
[Tutorial] Instruction of Using The AMI

Step 1: GPU Instance and AMI

The first thing we'll do is select the AMI and an instance with a GPU:

  • Top Left: Service  -> EC2
  • Left Side Bar: Spot Requests
  • Request Spot Instances
  • Search AMI: eg: Community AMIs -> "udacity-carnd"
  • Select Instance Types -> GPU Instances

Step 2: Volume, Key Pair, and Security Group

NOTE: during the project you should uncheck the volume delete marker, this will ensure the volume is NOT deleted when the instance is terminated and your progress will be saved. The volume can then be attached to a future instance.

  • Modify Volume as 40 GB
  • Create a new Key Pair, eg called "demo"
  • Choose Security Group, eg "default"

Step 3: Connecting To The Instance

  • Right click Instance -> Instruction window comes out
    • Navigate to key. eg:
      • $ chmod 400 demo.pem
      • $ ssh -i "demo.pem" root@ec2-54-201-21-164.us-west2.compute.amazonaws.com
      • now in remote terminal

Please note that in some cases, the default security group blocks SSH connections from external IPs, resulting in the request timing out. In these cases, the security group has to be updated to allow SSH connections. Please see this post for details as well as these helpful setup instructions.



posted @ 2018-01-14 12:43  CasperWin  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报