

2008-07-16 11:31  Carol Xiong  阅读(1638)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
1 » Haijun Cao - Forefront 2 » Hengyun Cao - Directory Services

2005年2月起就职于微软高级技术培训中心 (CPLS) ,主要担任Windows Server 和Exchange Server 讲师为学员和企业用户提供培训。由于对微软产品和技术的有着浓厚的兴趣,凭借在学习和工作中掌握的知识和积累的实践经验,我在2006-2008 年,连续三年获得微软认证讲师(MCT)资质,同时拥有/CCNP/MCP/MCSA/MCSE/MCDBA 的认证。
一名技术出身的讲师,重要的是能够将知识和经验与同学们共享。这就要求我有扎实的技术功底, 同时也需具备良好的授课技巧。借助于微软讲师(MCT) 这个平台,我一直致力于微软产品及技术的推广和教学,使我在技术提升和教学改进方面取得了长足的进步。

姓名:常波,网名:夜鹰。工作于1997年,一直从事计算机相关行业,从最早接触的的MS-DOS 3.1至今,Windows操作系统的忠实爱好者,系统的不断更新与升级造就了自身技术的完善。将“事在人为”一直作为座右铭,相信通过自身的努力,一定能够实现自己的梦想!chang_bo@163.com


Dflying is working as a developer in EMC Corporation with a good understanding in Microsoft .NET technologies, especially in ASP.NET. He publishes a few books and writes blog frequently. He likes piano, football and cooking, also keeps cats.



1998开始用 ACCESS 开发应用软件,第一个软件是人事薪资管理。有丰富的 ACCESS 以及 EXCEL 企业应用培训经验。
1998年开始触网,次年创立个人网站,就是现在的 http://access911.net
2000年开始进行企业ERP、CRM的开发及实施,同时兼顾财务人员、开发人员、培训人员三个角色,至今已经有 5 年多经验。
2004-2007 年四届 MVP。


2007年第四次评为 ACCESS 方面MVP,今年开始希望向 ASP.NET 方向学习了。

8 » Liangqiao Chen - Visual C++


10 » Rui Chen - Visual Basic

I'm a programmer with 10+ years experience. And I have 10+ years experience in basic and visual basic. My personal web site is www.applevb.com.you can find articles and sourcecode in this site(of course this site is build in chinese language!) And my favorite community site is www.csdn.net, the biggest develop community site in China.

11 » Ryan Chen - SQL

陈亮目前在EMC全球服务亚太微软实践部门担任微软解决方案架构师,精通SQL Server以及微软的商务智能解决方案。在加入EMC前,陈亮是一位独立技术顾问并与微软的很多部门紧密合作。他有着多年的SQL Server数据库应用开发及微软商务智能解决方案设计的经验。
陈亮获得了2006年及2007年的SQL Server MVP。

12 » Xiufeng Chen - Excel

在多年的写作中,曾出版《Excel十日通》、《PowerPoint 2007中文版从入门到精通(普及版)》、《Excel 2007中文版从入门到精通(普及版) 》等书籍,并参加《Microsoft Office情景教学案例解析》和《Office办公应用疑难破解》等书籍的编写工作。

13 » Xizhang Chen - Team System

1. C#,ASP.NET开发
2. SQL Server 2005(2000)管理与开发
3. Office应用和VBA开发技术,以及VB的COM开发技术

1: .NET开发(Visual Studio 2005)
1.1 技术:C#、ASP.NET
1.2 方向:Mobile、Web开发、WebService、VSTO
2: SQL Server 2005
2.1 分析服务
2.2 报表服务
2.3 数据挖掘
3: 即将正式推出的OSS 2007 和Office 2007的部署、应用和开发

14 » Yuan Chen - Visual Basic

once start,never stop...if there is a question,there is an anwser

15 » Xinwen Cheng - Visual C#

Hello everyone, I'm Xinwen Cheng, and I'm very proud to be a MVP with you all. From the first time I touched computer to now, Software Development brings too much joy to me, during the study and work, I'm very gladly to get support and help from my friends. The MVP reward is not a sign which shows how much technology I understand, it reminds me to keep my faith to study and work hard with you all, and find my position and value.

