Android 开机过程PMS分析





12-13 12:25:05.595  3253  3253 SystemServer !@Boot: Start PackageManagerService

public PackageManagerService(Context context, Installer installer, boolean factoryTest, boolean onlyCore)
① mSettings 初始化,发现 packages.list 找不到 报出以上的log
mSettings = new Settings(context);
//因为data分区 被Security的加密feature卸载,所以data下面的文件全都找不到
12-13 12:25:05.625  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC Error opening /data/system/seapp_hash. Assuming first boot.
12-13 12:25:05.640  3253  3253 FileUtils Failed to chmod(/data/system/packages.list): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

②  SystemConfig systemConfig = SystemConfig.getInstance();
    mGlobalGids = systemConfig.getGlobalGids();
    mSystemPermissions = systemConfig.getSystemPermissions();
    mAvailableFeatures = systemConfig.getAvailableFeatures();

12-13 12:25:05.650  3253  3253 SystemConfig No directory /system/etc/sysconfig, skipping
12-13 12:25:05.940  3253  3253 SystemConfig Got execption parsing permissions.
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: No start tag found
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
12-13 12:25:06.060  3253  3253 Revision File not found at: /data/security/sepolicy
12-13 12:25:06.060  3253  3253 Revision File not found at: /data/security/spota/sepolicy_version
12-13 12:25:06.065  3253  3253 xxxxxxsetupresourcelist entered setup resource list in selinuxmmac
12-13 12:25:06.065  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC Read and parse file: /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC Read and parse file: /data/security/good/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC File not found exception: /data/security/good/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC Read and parse file: /data/security/mycontainer/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC File not found exception: /data/security/mycontainer/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC Read and parse file: /data/security/whitelist/mac_permissions.xml
12-13 12:25:06.665  3253  3253 SELinuxMMAC File not found exception: /data/security/whitelist/mac_permissions.xml

    mInstaller = installer;
    mHandlerThread = new ServiceThread(TAG, Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, true /*allowIo*/);
    // Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) 设置线程优先级为后台,这样当多个线程并发后很多无关紧要的线程分配的CPU时间将会减少,有利于主线程的处理
    mHandler = new PackageHandler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); 用一个后台线程来处理安装请求
    Watchdog.getInstance().addThread(mHandler, WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);

    File dataDir = Environment.getDataDirectory();
    mAppDataDir = new File(dataDir, "data");
    mAppInstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app");
    mAppLib32InstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app-lib");
    mAsecInternalPath = new File(dataDir, "app-asec").getPath();
    mUserAppDataDir = new File(dataDir, "user");
    mDrmAppPrivateInstallDir = new File(dataDir, "app-private");

     ArrayMap<String, SystemConfig.PermissionEntry> permConfig = systemConfig.getPermissions(); //权限管理配置相关
     ArrayMap<String, String> libConfig = systemConfig.getSharedLibraries(); //共享库配置 相关

③  mFoundPolicyFile = SELinuxMMAC.readInstallPolicy(); //scan SELinux install policy耗时
    mRestoredSettings = mSettings.readLPw(this, sUserManager.getUsers(false), mSdkVersion, mOnlyCore); //pm/
    readLPw的时候发现data目录下的 packages.xml 找不到了,重建一个,同时return false
    mRestoredSettings =false, 则被认为是第一次烧机,或者重置。 所以:First Boot Or Factory Reset : I9502ZNUHNL2

12-13 12:25:06.670  3253  3253 PackageManager Time to scan SELinux install policy: 0.612 seconds
12-13 12:25:06.670  3253  3253 PackageManager No settings file; creating initial state
12-13 12:25:06.675  3253  3253 PackageManager First Boot Or Factory Reset : I9502ZNUHNL2

