Render a Bootstrap nav item.
{% from 'bootstrap4/nav.html' import render_nav_item %}
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
<div class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
{{ render_nav_item('index', 'Home') }}
{{ render_nav_item('explore', 'Explore') }}
{{ render_nav_item('about', 'About') }}
- Parameters:
endpoint – The endpoint used to generate URL.
text – The text that will displayed on the item.
_badge – Badge text.
_use_li – Default to generate
, if set toTrue
, it will generate<li><a></a></li>
. -
kwargs – Additional keyword arguments pass to
Render a Bootstrap breadcrumb item.
{% from 'bootstrap4/nav.html' import render_breadcrumb_item %}
<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
<ol class="breadcrumb">
{{ render_breadcrumb_item('home', 'Home') }}
{{ render_breadcrumb_item('users', 'Users') }}
{{ render_breadcrumb_item('posts', 'Posts') }}
{{ render_breadcrumb_item('comments', 'Comments') }}
- Parameters:
endpoint – The endpoint used to generate URL.
text – The text that will displayed on the item.
kwargs – Additional keyword arguments pass to
Render a form input for form field created by Flask-WTF/WTForms.
{% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field %}
<form method="post">
{{ form.csrf_token() }}
{{ render_field(form.username) }}
{{ render_field(form.password) }}
{{ render_field(form.submit) }}
You can pass any HTTP attributes as extra keyword arguments like class
or placeholder
Notice that a placeholder
is only allowed by W3C validation when the input type is email
, number
, password
, search
, tel
, text
or url
. However, it is possible to use a placeholder for input types such as datetime
{% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field %}
<form method="post">
{{ form.csrf_token() }}
{{ render_field(form.username, class='myClass') }}
{{ render_field(form.password, placeholder='Your Password') }}
{{ render_field(form.submit) }}
Notice the class
value here will overwrite the render_kw={'class': '...'}
you defined in the form class. Bootstrap-Flask will combine the class value you passed with the class
key of the render_kw
dict or the class
keyword arguments with Bootstrap classes.
- render_field(field, form_type='basic', horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10), button_style='', button_size='', button_map={}, form_group_classes='')
- Parameters:
field – The form field (attribute) to render.
form_type – One of
. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. -
horizontal_columns – When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of
(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)
. -
button_style – Set button style for
. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default toprimary
). This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE
. -
button_size – Set button size for
. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default tomd
. This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE
. -
form_group_classes – Bootstrap 5 only (
). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the configBOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES
first (the default value ismb-3
See Form Button Customization and Form Checkbox Customization to learn more on customizations.
Render a complete form element for form object created by Flask-WTF/WTForms.
{% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_form %}
{{ render_form(form) }}
- render_form(form, action='', method='post', extra_classes=None, role='form', form_type='basic', horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10), enctype=None, button_style='', button_size='', button_map={}, id='', novalidate=False, render_kw={}, form_group_classes='', form_inline_classes='')
- Parameters:
form – The form to output.
action – The URL to receive form data.
method –
method attribute. -
extra_classes – The classes to add to the
. -
role –
role attribute. -
form_type – One of
. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. -
horizontal_columns – When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of
(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)
. -
enctype –
enctype attribute. IfNone
, will automatically be set tomultipart/form-data
if aFileField
is present in the form. -
button_style – Set button style for
. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default toprimary
). This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE
. -
button_size – Set button size for
. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default tomd
. This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE
. -
button_map – A dictionary, mapping button field name to Bootstrap button style names. For example,
{'submit': 'success'}
. This will overwritebutton_style
. -
id – The
id attribute. -
novalidate – Flag that decide whether add
class in<form>
. -
render_kw – A dictionary, specifying custom attributes for the
tag. -
form_group_classes – Bootstrap 5 only (
). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the configBOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES
first (the default value ismb-3
). -
form_inline_classes – Bootstrap 5 only (
). You can use this parameter to change the form inline classes, it will read the configBOOTSTRAP_FORM_INLINE_CLASSES
first (the default value isrow row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center
See Form Button Customization to learn how to customize form buttons.
Render error messages for hidden form field (wtforms.HiddenField
{% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_field, render_hidden_errors %}
<form method="post">
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ render_hidden_errors(form) }}
{{ render_field(form.username) }}
{{ render_field(form.password) }}
{{ render_field(form.submit) }}
- Parameters:
form – Form whose errors should be rendered.
Render a row of a grid form with the given fields.
