js 鼠标右键菜单

< HTML >
< HEAD >

< TITLE >  Web表格生成器  </ TITLE >
< meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" >
< BODY  oncontextmenu =window.event.returnValue=false  bgcolor ="#ffffff" >
< style  type ="text/css" >
{ font-size :  9pt ; }
{ font-size :  9pt ;  cursor :  default ;  margin :  0 ; }
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{ width : 95% ; border :  1px inset #FFFFFF ; }
</ style >
< script  language ="javascript" >
function  RightMenu()
this .AddExtendMenu = AddExtendMenu;
this .AddItem = AddItem;
this .GetMenu = GetMenu;
this .HideAll = HideAll;
this .I_OnMouseOver = I_OnMouseOver;
this .I_OnMouseOut = I_OnMouseOut;
this .I_OnMouseUp = I_OnMouseUp;
this .P_OnMouseOver = P_OnMouseOver;
this .P_OnMouseOut = P_OnMouseOut;
=   new  Array();
=   "" ;
+=   " <!-- RightButton PopMenu -->\n " ;
+=   " \n " ;
+=   " <!-- PopMenu Starts -->\n " ;
+=   " <div id='E_rbpm' class='rm_div'>\n " ;
//  rbpm = right button pop menu
    HTMLstr  +=   " <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0'>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_rbpm -->\n " ;
+=   " </table>\n " ;
+=   " </div>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend_Menu Area on Here For E_rbpm --> " ;
+=   " \n " ;
+=   " <!-- PopMenu Ends -->\n " ;

function  AddExtendMenu(id,name,parent)
var  TempStr  =   "" ;

" A_ " + parent + " .length++ " );
" A_ " + parent + " [A_ " + parent + " .length-1] = id " );   //  将此项注册到父菜单项的ID数组中去
    TempStr  +=   " <div id='E_ " + id + " ' class='rm_div'>\n " ;
+=   " <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0'>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + id + "  --> " ;
+=   " </table>\n " ;
+=   " </div>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend_Menu Area on Here For E_ " + id + "  --> " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend_Menu Area on Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ;
=  HTMLstr.replace( " <!-- Insert A Extend_Menu Area on Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ,TempStr);
" A_ " + id + "  = new Array() " );
=   "" ;
+=   " <!-- Extend Item : P_ " + id + "  -->\n " ;
+=   " <tr id='P_ " + id + " ' class='out' " ;
+=   "  onmouseover='P_OnMouseOver(\ "" +id+ " \ " ,\ "" +parent+ " \ " )' " ;
+=   "  onmouseout='P_OnMouseOut(\ "" +id+ " \ " ,\ "" +parent+ " \ " )' " ;
+=   "  onmouseup=window.event.cancelBubble=true; " ;
+=   "  onclick=window.event.cancelBubble=true; " ;
+=   " ><td nowrap> " ;
+=   "    " + name + "    </td><td style='font-family: webdings; text-align: ;'>4 " ;
+=   " </td></tr>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ;
=  HTMLstr.replace( " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ,TempStr);

function  AddItem(id,name,parent,location)
var  TempStr  =   "" ;
var  ItemStr  =   " <!-- ITEM : I_ " + id + "  --> " ;
if (id  ==   " sperator " )
+=  ItemStr + " \n " ;
+=   " <tr class='out' onclick='window.event.cancelBubble=true;' onmouseup='window.event.cancelBubble=true;'><td colspan='2' height='1'><hr class='sperator'></td></tr> " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ;
=  HTMLstr.replace( " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ,TempStr);
return ;

if (HTMLstr.indexOf(ItemStr)  !=   - 1 )
" I_ " + id + " already exist! " );
return ;