    String customResolverActivity = Resources.getSystem().getString( R.string.config_customResolverActivity);
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(customResolverActivity)) {
        customResolverActivity = null;
    } else {
        mCustomResolverComponentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(customResolverActivity);
    使用客户化的 customResolverActivity 来替代系统原有的,如果没有客户化的,就调用系统原有的
    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SYSTEM_SCAN_START, startTime); //系统扫描开始,打出扫描开始时间
    final int scanFlags = SCAN_NO_PATHS | SCAN_DEFER_DEX | SCAN_BOOTING; //设定扫描的flag
    final HashSet<String> alreadyDexOpted = new HashSet<String>(); //保存 DexOpted已经解析过的
    zygote 启动的时候,如果必要的话,会运行dexopt。所以要将 boot class path 中的所有东西 都添加上
    final String bootClassPath = System.getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH"); //Libcore.os.getenv(name);
    final String systemServerClassPath = System.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH");
    在bootClassPath和systemServerClassPath 下的 默认 加入alreadyDexOpted。
④    boolean didDexOptLibraryOrTool = false; //初始化,没有运行过dexopt的库或工具
    final List<String> allInstructionSets = getAllInstructionSets(); //取得所有指令集
    final String[] dexCodeInstructionSets = getDexCodeInstructionSets(allInstructionSets.toArray(new String[allInstructionSets.size()])); //所有指令集中,dexCode相关的指令集
    if (mSharedLibraries.size() > 0) {...} //确保所有的external libraries 有dexopt运行过。
    找到这个lib以后,将它加入alreadyDexOpted,并且调用  mInstaller.dexopt或mInstaller.patchoat 解析成可用的东西。 didDexOptLibraryOrTool = true;
    // NOTE: For now, we're compiling these system "shared libraries"
    // (and framework jars) into all available architectures. It's possible
    // to compile them only when we come across an app that uses them (there's
    // already logic for that in scanPackageLI) but that adds some complexity.
    对象: "shared libraries" (and framework jars)
12-13 12:25:07.795  3253  3253 PackageManager Library not found: /system/framework/javax.btobex.jar
12-13 12:25:08.755  3253  3253 PackageManager Library not found: /system/framework/imsmanager-internal.jar

    File frameworkDir = new File(Environment.getRootDirectory(), "framework"); // 对system/framework目录下的东西进行处理
    framework-res.apk, twframework-res.apk, 不解析,因为不包含任何代码
    core-libart.jar , boot class path路径下的,art使用的东西,已经处理过了,不处理了
    String[] frameworkFiles = frameworkDir.list(); //在java中实现了许多命令,需要dexopt来解析
    只处理 .apk 和 .jar 类型的文件, 如果有需要解析的 也会把 didDexOptLibraryOrTool设为true.

⑤ if (didDexOptLibraryOrTool || "1".equals(SystemProperties.get("sys.prune_dex_cache", "unknown"))) {...}
   //If we dexopted a library or tool, then something on the system has changed.
   这部分本应该在boot classpath中做,但是由于 DexFile.isDexOptNeeded 对所有的boot classpath文件返回为false,所以我们要在这里做。

12-13 12:25:12.480  3253  3253 PackageManager System has been changed!! : I9502ZNUHNL2

⑥    File vendorOverlayDir = new File(VENDOR_OVERLAY_DIR);
    final File privilegedAppDir = new File(Environment.getRootDirectory(), "priv-app");
    vendorOverlayDir = "/vendor/overlay"
    frameworkDir = "/system/framework"
    privilegedAppDir = "/system/priv-app"
    carrierAppDir = "/carrier/itson/app"
    systemAppDir = "/system/app"
    vendorAppDir = "/vendor/app"
    oemAppDir = 
    containerAppDir = "/system/container"
    扫描以上目录中存在的 packages, 然后交给scanDirLI()处理, scanDirLI() 具体做了哪些操作待定
12-13 12:25:12.505  3253  3253 PackageManager not yet prefetched, retry parse package: 
12-13 12:25:21.315  3253  3253 PackageManager Permission android.permission.sec.MDM_ENTERPRISE_VPN_SOLUTION from package android ignored: no group null
12-13 12:25:24.200  3253  3253 PackageManager not yet prefetched, retry parse package: 
12-13 12:25:24.205  3253  3253 PackageManager Failed to parse /system/priv-app/LogsProvider: Not a coreApp: /system/priv-app/LogsProvider
12-13 12:25:48.435  3253  3253 PackageManager not yet prefetched, retry parse package:
12-13 12:25:48.435  3253  3253 PackageManager Failed to parse /system/container/resources: Missing base APK in /system/container/resources

Line 3774: 12-13 12:25:12.480  3566  3566 dex2oat dex2oat took 35.592ms (threads: 4)
Line 3970: 12-13 12:25:48.490  3573  3573 dex2oat dex2oat took 23.313ms (threads: 4) //这个时间段没有跑dex2oat, 所以需要仔细分析.

scanDirLI(vendorOverlayDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags | SCAN_TRUSTED_OVERLAY, 0);
scanDirLI(frameworkDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED, scanFlags | SCAN_NO_DEX, 0);
scanDirLI(privilegedAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED, scanFlags, 0);
scanDirLI(carrierAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_PRIVILEGED, scanFlags, 0); //CSC控制
scanDirLI(systemAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);
scanDirLI(vendorAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);
scanDirLI(oemAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);
scanDirLI(containerAppDir, PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM | PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR, scanFlags, 0);

    if (DEBUG_UPGRADE) Log.v(TAG, "Running installd update commands");