{% from 'bootstrap4/form.html' import render_form_row %}
<form method="post">
{{ form.csrf_token() }}
{{ render_form_row([form.username, form.password]) }}
{{ render_form_row([form.remember]) }}
{{ render_form_row([form.submit]) }}
{# Custom col which should use class col-md-2, and the others the defaults: #}
{{ render_form_row([form.title, form.first_name, form.surname], col_map={'title': 'col-md-2'}) }}
{# Custom col which should use class col-md-2 and modified col class for the default of the other fields: #}
{{ render_form_row([form.title, form.first_name, form.surname], col_class_default='col-md-5', col_map={'title': 'col-md-2'}) }}
- render_form_row(fields, row_class='row/form-row', col_class_default='col', col_map={}, button_style='', button_size='', button_map={}, form_group_classes='', form_type='basic', horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10))
- Parameters:
fields – An iterable of fields to render in a row.
row_class – Class to apply to the div intended to represent the row, like
(Bootstrap 4) orrow
(Bootstrap 5). -
col_class_default – The default class to apply to the div that represents a column if nothing more specific is said for the div column of the rendered field.
col_map – A dictionary, mapping field.name to a class definition that should be applied to the div column that contains the field. For example:
col_map={'username': 'col-md-2'})
. -
button_style – Set button style for
. Accept Bootstrap button style name (i.e. primary, secondary, outline-success, etc.), default toprimary
). This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_STYLE
. -
button_size – Set button size for
. Accept Bootstrap button size name: sm, md, lg, block, default tomd
. This will overwrite configBOOTSTRAP_BTN_SIZE
. -
button_map – A dictionary, mapping button field name to Bootstrap button style names. For example,
{'submit': 'success'}
. This will overwritebutton_style
. -
form_group_classes – Bootstrap 5 only (
). You can use this parameter to change the form group classes, it will read the configBOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES
first (the default value ismb-3
). -
form_type – One of
. See the Bootstrap docs for details on different form layouts. -
horizontal_columns – When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of
(column-type, left-column-size, right-column-size)
See Form Button Customization to learn how to customize form buttons.
Render a simple pager for query pagination object created by Flask-SQLAlchemy.
{% from 'bootstrap4/pagination.html' import render_pager %}
{{ render_pager(pagination) }}
- render_pager(pagination, fragment='', prev='<span aria-hidden="true">←</span> Previous' | safe, next='Next <span aria-hidden="true">→</span>' | safe, align='', **kwargs)
- Parameters:
pagination –
instance. -
fragment – Add URL fragment into link, such as
. -
prev – Symbol/text to use for the “previous page” button.
next – Symbol/text to use for the “next page” button.
align – Can be ‘left’, ‘center’ or ‘right’, default to ‘left’.
kwargs – Additional arguments passed to
Render a standard pagination for query pagination object created by Flask-SQLAlchemy.
{% from 'bootstrap4/pagination.html' import render_pagination %}
{{ render_pagination(pagination) }}
- render_pagination(pagination, endpoint=None, prev='«', next='»', ellipses='…', size=None, args={}, fragment='', align='', **kwargs)
- Parameters:
pagination –
instance. -
endpoint – Which endpoint to call when a page number is clicked.
will be called with the given endpoint and a single parameter,page
. IfNone
, uses the requests current endpoint. -
prev – Symbol/text to use for the “previous page” button. If
, the button will be hidden. -
next – Symbol/text to use for the “next page” button. If
, the button will be hidden. -
ellipses – Symbol/text to use to indicate that pages have been skipped. If
, no indicator will be printed. -
size – Can be ‘sm’ or ‘lg’ for smaller/larger pagination.
args – Additional arguments passed to
. Ifendpoint
, usesargs
. -
fragment – Add URL fragment into link, such as
. -
align – The align of the pagination. Can be ‘left’, ‘center’ or ‘right’, default to ‘left’.
kwargs – Extra attributes for the
Render a resource reference code (i.e. <link>
, <script>
{% from 'bootstrap4/utils.html' import render_static %}
{{ render_static('css', 'style.css') }}
- render_static(type, filename_or_url, local=True)
- Parameters:
type – Resources type, one of
. -
filename_or_url – The path of the file (relative to the static folder), or the full URL when
set toFalse
. -
local – Load local resources or from the passed URL.
Render Bootstrap alerts for flash messages send by flask.flash()
Flash the message in your view function with flash(message, category)
from flask import flash
def test():
flash('a info message', 'info')
flash('a danger message', 'danger')
return your_template
Render the messages in your base template (normally below the navbar):
{% from 'bootstrap4/utils.html' import render_messages %}
{{ render_messages() }}
- render_messages(messages=None, container=False, transform={...}, default_category=config.BOOTSTRAP_MSG_CATEGORY, dismissible=False, dismiss_animate=False)
- Parameters:
messages – The messages to show. If not given, default to get from
. -
container – If true, will output a complete
<div class="container">
element, otherwise just the messages each wrapped in a<div>
. -
transform – A dictionary of mappings for categories. Will be looked up case-insensitively. Default maps all Python loglevel names to Bootstrap CSS classes.
default_category – If a category does not has a mapping in transform, it is passed through unchanged.
will be used whencategory
is empty. -
dismissible – If true, will output a button to close an alert. For fully functioning dismissible alerts, you must use the alerts JavaScript plugin.
dismiss_animate – If true, will enable dismiss animate when click the dismiss button.
When you call flash('message', 'category')
, there are 8 category options available, mapping to Bootstrap’s alerts type:
primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark.