+=  ItemStr + " \n " ;
+=   " <tr id='I_ " + id + " ' class='out' " ;
+=   "  onmouseover='I_OnMouseOver(\ "" +id+ " \ " ,\ "" +parent+ " \ " )' " ;
+=   "  onmouseout='I_OnMouseOut(\ "" +id+ " \ " )' " ;
+=   "  onclick='window.event.cancelBubble=true;' " ;
if (location  ==   null )
+=   "  onmouseup='I_OnMouseUp(\ "" +id+ " \ " ,\ "" +parent+ " \ " ,null)' " ;
+=   "  onmouseup='I_OnMouseUp(\ "" +id+ " \ " ,\ "" +parent+ " \ " ,\ "" +location+ " \ " )' " ;
+=   " ><td nowrap> " ;
+=   "    " + name + "    " ;
+=   " </td><td></td></tr>\n " ;
+=   " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ;
=  HTMLstr.replace( " <!-- Insert A Extend Menu or Item On Here For E_ " + parent + "  --> " ,TempStr);

function  GetMenu()
return  HTMLstr;

function  I_OnMouseOver(id,parent)
var  Item;
if (parent  !=   " rbpm " )
var  ParentItem;
=  eval( " P_ " + parent);
= " over " ;

=  eval( " I_ " + id);
= " over " ;
1 );

function  I_OnMouseOut(id)
var  Item;
=  eval( " I_ " + id);
= " out " ;

function  I_OnMouseUp(id,parent,location)
var  ParentMenu;
= true ;
=  eval( " E_ " + parent);
= " none " ;
if (location  ==   null )
" Do_ " + id + " () " );

function  P_OnMouseOver(id,parent)
var  Item;
var  Extend;
var  Parent;
if (parent  !=   " rbpm " )
var  ParentItem;
=  eval( " P_ " + parent);
= " over " ;

1 );
=  eval( " P_ " + id);
=  eval( " E_ " + id);
=  eval( " E_ " + parent);
= " over " ;
= " block " ;
= document.body.scrollLeft + Parent.offsetLeft + Parent.offsetWidth - 4 ;
if (Extend.style.posLeft + Extend.offsetWidth  >  document.body.scrollLeft + document.body.clientWidth)
= Extend.style.posLeft - Parent.offsetWidth - Extend.offsetWidth + 8 ;
if (Extend.style.posLeft  <   0 ) Extend.style.posLeft = document.body.scrollLeft + Parent.offsetLeft + Parent.offsetWidth;
= Parent.offsetTop + Item.offsetTop;
if (Extend.style.posTop + Extend.offsetHeight  >  document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight)
= document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight - Extend.offsetHeight;
if (Extend.style.posTop  <   0 ) Extend.style.posTop = 0 ;

function  P_OnMouseOut(id,parent)

function  HideAll(id,flag)
var  Area;
var  Temp;
var  i;
if ( ! flag)
=  eval( " E_ " + id);
= " none " ;

=  eval( " A_ " + id);
if (Area.length)
for (i = 0 ; i  <  Area.length; i ++ )
0 );
=  eval( " E_ " + Area[i]);
= " none " ;
=  eval( " P_ " + Area[i]);
= " out " ;



// document.onmouseup=OnMouseUp;
  document.onclick = OnClick;
function  OnMouseUp()

if (window.event.button  ==   0 )
var  PopMenu;
=  eval( " E_rbpm " );
" rbpm " , 0 );
= " block " ;
= document.body.scrollLeft + window.event.clientX;
= document.body.scrollTop + window.event.clientY;
if (PopMenu.style.posLeft + PopMenu.offsetWidth  >  document.body.scrollLeft + document.body.clientWidth)
= document.body.scrollLeft + document.body.clientWidth - PopMenu.offsetWidth;
if (PopMenu.style.posLeft  <   0 ) PopMenu.style.posLeft = 0 ;
if (PopMenu.style.posTop + PopMenu.offsetHeight  >  document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight)
= document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight - PopMenu.offsetHeight;
if (PopMenu.style.posTop  <   0 ) PopMenu.style.posTop = 0 ;


function  OnClick()

" rbpm " , 0 );

//  Add Your Function on following
   function  Do_viewcode() {window.location = " view-source: " + window.location.href;}
function  Do_help() {window.showHelp(window.location);}
function  Do_exit()  {window.close();}
function  Do_refresh()  {window.location.reload();}
function  Do_back()  {history.back();}
function  Do_forward()  {history.forward();}
</ script >
< script  language ="JavaScript" >
var  menu  =   new  RightMenu();
" d_setting " , " &nbsp;增加 " , " rbpm " );
" Do_author " , " 增加行 " , " d_setting " , "" );
" ca_yesky2 " , " 增加列 " , " d_setting " , " http://www.cctv.com " );