    修减 packages.xml 中保存的不再存在的 system packages。// Prune any system packages that no longer exist.
    mOnlyCore = onlyCore; // 参数传入的。
    if (!mOnlyCore) {
        Iterator<PackageSetting> psit = mSettings.mPackages.values().iterator();
        while (psit.hasNext()) {
            PackageSetting ps =;
    !ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM: 不是系统apk,略
    if (mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr({
        removePackageLI(ps, true);
        expectingBetter.put(, ps.codePath);
        如果有 FLAG_SYSTEM, 并且在 disabled packages list 中,那么这个apk一定是通过OTA添加的。
        加入到 expectingBetter 中。
    if (!mSettings.isDisabledSystemPackageLPr( {
        //added to remove package setting's deleted package information
        int ret = mSettings.removePackageLPw(ps);
        如果有 FLAG_SYSTEM, 并且 不是disabled的系统apk,  从mSettings中移除.
    } else {
        final PackageSetting disabledPs = mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr(;
        if (disabledPs.codePath == null || !disabledPs.codePath.exists()) {
        mSettings中已经标识的 disabled 的系统apk, 放到 possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps 中。
    //look for any incomplete package installations. 查找所有安装 不完全 的package
    cleanupInstallFailedPackage(deletePkgsList.get(i));    //清除掉安装失败的 package
    deleteTempPackageFiles();    //删除临时文件
    mSettings.pruneSharedUsersLPw();    //移除掉所有 和 shared userIDs 无关的 packages
    if (!mOnlyCore) {
        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_DATA_SCAN_START, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); //开始扫描data目录
        scanDirLI(mAppInstallDir, 0, scanFlags, 0);    //扫描app安装目录 data/app
        scanDirLI(mDrmAppPrivateInstallDir, PackageParser.PARSE_FORWARD_LOCK, scanFlags, 0);    //特权apk安装目录 data/app-private
        Remove disable package settings for any updated system apps that were removed via an OTA. If they're not a previously-updated app, remove them completely.
        Otherwise, just revoke their system-level permissions.
        for (String deletedAppName : possiblyDeletedUpdatedSystemApps) {
            PackageParser.Package deletedPkg = mPackages.get(deletedAppName);
            mSettings.removeDisabledSystemPackageLPw(deletedAppName);   //mSettings中移除 disable掉的 系统apk
            if (deletedPkg == null) {  //被更新的系统apk已经不再存在。
                removeDataDirsLI(deletedAppName);    // 擦出它的数据目录,
                PackageSetting deletedPs = mSettings.mPackages.get(deletedAppName);
                int ret = mSettings.removePackageLPw(deletedPs);    // 移除掉mSetting中的该apk的信息
            } else {    //被更新的系统apk已经不再出现,移除它的系统特权
                deletedPkg.applicationInfo.flags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;
                PackageSetting deletedPs = mSettings.mPackages.get(deletedAppName);
                deletedPs.pkgFlags &= ~ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM;
            }// end if-else
        }// end for
    }// end if (!mOnlyCore)
      * Make sure all system apps that we expected to appear on
      * the userdata partition actually showed up. If they never
      * appeared, crawl back and revive the system version.
    for (int i = 0; i < expectingBetter.size(); i++) {
        final String packageName = expectingBetter.keyAt(i);
        if (!mPackages.containsKey(packageName)) {
            privilegedAppDir, systemAppDir, vendorAppDir, oemAppDir,
            scanPackageLI(scanFile, reparseFlags, scanFlags, 0, null);
    } //end for
// Now that we know all of the shared libraries, update all clients to have the correct library paths.
    updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw();    //我们知道了所有的共享库路径,更新所有的客户 使用正确的library paths.
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library commonimsinterface; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library TmoWfcUtils; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library commonimsinterface; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library TmoWfcUtils; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library commonimsinterface; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library TmoWfcUtils; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library commonimsinterface; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library com.sec.imslibrary; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.440  3253  3253 PackageManager Package desires unavailable shared library TmoWfcUtils; ignoring!
12-13 12:25:48.445  3253  3253 PackageManager updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw failed: Package android requires unavailable shared library com.ipsec.client; failing!for (SharedUserSetting setting : mSettings.getAllSharedUsersLPw()) {
        // NOTE: We ignore potential failures here during a system scan (like the rest of the commands above) because there's precious little we can do about it. A settings error is reported, though.
        //我们忽视了 系统扫描(像其余的命令以上)的潜在故障 因为没有多少我们可以做的事。尽管报出了设置错误。
        adjustCpuAbisForSharedUserLPw(setting.packages, null /* scanned package */, false /* force dexopt */, false /* defer dexopt */);
12-13 12:25:48.445  3253  3253 PackageManager ps : PackageSetting{1b14ab05} instructionSet : arm
12-13 12:25:48.445  3253  3253 PackageManager ps : PackageSetting{2419cbb7 android/1000} instructionSet : arm