16 » Zunhua Cheng - Management Infrastructure

毕业之后,通过微软认证课程培训及自学获得MCSE/MCDBA认证。从2001年7月到2004年7月先后在上海阜和网络教育中心,上海交大南洋培训中心担任讲师,并于2003年11月获得MCT认证。在此期间,累计完成了大约3400小时的培训工作,参加培训人数超过1500人次;教授课程涵盖Windows Server、Exchange Server、ISA Server及SQL Server等产品;除进行认证课程培训之外还面向企业提供针对性的培训服务,客户包括上海理想信息产业(集团)、华一银行、富士-施乐、康宁和上海市卫生系统等企事业单位;培训质量受到了客户的广泛认可。
三年的专职培训讲师经历使我有了丰富的理论知识和技术理解能力以及讲解能力的积累,同时缺乏实际的网络管理和排错经验成为制约我发展的瓶颈。因此,我从2004年8月加入上海微创软件公司,担任PSS部门中国区技术支持工程师,面向中国地区用户提供Windows Server、 Exchange Server、ISA Server等产品的技术支持,在为期一年的工作中总计完成了1500个左右的技术支持事件,客户满意度始终保持在团队前列。由于出色的工作,获得PSS部门05财年第三季度的最佳客户满意度奖(Best CSAT)。
因为在培训和技术支持方面的突出贡献, 2005年10月我被授予微软最有价值专家(MVP)称号,技术专长为Windows Server - Management Infrastructure
目前本人以特约培训讲师的身份,和多家培训中心合作面向企业提供团培服务,客户包括西门子 、泰康瑞侃、上海电视台、柏林顿货运、联邦快递、特灵空调、友达光电以及3M等知名企事业单位。
2006年6月,以特约讲师身份参与TechNet V播项目的策划和实施
2006年7月,以核心讲师身份参与Windows Vista Rapid Deployment Program Custom Workshop活动
2006年7月,以特约讲师身份讲授TechNet 网络广播Windows Vista Beta 2 实战全集系列
2006年8月,以特约讲师身份讲授TechNet 网络广播开启企业管理新篇章系列
2006年9月,以MVP身份在TechED 06上讲授Windows Vista操作系统最新安全特性
2007年1月,以特约讲师身份讲授TechNet 网络广播商业客户端部署解决方案

17 » Luming Cui - Exchange Server

从事IT行业以来,一直关注微软的技术发展。本身自己非常喜欢微软的技术,作为讲师最大的心愿就是将自己所学到的知识告诉其他人。熟悉微软的Media Center,现在专注于Windows Vista的技术。

18 » Guomao Ding - Exchange Server

丁国茂(Neil.Ting),网名“钉子”,现就职某网络公司,任技术咨询顾问一职,同时为邮件技术资讯网(www.5dmail.net)创建人,并至今担任站长一职。长期学习关注及从事邮件系统(包括Exchange Server)产品应用及相关产品的技术支持,实施顾问工作。

19 » Wei Ding - Office System

Graduated with a master’s degree in engineering; Microsoft MVP (Office System); Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT); Microsoft Enterprise Support Service Engineer (ESS); Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE); Microsoft Office Club expert member. Work for Microsoft Certified Technical Service Center since 2003, familiar with Office system, SharePoint Server, Project Server, Exchange, MS Dynamics CRM, etc; Provide technical support and training to Microsoft products users frequently; repeatedly participate in Microsoft's technical activities related to the deployment, application and management; Assume the role of Technical Manager for Intel China Co., since 2006; An IT veteran in project implementation and training.

20 » Fancy Fan - SQL

范春莹(Fancy Fan),北京大学 MBA,现任中国万网技术总监。他在互联网行业拥有十年的从业经验,将经济学、管理学理论与技术导向相结合,将情感经济管理与敏捷开发相结合,对超大型网站的架构与商业模式定位有独到的见解,对Hosting技术研发及托管运营管理有丰富的经验。曾作为总构架师、技术部门管理者主导设计开发了B2B电子商务平台买麦网(http://www.com.cn)及全系列的虚拟主机产品线。2008年初,Fancy带领技术团队成功推出新一代虚拟主机-G享主机,使中国的Hosting产品达到世界领先水平。
  Fancy拥有ORACLE OCP DBA,MCSE,MCDBA认证证书。几年来,作为ORACLE OCP、MCDBA认证讲师,曾为大唐电信、松下电器、中科院网络信息中心学员做专场或集中授课。
  2007年,Fancy被微软(美国)评为全球IT Hero. 同时,Fancy被评选为微软2008年度MVP(最有价值专家)。

22 » Lichao Feng - Project

我多年来一直专注于IT技术的教育及应用实践。1993年获国家高等学校教师资格,96年获得国家高级程序员资格,并于98年获得基于Windows NT 4.0的MCSE认证,同时开始从事微软认证教育,99年开始至今一直保持MCT资格,2005年获微软最有价值专家MVP资格。
2000年后,以微软资深讲师身份协助微软在全国许多城市进行微软技术宣传,并多次作为微软TTT讲师为微软培养新的讲师。同时,逐步将工作重点转移到微软技术的企业应用领域,包括举办了大量的面向企业的公开课程和订制课程,并逐步推进基于微软技术的企业网络与应用构架的咨询、设计、实施、诊断等业务,客户涉及国有制造业、设计院所、IT企业、外资制造企业等,项目涉及的微软产品包括:Windows Server, Exchange Server, SMS, SPS, LCS, SQL, Project, ISA, ASP.NET, C# 等。
欢迎访问 http://www.Hiweb.cn 了解我和我所在公司所提供的咨询与解决方案。