" range_icon " , " &nbsp;删除 " , " rbpm " );
" setico1 " , " 删除行 " , " range_icon " , null );
" setico2 " , " 删除列 " , " range_icon " , null );

" t_icon " , " &nbsp;合并 " , " rbpm " );
" t_icon1 " , " 合并行 " , " t_icon " , null );
" t_icon2 " , " 合并列 " , " t_icon " , null );

" refresh " , " &nbsp;刷新 " , " rbpm " , null );
" sperator " , "" , " rbpm " , null );
" phase " , " &nbsp;<font disabled>粘贴</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;CTRL+Z " , " rbpm " , null );
" folder_pro " , " &nbsp;属性 " , " rbpm " , null );
</ script >
< table  id ="dataTable"  border ="0"  cellspacing ="1"  cellpadding ="1"  bgcolor ="#000000"  align ="center" >
< tr >
< td  bgcolor ="#F0F0F0"  width =""  height ="21"  align ="center" > &nbsp; </ td >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="01"  style ='text-align:center;border:none;background-color:#f0f0f0;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "OnMouseUp();" ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="10"  style ='text-align:center;border:none;background-color:#f0f0f0;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "OnMouseUp();" ></ td >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="11"  style ='text-align:right;border:none;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "OnMouseUp();" ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ BODY >
</ HTML >

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:  #000000 ;  CURSOR :  hand

:  25px ;  TEXT-ALIGN :  center ;  WIDTH :  28px ;  改变这个修改菜单高度---> :  

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:  46px

:  4px

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< BODY  bgColor =#eaf5fd  style ="FONT-SIZE: 10pt" >
< SCRIPT > <!----

/* -----------------------------------------------------------
鼠标右键菜单 1.0 Designed By Stroll  e-mail: csy-163@163.com


// ---------------  有关数据 -----------------//

var  IconList  =   new  Array();    //  icon图片 集合, 下标从 1 开始

1 =   new  Image();
1 ].src  =   " images/icon_host.gif " ;
2 =   new  Image();
2 ].src  =   " images/icon_ip.gif " ;

3 =   new  Image();
3 ].src  =   " images/icon_mailbody.gif " ;        
4 =   new  Image();
4 ].src  =   " images/icon_mailer.gif " ;        

// ----------------  检测变量 菜单的显示隐藏就靠它了!!!  ------------------//        

var  JustMenuID  =   "" ;

var  SubMenuList  =   new  Array();

var  NowSubMenu  =   "" ;        

var  mouseCanSound  =   true ;           // ---------------------------  声音开关 ------  声音开关 ------------------//

var  menuSpeed      =    50 ;    // ---------- 菜单显示速度 ------------//

var  alphaStep      =    30 ;    // ---------- Alpaha 变化 度 -----------//
// ------------- 构建 主菜单 对象 -------------//

function  MouseMenu(objName)
this .id            =   " Menu_ " + objName;
this .obj           =  objName;
this .length   =   0 ;
this .addMenu  =  addMenu;
this .addLink  =  addLink;
this .addHR    =  addHR;        
=   this .id;
< table id = " '+this.id+' "  border = " 0 "  cellspacing = " 0 "  cellpadding = " 0 "  style = " top: 0; left: 0; visibility: hidden; filter:Alpha(Opacity=0); "  class = " menutable "  onmousedown = event.cancelBubble = true ; onmouseup = event.cancelBubble = true ></ table > ');

// ----------- 构建 子菜单 对象 -------------//

function  SubMenu(objName,objID)
this .obj  =  objName;
this .id   =  objID;

this .addMenu  =  addMenu;
this .addLink  =  addLink;
this .addHR    =  addHR;

this .length   =   0 ;

// -------------- 生成 菜单 makeMenu 方法 -----------//
function  makeMenu(subID,oldID,word,icon,url,target,thetitle)
var  thelink  =  '';

if (icon && icon != "" )
=  ' < img border = " 0 "  src = " '+IconList[icon].src+' " > ';

