Description: There is a straight highway with villages alongside the highway. The highway is represented as an integer axis, and the position of each 阅读全文
Double ended queue deque (usually pronounced like "deck") is an irregular acronym of double-ended queue. Double-ended queues are sequence containers w 阅读全文
Multiple-key set Multisets are containers that store elements following a specific order, and where multiple elements can have equivalent values. Comp 阅读全文
Kalman Filter Overview: Steps: First measurement - receive initial measurements of the object's position, which usually comes from a ranger like a rad 阅读全文
A Dog Breed Classifier Setting Jupyter Notebook Keras Model ResNet50 Implementation normalization the mean pixel must be subtracted from every pixel i 阅读全文
Day 3: Sense the world We will show how to add sensors to our basic differential drive model. Once equipped with sensors, our robot will be sufficient 阅读全文
Textbook: A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation, Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li, S. Shankar Sastry In short as RM in the following descri 阅读全文
Udacity CarND Term 2: Sensor Fusion, Localization and Control Overview (10/12/2017 - 1/5/2018) Notes 14. Implementation of a Particle Filter Reference 阅读全文
[Problem] Given a 2D grid, each cell is either a wall 2, an house 1 or empty 0 (the number zero, one, two), find a place to build a post office so tha 阅读全文
[Probelm] (link) Given a 2D grid, each cell is either a wall 2, a zombie 1 or people 0 (the number zero, one, two).Zombies can turn the nearest people 阅读全文
[Problem] Given a knight in a chessboard (a binary matrix with 0 as empty and 1 as barrier) with a source position, find the shortest path to a destin 阅读全文
[Problem] Given a undirected graph, a node and a target, return the nearest node to given node which value of it is target, return NULL if you can't f 阅读全文