If you want to use HTML in your message body, just wrapper your message string with markupsafe.Markup
to tell Jinja it’s safe:
from flask import flash
from markupsafe import Markup
def test():
flash(Markup('a info message with a link: <a href="/">Click me!</a>'), 'info')
return your_template
Render a Bootstrap table with given data.
def test():
data = Message.query.all()
return render_template('test.html', data=data)
{% from 'bootstrap4/table.html' import render_table %}
{{ render_table(data) }}
- render_table(data, titles=None, primary_key='id', primary_key_title='#', caption=None, table_classes=None, header_classes=None, responsive=False, responsive_class='table-responsive', safe_columns=None, urlize_columns=None, show_actions=False, actions_title='Actions', model=None, custom_actions=None, view_url=None, edit_url=None, delete_url=None, new_url=None)
- Parameters:
data – An iterable of data objects to render. Can be dicts or class objects.
titles – An iterable of tuples of the format (prop, label) e.g
[('id', '#')]
, if not provided, will automatically detect on provided data, currently only support SQLAlchemy object. -
primary_key – Primary key identifier for a single row, default to
. -
primary_key_title – Primary key title for a single row, default to
. -
caption – A caption to attach to the table.
table_classes – A string of classes to apply to the table (e.g
'table-small table-dark'
). -
header_classes – A string of classes to apply to the table header (e.g
). -
responsive – Whether to enable/disable table responsiveness.
responsive_class – The responsive class to apply to the table. Default is
. -
safe_columns – Tuple with columns names to render HTML safe using
. Has priority overurlize_columns
parameter. Default isNone
. -
urlize_columns – Tuple with column names to render with HTML link on each URL using
. Is overruled bysafe_columns
parameter. Default isNone
. WARNING: Only use this for sanitized user data to prevent XSS attacks. -
show_actions – Whether to display the actions column. Default is
. -
model – An optional model used to build custom_action, view, edit, delete URLs. Set this if you need to pull the URL arguments from a different SQLAlchemy class indexed with the same primary key.
actions_title – Title for the actions column header. Default is
. -
custom_actions – A list of tuples for creating custom action buttons, where each tuple contains (‘Title Text displayed on hover’, ‘bootstrap icon name’, ‘URL tuple or fixed URL string’) (e.g.
[('Run', 'play-fill', ('run_report', [('report_id', ':id')]))]
). -
view_url – URL string or URL tuple in
('endpoint', [('url_parameter_name', ':db_model_fieldname')])
to use for the view action. -
edit_url – URL string or URL tuple in
('endpoint', [('url_parameter_name', ':db_model_fieldname')])
to use for the edit action. -
delete_url – URL string or URL tuple in
('endpoint', [('url_parameter_name', ':db_model_fieldname')])
to use for the delete action. -
new_url – URL string to use for the create action (new in version 1.6.0).
To set the URLs for table actions, you will need to pass either a fixed URL string or an URL tuple in the form of ('endpoint', [('url_parameter_name', ':db_model_fieldname')])
: endpoint of the view, normally the name of the view function -
[('url_parameter_name', ':db_model_fieldname')]
: a list of two-element tuples, the tuple should contain the URL parameter name and the corresponding field name in the database model (starts with a:
mark to indicate it’s a variable, otherwise it will becomes a fixed value).db_model_fieldname
may also contain dots to access relationships and their fields (e.g.user.name
By default, Bootstrap-Flask will take the fields from the row data provided. Alternatively, you may set the model
, in which case a record from that model, indexed with the same primary key, will be used to get the actual value when building the URL.
For example, for the view below:
class Message(Model):
id = Column(primary_key=True)
def view_message(message_id):
To pass the URL point to this view for view_url
, the value will be: view_url=('view_message', [('message_id', ':id')])
. Here is the full example:
def test():
data = Message.query.all()
return render_template('test.html', data=data)
{% from 'bootstrap4/table.html' import render_table %}
{{ render_table(data, view_url=('view_message', [('message_id', ':id')])) }}
The following arguments are expect to accpet an URL tuple:
When setting the delete_url
, you will also need to enable the CSRFProtect extension provided by Flask-WTF, so that the CSRF protection can be added to the delete button:
$ pip install flask-wtf
from flask_wtf import CSRFProtect
csrf = CSRFProtect(app)
By default, it will enable the CSRF token check for all the POST requests, read more about this extension in its documentation.
Render a Bootstrap icon.
{% from 'bootstrap4/utils.html' import render_icon %}
{{ render_icon('heart') }}
- render_icon(name, size=config.BOOTSTRAP_ICON_SIZE, color=config.BOOTSTRAP_ICON_COLOR, title=None, desc=None)
- Parameters:
name – The name of icon, you can find all available names at Bootstrap Icon.
size – The size of icon, you can pass any vaild size value (e.g.
, etc.), default to use configurationBOOTSTRAP_ICON_SIZE
(default value is ‘1em’). -
color – The color of icon, follow the context with
if not set. Accept values are Bootstrap style name (one of['primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark', 'muted']
) or any valid color string (e.g.'red'
or'(250, 250, 250)'
), default to use configurationBOOTSTRAP_ICON_COLOR
(default value isNone
). -
title – The title of the icon for accessibility support.
desc – The description of the icon for accessibility support.
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