12-13 12:25:48.445  3253  3253 PackageManager Adjusting ABI for : com.sec.knox.switcher to armeabi-v7a
12-13 12:25:48.445  3253  3253 PackageManager Running dexopt on: /system/container/KnoxSwitcher/KnoxSwitcher.apk pkg=com.sec.knox.switcher isa=arm vmSafeMode=false interpret_only=false
12-13 12:25:48.500  3253  3253 PackageManager do mInstaller.dexopt : 0
12-13 12:25:48.500  3253  3253 PackageManager Time to dexopt: 0.056 seconds
12-13 12:25:48.500  3253  3253 PackageManager remove mDeferredDexOpt : Package{15cbec8c com.sec.knox.switcher}
12-13 12:25:48.500  3253  3253 PackageManager Skipping remove dex(arm) for : com.sec.knox.switcher
12-13 12:25:48.815  3253  3253 PackageManager Adjusting ABI for : to armeabi-v7a
12-13 12:25:48.815  3253  3253 PackageManager Running dexopt on: /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false interpret_only=false
12-13 12:25:50.345  3253  3253 PackageManager do mInstaller.dexopt : 0
12-13 12:25:50.345  3253  3253 PackageManager Time to dexopt: 1.533 seconds
12-13 12:25:50.345  3253  3253 PackageManager remove mDeferredDexOpt : Package{2b0db67f}
12-13 12:25:50.345  3253  3253 PackageManager Skipping remove dex(arm) for :

⑧    mPackageUsage.readLP(); //我们知道了所有的package,读取并更新它们的 上次使用时间
        readLP() 调用了convertUsageHistory();
    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SCAN_END, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); //PMS扫描结束。
    Slog.i(TAG, "Time to scan packages: "  + ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-startTime)/1000f)  + " seconds");    //扫描PMS一共耗时

12-13 12:25:50.350  3253  3253 PackageManager Error reading history stats: /data/system/usage-history.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
12-13 12:25:50.350  3253  3253 PackageManager Time to scan packages: 43.669 seconds

    // If the platform SDK has changed since the last time we booted,
    // we need to re-grant app permission to catch any new ones that
    // appear.  This is really a hack, and means that apps can in some
    // cases get permissions that the user didn't initially explicitly
    // allow...  it would be nice to have some better way to handle
    // this situation.
    如果 自上次启动以来,平台SDK版本有了变化, 那么我们需要对app重新授权。 这意味着,app可能会获取到刚开始安装时
    用户没有授予的权限... 应该找一个更好的方法来处理这种情况
    Slog.i(TAG, "Platform changed from " + mSettings.mInternalSdkPlatform + " to " + mSdkVersion + "; regranting permissions for internal storage");
    mSettings.mInternalSdkPlatform = mSdkVersion;
    updatePermissionsLPw(null, null, UPDATE_PERMISSIONS_ALL
            | (regrantPermissions
                    : 0));
    updatePermissionsLPw() -> grantPermissionsLPw()

12-13 12:25:50.390  3253  3253 PackageManager Unknown permission com.sec.factory.permission.ALLOWFTCLIENTCPOBIND in package
12-13 12:25:50.390  3253  3253 PackageManager Unknown permission com.samsungtest.SlateTest.SLATE_DM_CMD in package
12-13 12:25:50.390  3253  3253 PackageManager Unknown permission in package
12-13 12:25:50.390  3253  3253 PackageManager Unknown permission in package

    // If this is the first boot, and it is a normal boot, then we need to initialize the default preferred apps.
    如果这个第一次正常的启动,我们需要初始化 默认app
    if (!mRestoredSettings && !onlyCore) {
        mSettings.readDefaultPreferredAppsLPw(this, 0);
    // If this is first boot after an OTA, and a normal boot, then we need to clear code cache directories.
    if (!Build.FINGERPRINT.equals(mSettings.mFingerprint) && !onlyCore) {
        Slog.i(TAG, "Build fingerprint changed; clearing code caches");
        for (String pkgName : mSettings.mPackages.keySet()) {
        mSettings.mFingerprint = Build.FINGERPRINT;
    mSettings.updateInternalDatabaseVersion();    //更新内置的数据库版本 
    // can downgrade to reader
    mSettings.writeLPr();    // 可降级
    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_READY, SystemClock.uptimeMillis());   //PMS准备好了
    // synchronized (mPackages)
    // synchronized (mInstallLock)
    // Now after opening every single application zip, make sure they are all flushed. 
    // Not really needed, but keeps things nice and tidy.
    不是真正的需要,但是 要保持一切已经被准备好了
12-13 12:25:50.555  3253  3253 SystemServer !@Boot: End PackageManagerService
12-13 12:25:50.555  3253  3253 SystemServer User Service
12-13 12:25:50.570  3253  3253 SystemServiceManager Starting



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