24 » Xi Fu - Windows Embedded

Fu Xi has 8 years working experience, and more than 5 year in IT management position and mobile industry field, who is a famous mobile computing and embedded specialist in China. He has abundant development, research & application experience in mobile & embedded relate areas. And he has 3 years presale and consulting team leader work experience in famous mobile manufacture of China.
Fu Xi In 2000, he translated and published 《Palm OS programming from the ground up》,In 2002, Fu Xi written a book about Microsoft Windows CE Development Technology, 《Windows CE development tips and samples》.In Jun 2005 he published 《Windows Mobile Application Development》,and this book was presented to 1000 industry ISVs who attended MEDC2005 in Beijing. In Jun 2006, he published 《Windows CE embedded system development guide》.
Fu Xi organized and attended more than 10 webcast of Microsoft Mobile & Embedded technology. As an Intel XScale architecture specialist, he made a speech in IDF in Oct.2005. In Jun 2005, Fu Xi was assigned as a principal of Shanghai Opensource Speciality Committee by Shanghai current government. And attended conference organization activity for International Conference on Software Engineering.
In Nov 2006 Fu Xi attend 2006 China mobile phone industry forum and be awarded for Outstanding Performance in mobile solution.

25 » Zhongkai Fu - Visual C++

熟悉Visual C++,Visual C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server技术。

26 » Chun Gao - Visual C#


27 » Yang Gao - ASP/ASP.NET

I am Gaoyang, graduate from the bachelor of traffic university of Beijing; Reply the university at dawn, software project master, the main research direction is ASP.NET, SOA builds up with enterprises one grade of systems is studied, to ORM (Nhibernate, Nbear, IBatisNet,etc.) , AOP (Sping.Net, Castle,etc.) Technology builds up and has a quite strong research interest too. Been engaged in .NET technological study and application for 7 years or so, has taken office and engaged in software solution worker's doing a transnational foreign enterprise of American country now, serve as the advanced American-European department manager, is responsible for building up the design, work of software development management in project, master it in .NET building up and CLR ground floor operating mechanism, is familiar with ADO.NET, XML, SQL Server, WCF +ESB +Biztalk6 relevant field technology, master Moss 2007 project and EIP to integrate in the face of Interface development, and organize the administrative system to develop the procedure and technology system in the group, to facing the target, designing the mode, software building up and Microsoft MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) Have certain research and practical experience to solve the frame with PMI project management.

28 » Hantao Ge - Device Application Development

大家好!我是葛涵涛,非常感谢Microsoft和微软.NET技术联盟的朋友推荐我为MVP。我是03年接触的移动开发,先后专著于J2ME和Symbian开发,有SL-275、Nokia S60开发者等认证。但是自从04年开始接触WindowsMobile才真正找到了方向。05年我正式加入微软(北京).NET俱乐部,在这里我接触到了更多的朋友,也不断的成长。我将一直致力于.NET技术和WindowsMobile的培训工作,以及WindowsMobile领域企业级应用的传播和推广工作。希望更多的朋友了解使用.NET和WindowsMobile。我的博客是http://www.cnblogs.com/jerryge 欢迎朋友们有空来坐坐:)

I am good at .net,C# and WPF.And I have lots of interests in WPF,sliverlight and windows mobile. I also have many working experiences in supermarket management system,call center ,telephone--bank system ,tax management system and so on.
I have built Shanxi DotNet Club in 2006 and organized a great many of on line and off line activities so that the club has around 200 persons at the moment.


31 » Hongjun Guo - ASP/ASP.NET

CSDN Community Team Lead

CSDN Site:

My Blog:

32 » Zongjian He - Windows Embedded

I’m a faculty member of Tongji University in Shanghai. I got master degree in Computer Science, and bachelor degree in Software Engineering. I’m interested in Windows Embedded related technology and good at Windows CE and Windows Mobile.
I’m familiar with Automotive and Cell Phone application. I was in charge of a research project named “Car borne information system”. It’s based on Windows CE and Windows Automotive; it includes GPS, Digital Map and Camera.

I teach Windows CE Embedded System course in Tongji University since 2004. This is the first Windows CE-based embedded course in China. It has been honored as “Classic Course” by China Ministry of Education. I have a website introducing my course, http://sse.tongji.edu.cn/jpkc, all the materials are available in both Chinese and English.

