
一是边沿触发(edge triggered),一是电平触发(levle triggered)


epoll的事件分发机制分为两种一是边沿触发(edge triggered),一是电平触发(levle triggered,所谓电平触发并不是真的要用电平来触发,而是相对于边沿触发而言的).

一是边沿触发(edge triggered),故名思意,就是在事务的两个状态交替的时候触发,对socket来讲就是的新的数据来的时候触发,如果是上一次的数据,你没有收完 则不会再次提醒。除非有新的数据到来。这就是《epoll模型编程的几个问题2》中提到的现象。

EPOLLIN :表示对应的文件描述符可以读;

struct epoll_event ev;

1.采用非阻塞函数,将数据收完后,再次调用epoll_wait(),对应epoll man手册的描述为

i with non-blocking file descriptors

ii by going to wait for an event only after read(2) or write(2) return EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK

2.在接收数据后,不管有没有收完,都调用 epoll_ctl() with EPOLL_CTL_MOD,这样相当于重新设置事件,就可以收到数据。


二 电平触发(levle triggered)

所以你不用采用非阻塞函数,也不用再次调用epoll_ctl() with EPOLL_CTL_MOD

三 epoll相关问题QA,参见epoll man手册

Q1 What happens if you add the same fd to an epoll_set twice?
A1 You will probably get EEXIST. However, it is possible that two threads may add the same fd twice. This is a harmless condition.

Q2 Can two epoll sets wait for the same fd? If so, are events reported to both epoll sets fds?
A2 Yes. However, it is not recommended. Yes it would be reported to both.

Q3 Is the epoll fd itself poll/epoll/selectable?
A3 Yes.

Q4 What happens if the epoll fd is put into its own fd set?
(如果将epoll fd放入到它自己的fd set中,会怎么样?)
A4 It will fail. However, you can add an epoll fd inside another epoll fd set.
(将会出错,然而你可以将一个epll fd放入到另一个epoll fd 的 fd set中)

Q5 Can I send the epoll fd over a unix-socket to another process?
(我可以通过一个unix-socket将一个epoll fd传给另一个进程吗?) A5 No.

Q6 Will the close of an fd cause it to be removed from all epoll sets automatically?
(当我关闭fd时,fd会自动从注册的epoll sets中移除吗?) A6 Yes.

Q7 If more than one event comes in between epoll_wait(2) calls, are they combined or reported separately?
A7 They will be combined.

Q8 Does an operation on an fd affect the already collected but not yet reported events?
A8 You can do two operations on an existing fd. Remove would be meaningless for this case. Modify will re-read available I/O.

Q9 Do I need to continuously read/write an fd until EAGAIN when using the EPOLLET flag ( Edge Triggered behaviour ) ?
A9 No you don't. Receiving an event from epoll_wait(2) should suggest to you that such file descriptor is ready for the requested I/O operation. You have simply to consider it ready until you will receive the next EAGAIN. When and how you will use such file descriptor is entirely up to you. Also, the condition that the read/write I/O space is exhausted can be detected by checking the amount of data read/write from/to the target file descriptor. For example, if you call read(2) by asking to read a certain amount of data and read(2) returns a lower number of bytes, you can be sure to have exhausted the read I/O space for such file descriptor. Same is valid when writing using the write(2) function.


posted on 2012-11-08 17:08  carekee  阅读(314)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报