As a software engineer, I mainly work on C++ and Python under Ubuntu system. Sometimes I may also want to use Matlab, but not very often. I will go th 阅读全文
Machine/Deep Learning Interview Questions Algorithms/Theory Q1- What’s the trade-off between bias and variance? More reading: Bias-Variance Tradeoff ( 阅读全文
random.sample(population, k) Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence. Used for random sampling without replaceme 阅读全文
Udacity: Introduction to Operating System Overview 1.Course Readiness Survey 2.P1L1: Course Overview 3.P1L2: Introduction to Operating Systems 4.P2L1: 阅读全文
It is interesting and aslo necessary to disscuss about the two types in ROS, std_msgs/Empty and std_srv_msgs/Empty. The two message type are indicatin 阅读全文
Commonly used functions tf.saved_model.loader.load(sess, tags, export_dir) tf.get_default_graph() # Return the default Graph being used in the current 阅读全文
Overview OpenAI-gym (Git Repo) provides a great toolkit and a playgroud for research on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Furtherly, gym-gazebo (Git Repo), 阅读全文
Step 1: GPU Instance and AMI The first thing we'll do is select the AMI and an instance with a GPU: Top Left: Service -> EC2 Left Side Bar: Spot Reque 阅读全文
Use dict.get(key[, default]) to assign default values The code below is functionally equivalent to the original code above, but this solution is more 阅读全文
template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo>class Eigen::LLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo > Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated feat 阅读全文