)P\) 再翻倍,可以导出 \(n/2\) 也不互素(对比首项系数/次数知和\(2(n/2)P\) 分子分母对应相等)。如果 \(n\) 是奇数,可以推出 \(\psi_{n+\delta} (\delta = \pm 1)\)\(\psi_n\) 不互素。于是 \(\phi_{n+\delta}\)\(\psi_{n+\delta}\) 不互素,此时下标变为偶数,可以除 \(2\)

下面证明关于 \(E[n]\) 结构的论断。

\((n, p) = 1\),我们有 \(\#E[n]=n^2\)。此时考察 \(E[n]\) 的结构,因为对于任何 \(E[l]\) 大小都是 \(l^2\),所以至多分成两个循环群直积。又因为每个循环群大小都是 \(n\) 的因子,因此 \(E[n] \cong \Z(n) \oplus \Z(n)\)

\(p\mid n\) 时:我们先证明 \(E[p^k] \cong \Z(p^k)\) 或 trivial(显然不能更大:因为inseperable)。由 surjective,得证。又 \(E[n] \cong E[n']\oplus E[p^r]\) ,这证明了 \(E[n]\) 的结构。

3.3 Weil pairing

Assume that \(p\nmid n, E[n] \cong \Z_n\oplus \Z_n\), let \(\mu_n = \{x\in \overline K|x^n=1\}\) (由于\(char\) 的假设,不含重根)。\(\mu_n\) 的generator: primitive \(n\)-th root of unity.

存在Weil Pairing \(e_n:E[n] \times E[n] \to \mu_n\),满足:

  1. Bilinear in each variable
  2. nondegenerate in each variable (\(e_n(a, b)=1 (\forall b\in E[n]) \rightarrow a = \infin\))
  3. \(e_n(a, b)=e_n(b, a)^{-1}, e_n(a, a)=1\)
  4. \(e_n(\sigma a, \sigma b)=\sigma e_n(a, b)\) for all automorphism \(\sigma\) of \(\overline K\) that fixes the coefficients of \(E\).
  5. \(e_n(\alpha(a), \alpha(b)) = e_n(a, b)^{\deg \alpha}\) for all endomorphism \(\alpha\).

Cor 3.10: \(T_1, T_2\)\(E[n]\) basis, 则 \(e_n(T_1, T_2)\) primitive.

Cor 3.11: \(E[n]\subset E(K) \rightarrow \mu_n\subset K\)。(取basis,由于fix K则fix 该单位根,由伽罗瓦理论单位根在 \(K\) 里)

Cor 3.13: \(E[n] \not\subset E(Q)\) when \(n \ge 3\)

每个endomorphism \(\alpha\)\(E[n]\) 上的操作对应一个2 x 2矩阵 \(\alpha_n\)

Prop 3.15: \(\det \alpha_n \equiv \deg\alpha\) \(\mod n\) Proof: 考虑basis,由性质3,5即证。

Prop 3.16: \(\deg(a\alpha+b\beta)=a^2\deg\alpha+b^2\deg\beta+ab(\deg(\alpha+\beta)-\deg\alpha-\deg\beta)\). Proof: 模无穷个 \(n\) 都对。

3.4 Tate-Lichtenbaum Pairing

\(E\): ellip curve over \(\mathbb F_q\), \(n\mid q-1\), (so \(\mu_n\subset \mathbb F_q\))

\(P \in E(\mathbb F_q)[n], Q\in E(\mathbb F_q), R\in E(\overline {\mathbb F_q})\) such that \(nR = Q\)

Define \(\tau_n(P, Q) = e_n(P, R-\phi(R))\), where \(\phi\) is the \(q\)-th power Frobenius endomorphism.

Then \(\tau_n: E(\mathbb F_q)[n] \times E(\mathbb F_q)/nE(\mathbb F_q) \to \mu_n\),well-defined, nondegenerate, bilinear. (bilinear和well-defined容易验证;nondegenerate留到后续证明。)

Ellip curve over finite fields

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