I have published a text book named “Windows CE Embedded System”, this is the first Windows CE based text book in embedded teaching. Also, I’m translating this book into English and update the content to Windows CE 6.

Also we have set up two labs with enterprise. One named “Microsoft-Tongji Embedded Windows Research Center”, the other one is “ICOP-Tongji Embedded Engineering Center”. We have very tight cooperation with both MSRA and ICOP.

I attended Microsoft “Train the Trainer” in 2004, I have trained more than 300 engineers both for commercial and for free. I organize free Windows CE training every other month with ICOP China.

33 » Hao Hu - Windows Mobile

Working Experience:
2006- Wicresoft, as Sr. Technical Consultant
2004-2005 Sodexho China, as Helpdesk Supervisor
1998-2003 China UNICOM, as O&M Supervisor

Technical Experience:
2008 MVP-Windows Mobile Device
2007 MVP-Windows Mobile Device
2006 MVP-Windows Shell User
2005 MVP-Windows Server Networking
2007 Technet Webcast Speaker, MEDC Speaker, TechED Speaker
2006 Technet Webcast Speaker, MEDC Speaker, TechED Speaker

Project Experience:
China UNICOM Jiangxi Branch GSM/CDMA project (phase 1/2)
China Mobile Shanxi Branch TOC project (phase 1/2/3)
China Mobile Hebei Branch Terminal Security project
CEIBS domain & mail system migration project
Carrefour China IT standard project

34 » Yan Hu - Windows Mobile

拥有五年.NET环境下软件设计、开发及项目管理经验,精通微软解决方案技术。曾在中国科学技术部研究中心参与软件研发、对微软Windows 2003 Logo认证支持培训和SmartClient支持计划有卓越的贡献。擅长基于ASP.NET的Web及移动Web开发,个人基于Asp.net MobileControl技术的Wap游戏产品--"唯我独尊"在2004微软移动开发大赛中获得入围奖。

35 » Jifeng Huang - ASP/ASP.NET

网名阿不,原名黄及峰,2004毕业参加工作,一开始并不是从事.NET这个技术领域,但一次偶然的机会让我接触了.NET,从此就立志在.NET技术上有所成就。一直致力于.NET ASP.NET方向,Web开发方面的学习和研究。在这过程中学习和掌握了 C#,Web架构,JavaScript核心,AJAX技术等Web开发所必须具备的各方面的知识,并且对SOA架构有比较深的理解和认识。同时个人喜欢面向对象技术,以及各种架构方面的技术,并逐渐转向公司系统架构方面的研究与设计。了解一些开源的框架,包括:Castle, Enterprise Library,iBatis.net,Lucene.net,NBear,Ext等。同时自己也积极参与开源项目的开发,参与开发了NBearV4中的 NBearMapping通用映射组件,移植LumaQQ.NET开源QQ开发框架等。
同时自己也是微软最新技术的簇拥者,每当微软有最新技术的发布,自己都会第一时间研究和了解,目前正在学习和掌握的新技术包括:WCF,Silverlight,LINQ,ADO.NET Entity,MVC。希望能与大家一起交流进步,技术博客:http://hjf1223.cnblogs.com 。

37 » Wenzhong Huang - Windows Embedded


38 » Zhenyu Huang - System Center Operations Manager

Giggs currently serves Newegg.com as the department manager of Training & Research Dept, reporting to Chief Architect Officer, with the responsibility to lead Training & Research Department for B2C related user experience innovation & improvement, business strategy planning & supporting, business system analysis, and knowledge support for Newegg Global.

He is familiar with Microsoft server side productions, like Active Directory, CA/PKI, Windows Server, Vista, IIS, ISA, Exchange, SMS, MOM, Commerce Server and LCS.

Giggs has won many prizes, such as "Microsoft Most Valuable Professional"(2004~2008), "National Technical Master of China", "Golden Price of China National E-Commerce Competition 2004 ", "ZDNet Senior Author" and so on.

Giggs is a Microsoft IT Academy mentor and Microsoft TechNet Speaker, delivering many online and offline courses to ITPros such as TechNet Webcast and TechED HOL. He has been supervisor of many online forums, besides, he contributes to the IT Pro community through his work for Culminis GCR and WinTEC, which are founded and sponsored by Microsoft.

Fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese.

40 » Sheng Jiang - Visual C++

I transferred from Borland C++ to Visual C++ Developer in 1999. I live in Austin, Texas, but I am on several Chinese online communities, such as blog.joycode.com, www.csdn.net, club.163.com and microsoft newsgroups. i know some BASIC and Java as well, but almost all my posts are in C++. I am also a PC/TV game fan.

