CentOS 6 回收站工具




比较下来,我选择了linux-stuff saferm.sh的方式,简单有效。开始上干货:


 # yum install git
 # git --version


# git clone https://github.com/lagerspetz/linux-stuff.git

若因为服务器网络限制等原因,不成功,可以直接在客户端浏览器里访问 saferm,Download ZIP,然后上传服务器。


[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# cd linux-stuff-master
[root@ox2 linux-stuff-master]# ls
firefox-dark-theme  gnome                   legacy       README.md  sources.list.d
games               hybrid-graphics-and-pm  metapackage  scripts
[root@ox2 linux-stuff-master]# vim README.md
[root@ox2 linux-stuff-master]#


[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# unzip linux-stuff-master.zip
Archive:  linux-stuff-master.zip
   creating: linux-stuff-master/
  inflating: linux-stuff-master/README.md
   creating: linux-stuff-master/firefox-dark-theme/
  inflating: linux-stuff-master/firefox-dark-theme/userContent.css
   creating: linux-stuff-master/games/
   creating: linux-stuff-master/games/Zero-K/
  inflating: linux-stuff-master/games/Zero-K/Zero-K.png

[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll
total 1264
drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root    4096 Mar  6 23:54 linux-stuff-master
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1289641 Apr 26 08:58 linux-stuff-master.zip
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# mv linux-stuff-master/scripts/saferm.sh  /usr/bin
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# vim /etc/bashrc
alias rm='saferm.sh'

[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# source /etc/bashrc


/etc/profile: 此文件为系统的每个用户设置环境信息,当用户第一次登录时,该文件被执行。并从/etc/profile.d目录的配置文件中搜集shell的设置。
/etc/bashrc: 为每一个运行bash shell的用户执行此文件。当bash shell被打开时,该文件被读取。
~/.bash_profile: 每个用户都可使用该文件输入专用于自己使用的shell信息,当用户登录时,该文件仅仅执行一次!默认情况下,他设置一些环境变量,执行用户的.bashrc文件。
~/.bashrc: 该文件包含专用于你的bash shellbash信息,当登录时以及每次打开新的shell时,该该文件被读取。
~/.bash_logout: 当每次退出系统(退出bash shell)时,执行该文件。



[root@ox2 linux-stuff-master]# saferm.sh -h
This is saferm.sh 1.16. LXDE and Gnome3 detection.
    Will ask to unsafe-delete instead of cross-fs move. Allows unsafe (regular rm) delete (ignores trashinfo).
    Creates trash and trashinfo directories if they do not exist. Handles symbolic link deletion.
    Does not complain about different user any more.

Usage: /path/to/saferm.sh [OPTIONS] [--] files and dirs to safely remove
-r      allows recursively removing directories.
-f      Allow deleting special files (devices, ...).
-u      Unsafe mode, bypass trash and delete files permanently.
-v      Verbose, prints more messages. Default in this version.
-q      Quiet mode. Opposite of verbose.

[root@ox2 linux-stuff-master]#


[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# touch test_file1 test_file2
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll
total 1264
drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root    4096 Mar  6 23:54 linux-stuff-master
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1289641 Apr 26 08:58 linux-stuff-master.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root       0 Apr 26 09:06 test_file1
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root       0 Apr 26 09:06 test_file2
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# rm 0rf test_file1
File does not exist: 0rf.
Moving test_file1 to /root/Trash
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll /root/Trash/
total 0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Apr 26 09:06 test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# mkdir test_dir
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# touch test_dir/test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ls test_dir/test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# rm -rf test_dir
Moving test_dir to /root/Trash
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll /root/Trash/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Apr 26 09:07 test_dir
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 Apr 26 09:06 test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll /root/Trash/test_dir/
total 0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Apr 26 09:07 test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# 



[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# vim test_file1  # 添加内容“test conent”
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# rm test_file1
Moving test_file1 to /root/Trash
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll /root/Trash/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Apr 26 09:07 test_dir
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   13 Apr 26 09:08 test_file1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 Apr 26 09:06 test_file1~
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# cat /root/Trash/test_file1 /root/Trash/test_file1~
test conent

[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# vim test_file1
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# cat test_file1
test2 conent
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# rm test_file1
Moving test_file1 to /root/Trash
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ll /root/Trash
total 12
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Apr 26 09:07 test_dir
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   13 Apr 26 09:10 test_file1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   13 Apr 26 09:08 test_file1~
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# cat /root/Trash/test_file1 /root/Trash/test_file1~
test2 conent
test conent

[root@ox2 linux-stuff]# ls
linux-stuff-master  linux-stuff-master.zip  test_file2
[root@ox2 linux-stuff]#


[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ mkdir rm_test
[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ cd rm_test/
[oracle@ox2 rm_test]$ vim rm_test.txt
[oracle@ox2 rm_test]$ cd ..
[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ rm  rm_test
Is a directory (and -r not specified): rm_test.
[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ rm -rf rm_test
Moving rm_test to /home/oracle/Trash
[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ ll ~/Trash/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 26 09:17 rm_test
[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$ cat ~/Trash/rm_test/rm_test.txt

[oracle@ox2 oinstall]$



posted on 2021-04-26 11:09  carysun  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报