- 2D 模拟器
- highway-env: https://github.com/eleurent/highway-env.git
- python
- gym
- reinforcement learning
- snmnmin12/Lane-Change-Simulation: https://github.com/snmnmin12/Lane-Change-Simulation.git
- C++
- Probabilistic decision making
- with pygame
- highway-env: https://github.com/eleurent/highway-env.git
- 3D 模拟器
- carla
- lgsvl: https://www.lgsvlsimulator.com/
- enginBozkurt/MotionPlanner: https://github.com/enginBozkurt/MotionPlanner.git
- python
- Carla 0.8.4 & Coursera
- motion planning (static and dynamic obstacles, stop sign)
- paulyehtw/Lane-Keeping-Assist-on-CARLA: https://github.com/paulyehtw/Lane-Keeping-Assist-on-CARLA.git
- python
- Carla 0.8.4 & Coursera
- path tracking (MPC, Pure Pursuit, Stanley)
- generate scenarios: http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~mrl/adversarial_driving_scenarios/
- python
- Carla 0.8.4 & Coursera
- scenario based planning
Ref: https://www.simonwenkel.com/2019/06/16/Coursera-Self-Driving-Car-Specialization-Review.html