41 » Ge Jin - Visual C#

金戈,网名JGTM(今年则是JGTM'2008咯),2004—2008连续五年获得微软最有价值专家(Microsoft MVP)奖,在Microsoft平台上有近20年的程序设计开发经验,8年多软件设计、开发与项目管理方面的工作经验。

在软件开发方面,早期主要使用Visual C++、Borland Delphi进行开发,于2003年所著的共享软件WinWAX Express曾在国外获得多个奖项。目前主要在.NET平台进行前沿互联网应用技术的研究与产品开发。对Microsoft平台有着深入的研究和丰富的实践经验,尤其擅长COM/OLE组件技术、Windows Shell、Internet Explorer等等,并在面向对象分析与设计技术、设计模式、分布式应用系统架构设计、面向服务的架构(SOA)等方面深有所得,近年来也成为了敏捷软件开发的积极实践者。8年多的工作中,负责过大小项目20余个,涉及包括全文检索、信息门户、电子商务、工作流、农业信息化、多媒体、3S、教育信息化等多个领域,积累了大量宝贵的经验。


2005年开始、历时一年半的时间同其他3位译者共同合作、主持翻译的软件工程经典著作《代码大全》(第二版)(Code Complete, 2nd Edition)在国内图书市场获得多项大奖,即将第五次印刷(总印数近50000册),本人也因此获得由电子工业出版社和博文视点出版公司颁发的优秀译者奖。




42 » Jianzhong Jin - BizTalk

一路沿着微软的路线,2001年从vs2002 beta2开始转向.net的开发。

43 » Lei Jin - Windows Desktop Experience

My major is Arabic, and I'm now a public servant in Dept. HR.
Yes, neither my major nor my job now is related to IT. But I'm just lovin computer tech and spend nearly all my spare time on it.

45 » Yiling Lai - Visual C++

Yiling Lai, study Visual C++ development technology from 2002. He is active on online communities and blogs. for example, www.csdn.net www.cppblog.net www.vchelp.net etc. Now he is study graphics and directx technology, and WPF's multimedia technology.

47 » Bin Li - SQL


48 » Bob Li - Windows Mobile

我从2002年开始接触.NET技术,通过参加在线的技术社区活动,我认识了许多朋友,学到了很多知识。2004年开始撰写博客,分享 Smart Client 和 Windows Mobile 的开发心得。2006年加入微软.NET俱乐部,并担任俱乐部讲师。目前任职于深圳一家软件企业,致力于移动商务解决方案的研究与推广。

50 » Hao Li - PowerPoint

从02年开始学习研究微软系列产品,主要从事Microsoft Windows Family ,Exchange Server等的研究工作,之后开始从事微软相关技术课程的讲授,主要讲授Microsoft Windows Family, Windows Vista Microsoft Office System, Exchange Server ,ISA Server 2004,Intel 64位等课程,受到学员及企业客户的好评。作为微软TechNet Webcast / MSDN Webcast 讲师参与微软的webcast活动。现就职于中国石油ERP人力资源项目组

51 » Honggen Li - Visual Basic

Honggen Li has a strong background in VB,C# and ASP.NET Web development.

52 » Hui Li - Office System

天翼博雅科技发展有限公司技术经理;微软(中国)有限公司特邀资深顾问讲师,微软课堂(论坛)中国区特邀讲师,微软T3企业培训种子讲师,多家计算机专业报刊专栏作者。Microsoft Office技术专家俱乐部会员,Microsoft TechED 2004/2005优秀讲员,Microsoft TechNet中文网络广播优秀讲员,对Microsoft Office产品有深入的研究,并参与Microsoft POC计划,为Microsoft重要客户提供Office解决方案和技术支持。主持编写了《全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格考试——信息处理与工具》、《Microsoft Office 2003应用整合精要》、《案例学Microsoft Office 2003》等专业书籍。

53 » JianZhong Li - Visual C#

现任上海祝成科技(http://www.softcompass.com)软件架构师,软件开发培训高级讲师。历任程序员,高级程序员,开发主管。微软MSDN中国 Visual C++, .NET, 设计模式专栏讲师。译著《Microsoft .NET框架程序设计(修订版)》,《Microsoft .NET框架程序设计——Visual Basic .NET 语言描述》,《Effective C#中文版》,在写作品《C#面向组件程序设计》、《Microsoft.NET框架设计模式》。

54 » Qing Li - Directory Services


55 » Sergey Li - Windows Desktop Experience

李岩玻,MCP,MCSE,MCDBA. 现担任CSDN社区Windows NT/XP/2000/2003版主和Windows Vista版主, 北京微软.NET俱乐部论坛Windows Vista版主.

