FAST协议解析3 FIX Fast Tutorial翻译 HelloWorld示例

1.3. Variable Sized Fields

Fields in FAST do not have a fixed size and do not use a field separator. Instead, there is a notion of a stop bit (the high order bit on each byte of the message acts as a stop bit) signaling the end of the field.

All of the above concepts used together allow the sender to compress a message (sometimes as much as 90%) and the receiver to restore the original message content from the encoded bytes.

The next section looks at a small message example to show encoding and decoding in practice.

1.3 可变大小字段




2. Hello World Example

To introduce the encoding and decoding process, we describe how a trivial message with only 1 field would be FAST encoded and decoded.

  1. Hello World 示例


2.1. Input Message

Here’s the message we’ll start with:

The SOH (ASCII 1) is the FIX separator byte.

2.1 输入消息




2.2. The Template

This message requires a very simple template (expressed in XML and described in greater detail in later sections):

2.2 模版


2.3. Stop Bits

The high order bit of each byte of the message is reserved to indicate the end of the field.
So each of the fields described below will only use 7 bit bytes and the 8th bit will be set on the last byte of the field.

2.3 停止位




Int 256 FAST压缩后等于 0000 00101000 0000。由2个字节组成,其中最后一个字节1000 0000的最高位(也可以说是从左边数第一个位,或者从右边数第8个位)是停止位,标识了该字段的结束。第一个字节0000 0010的最高位也是停止位,但它是0表明字段未结束,其可能的最大值是0111 1111。)

2.4. Encoding the Message:

To encode the message, we need to produce a Presence Map (PMap) that goes onto the front of the compressed FAST message followed by the encoded fields.
PMap is described in detail in section 3.1, but simply has 1 bit for each field to indicate whether the field has been included in subsequent bytes, or has been omitted.

Note: In our example, if the Text field is omitted, it will default to an empty string. (Because of the xml element: <default value=””/> in the above template.)

When encoding the message the template ID is usually put into the message right after the PMap. (We’ll discuss this more later.) This requires a PMap bit, too.
So for our trivial one field message, we need a PMap with 2 bits:

  1. indicate template ID is in the message
  2. indicate Text field is in the message

Encoding steps:

    • These are the high order bits and the rest are zeros: 110 0000.
      This is a 1 byte PMap, so its 8th bit is set to 1 to indicate it is the last byte of the PMap: 1110 0000 = 0xE0.


    • The next field is the template field (for template 1): 000 0001.
      Again, this is a 1 byte field so we set the 8th bit to indicate the end: 1000 0001 = 0x81.


  • The next field is the text field contents: “HelloWorld”.
    In the hex format it is: H=0x48, e=0x65, l=0x6C, l=0x6C, o=0x6F, W=0x57, o=0x6F, r=0x72, l=0x6C, d=0x64.
    The last byte will have its high order bit set to “1”. Using this, we have the following binary representation of our text field:
    01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 11100100

2.4 消息编码



注意:在我们的示例中,如果省略text字段,则默认是一个空字符串(因为模版中的xml元素是<default value=””/>


  1. 标识模版ID是否在消息中
  2. 标识text字段是否在消息中


1)高位为1,其他的为0110 0000


这个PMap只有1个字节,所以它的第八位(最高位)被置为1,表示这是PMap的最后一个字节:1110 0000 = 0xE0

2)下一个字段是模版ID字段(模版ID=1):000 0001.

同样的,这也是1个字节的字段,所以我们将第八位置1标识这是最后一个字节:1000 0001 = 0x81


HelloWorld”的十六进制格式为:H=0x48, e=0x65, l=0x6C, l=0x6C, o=0x6F, W=0x57, o=0x6F, r=0x72, l=0x6C, d=0x64


01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 11100100

2.5. Encoded FAST Message “HelloWorld”

The fields strung together are shown below:


2.5 FAST编码后的“HelloWorld”消息



2.6. Decoding the Message

Looking at the just the above binary data and the template file, we can reconstruct the original message content by reversing the encoding process.

Our input (encoded) FAST message is:

 HEX format:    0xE0 0x81 0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x57 0x6F 0x72 0x6C 0xE4

    Binary format: 11100000 10000001 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 11100100

Lets decode it step by step:

    1. Extracting Message PMap. Message PMap must be present before each encoded message so the first step of decoding process must be defining PMap.

      We get the first byte from the stream: “11100000“, check its stop bit (high order bit or first bit).
      It is set to “1”, so our encoded PMap consists of 1 byte: 11100000. We remove the stop bit which yields the decoded message PMap: 1100000


    1. Decoding template ID. We get the first bit from our PMap which is “1” and it indicates presence of template ID value in the input message.

      Using the same way as for PMap decoding we decode template ID:
  • We get the next byte after PMap from the stream. It is the second byte: “10000001” and the stop bit of this byte is “1”. So our template ID is the 1 byte value.
  • After removing stop bit from template ID encoded value we receive: "0000001" = "1" which is the actual value of template ID.

Template ID is used to define FAST message template which contains references for field decoding.


  1. “HelloWorld” field decoding. The next bit (second bit in this case) from our PMap is set to “1” and it indicates that the “HelloWorld” field is present in the input message too.

    As our text field consists of more than one byte we must get next input bytes (after template ID) one by one. This is required to find the byte which has stop bit set to “1” and indicates the end of “HelloWorld” encoded field.

    Byte which has high order bit (stop bit) set to “1” is the last byte in input stream so our encoded text field is:

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 11100100

  1. Stop bit decoding of this text field is in following. We must replace the stop bit of last byte of text field from “1” to “0”.
    After this we receive actual value of our text field:

Binary format:    01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100

HEX format:       0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x57 0x6F 0x72 0x6C 0x64

Character format: HelloWorld

We combine decoded output fields and receive message: 58=HelloWorld<SOH>.

In the picture below are shown all of these steps:

Picture 2.2 – “HelloWorld message decoding”

The next section will describe the different FAST elements (such as the FAST Template and the PMap) in much greater detail and walk through more complex decoding examples.


2.6 消息解码






我们从流中获取第一个字节1110 0000”,检查其停止位(最高位)发现它被置为“1”,因此我们的PMap由一个字节组成。移除停止位得到“110 0000”。



  1. 从流中获取PMap后的字节,也就是第二个字节“1000 0001”,其停止位(最高位)是“1”,所以我们的模版ID字段为1个字节。
  2. 我们将停止位从模版ID中移除,得到“000 0001=1”,这就是实际的模版ID值。





01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 11100100


二进制格式:01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100

十六进制格式:0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x57 0x6F 0x72 0x6C 0x64







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