1. 需要客户提供服务器ip和端口号,需安装MQSeriesWeb-9.1.1-0.x86_64.rpm组件,修改mqwebuser.xml, 配置文件

2,  vim /var/mqm/web/installations/Installation1/servers/mqweb/mqwebuser.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Licensed Materials - Property of IBM




Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2017 All Rights Reserved.


US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or

disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with

IBM Corp.



Sample mqwebuser.xml file, included by server.xml, to contain user

configuration for the mqweb server.









    Default MQ security configuration allows HTTPS TLS v1.2 ONLY and no user access,

    refer to the IBM Knowledge Center section on "IBM MQ Console and REST API security"

    for details of how to configure security.


    <sslDefault sslRef="mqDefaultSSLConfig"/>

    <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="defaultRealm">

     <user name="mqadmin" password="mqadmin"/>

     <group name="MQWebAdminGroup">

        <member name="mqadmin"/>



 <enterpriseApplication id="">


         <security-role name="MQWebAdmin">

             <group name="MQWebAdminGroup" realm="defaultRealm"/>





 <enterpriseApplication id="">


         <security-role name="MQWebAdmin">

             <group name="MQWebAdminGroup" realm="defaultRealm"/>




<variable name="mqRestMftEnabled" value="true"/>

<variable name="httpPort" value="9191"/>

<variable name="httpHost" value="*"/>

<variable name="secureLtpa" value="false"/>

<variable name="mqRestMftCoordinationQmgr" value="mqRestMftCoordinationQmgr"/>

<variable name="mqRestGatewayQmgr" value="mqRestGatewayQmgr"/>

<variable name="mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins" value="*"/>

<variable name="ltpaCookieName" value="LtpaToken2_Token"/>






bash-4.2$ cd /opt/mqm/bin

bash-4.2$ source setmqenv -s

bash-4.2$ dspmqver

bash-4.2$ dspmq)

setmqweb properties -k mqRestMftEnabled -v true

setmqweb properties -k mqRestGatewayEnabled -v true

setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins -v "*"

setmqweb properties -k ltpaCookieName -v LtpaToken2_Token

setmqweb properties -k httpPort -v "9191"               ----配置监听端口(监听端口可以自己设置)





dspmqweb status




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