57 » Youyi Li - Excel

  在ExcelHome给予我的学习天地里,使我能秉着“授人以渔”、求实创新和知识共享的宗旨,一直致力于MS Office(特别是Excel函数)技术的应用与推广工作,并积极主动地分享自己的所学所悟来帮扶他人,以求共同进步。欢迎大家有空来家坐坐:)

58 » Zheng Li - Visual C++

2004, 2005连续两年度微软VC++最有价值专家,微软认证讲师。2005年度开发类微软金牌认证讲师。超过三年的微软高级技术培训中心软件开发软件管理培训经验。同时也是Visual C++以及C#版本的微软认证解决方案专家,微软认证数据库管理员。拥有2年C#程序设计开发经验以及2年Visual C++程序设计经验。

59 » CHAO LI - Expression

Chao Li ( Allan ) focus on presentation layer and interactive technology,include WPF/Silverlight/Web standard/Flash.Good at visual design / interaction design & development,now worked at NEXT EXPERIENCE Interactive ,a interactive agency in beijing,To provide digital marketing and rich applications (RIA) solutions.

60 » guangji Liang - Exchange Server

梁光极(lianggj),现任广州的CPLS从事培训行业,主要讲授微软相关课程,同时作为Windows中文站(www.winos.cn)站长,至力于微软产品维护(包括Exchange Server)和技术支持工作。

62 » Yanfeng Lin - Team System

大家好,我叫林焰峰,英文名Kiven。很高兴成为MVP中国的一员,这里可以结交到很多的朋友,并进行着技术的交流与推广。我对微软最新的产品及技术有着浓厚的兴趣,对WPF/WF及MOSS有一定的研究。我负责微软武汉.NET俱乐部,并担任讲师与组织工作。通过各种形式的活动将开发技术及心得与武汉地区的.NET开发人员分享,同时也希望你的加入,为俱乐部注入更多的活力。大家可以访问我的博客:kivenlin.cnblogs.com 及俱乐部网站:www.msdnclub.com得到相关的信息。

63 » Zhiyong Lin - Windows Desktop Experience

大家好,我叫林智勇,英文名为Heelen Diyond,今年19岁,目前是广东工业大学的大一学生。我从2003年末接触互连网时开始学习计算机,学习范围较广,从Windows Client到Windows Server,从网页设计到编程,不过最擅长的是Windows Client的系统维护、安全设置等。从2004年2月开始到现在,撰写过数十篇技术文章,刊登于《电脑爱好者》《电脑教育报》《电脑》等杂志上。并且参与出版过几本Windows图书。我曾担任过某培训中心的讲师,并为该培训中心搭设内部网络。2005年1月创建了“HelpOnline在线技术支持”网站(http://help-online.org),与几位有相同爱好的朋友,怀着对技术的热爱和激情,义务为他人解答各种技术问题,提供远程维护服务。目前HelpOnline为国内微软合作社区之一。
我非常荣幸连续两届获得微软“最有价值专家”称号. 如果想与我联系,请发邮件至heelen@gmail.com

65 » Dashuang Liu - Project

As the ex-Microsoft Project product manager, Dashuang Liu now is managing 时代博睿(Timesberg, www.timesberg.com), a small business which is dedicated to provide project management and Microsoft EPM Solution implementation services to its clients in China market.

67 » Hongfeng Liu - Windows Embedded

网名叶帆,微软MVP,CSDN十大MVB,微软中文技术论坛Windows CE 版主。十几年开发经验,精通C、C++、VC、VB、C#、VB.net、EVC、.Net Micro Framework、梯形图和语句表等开发语言,对Windows和WinCE平台下的开发都比较熟悉。曾成功开发了诸如二型计量监控系统、焦炉四大机车自动化系统、烧结配水监控系统、隧道广告影像系统、通用组态软件、嵌入式系统组态软件、LED视频影像系统和ICU病室输液管理等系统。

68 » Hui Liu - Windows Desktop Experience

As a free-lancer, my everyday "job" is to write some technical articles which are oriented to the home user or in terms of windows and application software based on windows. Meanwhile, I could arrange my time optionally, so I am mostly online everyday, participating some discussions in different forums or newsgroups.

Besides composing technical articles with regard to windows, I usually take part in discussions of Microsoft Chinese newsgroup. Generally, I use the ID "Liu Hui", formerly ".com.cn", to participate the discussions of microsoft.public.cn.windowsxp group, and help others solve their different in-use problems.

Additionally, I also maintains my personal website (www.cctips.com), from which you could find most of the published articles, and some of them are referenced by many other websites.

I have been elected to be the MVP of Windows Shell/User category in April 2003, September 2004, June 2005, July 2006 and July 2007. Being the electee five times, I felt that my exertion has been affirmed, meanwhile, I realized some pressure. As the one who deserved the title "MVP", I would learn Microsoft technique unceasingly, and try my best to help more people.

69 » Wei Liu - ASP/ASP.NET

Mr. Eric Liu is an experienced business leader and analyst with a strong background in software architecture and in designing products that serve the needs of their target markets with a high level of usability.
He is the head of a multinational corporation’s technical department.
You can reach with him at : www.ceocio.net

70 » Xinyi Liu - SharePoint Server


72 » Qiming Lu - DShow/Media Foundation

Qi Ming Lu is a lead software engineer, working for a famous US company. He has shown great interest and passion in the multimedia field, and is always ready to share his experiences with others on DirectShow, Windows Media, etc. He has written four books - DirectShow Developing Tutorial (published in 2003), DirectShow Applications (published in 2004), Windows Media Programming Guide (published in 2005), and A Practical Guide to Script-Driven Software Development (published in 2006).

More information, please review his blog - http://jemylu.spaces.live.com/.

73 » Jianghua Luo - Visual C#

目前就职于某全球十大电子商务公司之一,.Net产品开发组成员, 微软MVP, 成都程序员俱乐部主席, 常撰写和翻译一些技术文章和组织一些俱乐部的交流活动。擅长C#、Remoting,Web Service,MSMQ等技术,常用SQL Server及.NET进行软件产品开发。对设计模式,系统分析架构和项目管理有一定的了解和兴趣.
contact me with MSN/email: ljhkim6@hotmail.com

75 » Ning Ma - Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile MVP in China, develop software for Pocket PC and Smartphone and write column of mobile application for Programmermagazine.
His software 'TaoTie Wireless Restaurant Management System' won the third prize of Business application in the Mobile competition of Microsoft in 2004.

76 » Qi Ma - Device Application Development

连续四年度微软最有价值专家,微软认证金牌讲师, Nokia认证讲师。马骐有超过8年的软件设计、需求分析和项目管理、编程,以及超过六年的中科院软件所微软高级技术培训中心MCSE/MCSD培训经验,以及多种嵌入式平台(包括Symbain,Brew,Palm和WinCE)开发经历,熟悉整个软件项目管理流程,包括业务需求分析,项目预算以及项目安排和任务分配。(http://www.tuojie.com)

77 » Xianhui Meng - XML

I am an MVP from China.

78 » Ke Niu - Forefront

Ke (MCT, MCSE, MCSD, MCDBA) is a senior IT specialist with over 7 years experience in the computer and networking technology. In the early, he focus on building IT solutions for the petroleum and chemical industry automatic control, and develop many software for them. After 1999, he dedicated his time for enterprise solutions by using Microsoft products and technology. He works with many Microsoft server platforms products, such as Windows Server 2003, Small Business Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server, SharePoint etc.
As a Microsoft technologies trainer, he often does training for the enterprise customers and individuals in the CTEC with MOC and MSDN courseware since 2001. At the same time, Ke is also an active community trainer, often presents webcast on the TechNet china website.

82 » SHengrong Qu - Directory Services


83 » Fred Shen - Dynamics AX

A Dynamics AX Technical Consultant and the administrator of bbs.mbscn.net (Chinese Dynamics AX user group)

84 » Rong Shen - SQL

Rong Shen,2004/2006/2007 MVP, MCSE/MCDBA/CCNA/Linux,Microsoft certified security trainer, Master Degree on Computer Technology+MBA , currently working as a Regional IT Director of Asia Pacific in Capsugel that's a division of Pfizer. With 13-year IT Industry experience and trainer experience,He masters networking deployment and management under the Microsoft platform, also Foxpro/VB+SQL/VBA programming 。Holding more than 10 years IT Infrastructure construction experience and Project experience,together with MRP/ERP implementation and training experience. Familiar with IBM AIX4.3/Linux/Informix system。He is keen on new technology and willing to share experience with others。

86 » Xin Shi - Directory Services


87 » Xinyu Shi - Windows Desktop Experience


88 » Weiwei Song - ASP/ASP.NET


网名:╄ 冷枫

毕业于南阳理工学院计算机系软件工程专业,现为一家中型商务企业软件开发工程师,程序架构师,软件培训师。编程经验五年,思维敏捷,时时关注新技术,CSDN荣誉专家,精通Asp.NET,C#.NET.对Flex+CF也有所研究,挺喜欢FCS模式的,对Flashcom研究颇深曾做过两个项目目前在已经投放市场.以前搞J2ME,由于项目需要最近两年主攻.Net,基本能做点关于C#, Asp.NET,PHP,ASP,JSP或基于WEB的MIS方面的工作,一线程序员出身,开发实战经验丰富,有开发经验的C#或基于WEB(Asp.Net)的MIS程序员是我很愿意交流的对象,渴望学习,期待交流.

Email: JavaProgramers@hotmail.com

MSN: Javaprogramers@hotmail.com

89 » Fan Su - Windows Desktop Experience


90 » Wei Sun - SQL

I am working for a CPLS, and i am the MCT\MCDBA\MCSE , provider consulting service and training service on SQL Server\.Net App Architect Design.

91 » Yi Sun - Windows Desktop Experience

英文名Geo.,目前就读大学三年级。自2001年起加入微软中文新闻组,主要研究Windows Client的安装、配置、应用、系统维护和故障诊断,以及计算机网络及硬件的原理和故障修复。自2004年起担任微软中文新闻组版主,2005年担任微软中文技术社区版主。2005年1月参与创建Help-Online社区(http//help-online.org),为网友解答问题和参与技术交流与讨论,HelpOnline社区于2006年6月成为微软官方社区合作伙伴。于2007年10月获得微软“最有价值专家(MVP)”称号。

E-Mail: geo.suny@gmail.com

92 » Zhenlin Tan - ASP/ASP.NET


93 » Gang Wang - Enterprise Security


95 » Liang Wang - Exchange Server

I have two years working experience,Nowadays I work in a foreign invested company. The main work for me is to maintain and manage AD, Exchange, ISA, WSUS, SQL. Learning Exchange is my main interest, almost all my spare time are spent in learning and study it.

96 » Weihua Wang - ASP/ASP.NET

技术社区: http://www.chinaaspx.com

97 » Xingming Wang - Visual C#

微软认证系统开发工程师(MCAD、MCSD),微软认证讲师(MCT),2004年获得微软金牌认证讲师(开发类),2004 ,2005微软最有价值专家(MVP,C#)。超过五年.NET平台开发与培训经验,授课条理清晰,深入浅出,将大量的实际案例引入课堂。语言表达能力强,善于调动学员学习积极性,讲解问题耐心细致,受到学员一致好评。

98 » Xinyu Wang - Windows Desktop Experience

Windows Shell/User MVP.微软认证系统工程师.
参与Windows Vista测试等项目.

99 » Yang Wang - Windows Desktop Experience

Graduated from Beijing Science and Engineering University, Yang Wang, whose nickname is gnaw0725 and the homepage is http://gnaw0725.blogbus.com, has accumulated a lot of experiences in the network field. From computer selling and maintaining to network designing and running, from novell, dos to unix, windows2003, from computer simple applying to windows platform sustaining,Yang Wang has been enriched abundant from continuous practicing. Dos4.0 is his first touched operation system. When he was in the second year in university, he was responsible for the network set up in one network engineering company. In addition with that, he was also engaged in the computer room management and maintaining in the university. Once engaged in localization of the software and computer training for some time after graduating. And finally, he came back to it.pro. Now, he still works for large network management and maintaining, and is responsible for his company’s network set up of wintel platform with over 10 thousand users.

100 » Yuhong Wang - Access

网名:tmtony 真名:王宇虹 [Office中国]及[Access中国]网站站长,毕业广州中山大学, 在外企做了四年的MIS系统开发,主要使用ACCESS与SQL SERVER进行软件开发, 99年在利玛公司任高级程序员,开始使用ACCESS和SQL SERVER开发大型CAPMS8 ERP系统, 实施了近八家大型企业的ERP系统, 01年在国土局任职,主要负责GIS 、WEBGIS以及OA系统的开发,同时使用ASP建设政府大型网站,02年到今任职汇龙科技有限公司开发经理,主要负责企业家ERP系统和CRM系统的开发。有丰富的企业管理软件开发经验。特别在ERP和CRM方面有近8年的开发和实施经验。创建了[Office中国]及[Access中国]两个交流网站,网站现已拥有10多位MVP,56000多会员,40多位版主及专家。
1.开辟Access专家专栏,聚集优秀的专家和Access MVP,收集最好的Access开发技巧与文章
4. 合并[Office中国]与[原Access中国](国内最大及最专业的Access开发交流网站),统一资源及统一形象,对网站及论坛进行重大改版,为网友提供更好的服务和交流平台,与21cn及joyo网等知名网站进行更多及更深入的合作。
5. 在2004年3月及2004年8月1日分别在深圳和广州举办 Office中国第二届及第三届网友交流会并颁发奖品,为网友提供更紧密的交流服务。促进Office在中国的发展,推动更多的用户使用Office产品,并准备在明年3月举办第四届网友交流会。
6. 发行四期Office技巧与源码电子期刊,提供给4万多网友更新颖更及时的经典技巧与精彩源码,吸引更多的网友使用Office。