=  '';

if ( ! thetitle || thetitle == "" )
=  '';

if (url && url != "" )
+=  ' < a href = " '+url+' "  ';
if (target && target != "" )
+=  '  ';
+=  'target = " '+target+' "  '

+=  ' ></ a > ';

var  Oobj  =  document.getElementById(oldID);

/* --------------------------------------------- 菜单html样式
          <tr class="menutrout" id="trMenu_one_0" title="I am title">
      <td class="menutd0"><img src="icon/sub.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16"></td>
      <td><a href="javascript:alert('I am menu');" target="_self"></a><nobr>菜单一</nobr></td>
      <td class="menutd1">4</td>
      <td class="menutd2">&nbsp;</td>



with (Oobj.rows(Oobj.rows.length - 1 ))
=   " tr " + subID;
=   " menutrout " ;
=  thetitle;


=   " tr " + subID;
+ '.attachEvent( " onmouseover " ,MtrOver(' + eventObj + '))');        
+ '.attachEvent( " onclick " ,MtrClick(' + eventObj + '))');        
var  trObj  =  eval(eventObj);

for (i = 0 ;i < 4 ;i ++ )

with (Oobj.rows(Oobj.rows.length - 1 ))
0 ).className  =   " menutd0 " ;
0 ).innerHTML  =  icon;

1 ).innerHTML  =  thelink + ' < nobr class = indentWord > ' + word + ' </ nobr > ';
1 ).calssName  =   " indentWord "
2 ).className  =   " menutd1 " ;
2 ).innerHTML  =   " 4 " ;
3 ).className  =   " menutd2 " ;
3 ).innerText  =   "   " ;
< table id = " '+subID+' "  border = " 0 "  cellspacing = " 0 "  cellpadding = " 0 "  style = " top: 0; left: 0; visibility: hidden; filter:Alpha(Opacity=0); "  class = " menutable "  onmousedown = event.cancelBubble = true ; onmouseup = event.cancelBubble = true ></ table > ');

// ---------------- 生成连接 makeLink 方法 ------------//
function  makeLink(subID,oldID,word,icon,url,target,thetitle)
var  thelink  =  '';
if (icon && icon != "" )
=  ' < img border = " 0 "  src = " '+IconList[icon].src+' " > ';

=  '';

if ( ! thetitle || thetitle == "" )
=  '';

if (url && url != "" )
+=  ' < a href = " '+url+' "  ';
if (target && target != "" )
+=  '  ';
+=  'target = " '+target+' "  '

+=  ' ></ a > ';

var  Oobj  =  document.getElementById(oldID);
/* --------------------------------------------- 连接html样式
          <tr class="menutrout" id="trMenu_one_0" title="I am title">
      <td class="menutd0"><img src="icon/sub.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16"></td>
      <td><a href="javascript:alert('I am link');" target="_self"></a><nobr>连接一</nobr></td>
      <td class="linktd1"></td>
      <td class="menutd2">&nbsp;</td>


with (Oobj.rows(Oobj.rows.length - 1 ))
=   " tr " + subID;
=   " menutrout " ;                
=  thetitle;


=   " tr " + subID;
+ '.attachEvent( " onmouseover " ,LtrOver(' + eventObj + '))');        
+ '.attachEvent( " onmouseout " ,LtrOut(' + eventObj + '))');                
+ '.attachEvent( " onclick " ,MtrClick(' + eventObj + '))');        
var  trObj  =  eval(eventObj);

for (i = 0 ;i < 4 ;i ++ )

with (Oobj.rows(Oobj.rows.length - 1 ))
0 ).className  =   " menutd0 " ;
0 ).innerHTML  =  icon;

1 ).innerHTML  =  thelink + ' < nobr class = indentWord > ' + word + ' </ nobr > ';

2 ).className  =   " linktd1 " ;
2 ).innerText  =   "   " ;
3 ).className  =   " menutd2 " ;
3 ).innerText  =   "   " ;


// -------------- 菜单对象 addMenu 方法 ------------//
function  addMenu(word,icon,url,target,title)
var  subID     =   this .id  +   " _ "   +   this .length;
var  subObj   =   this .obj + " [ " + this .length + " ] " ;
var  oldID    =   this .id;
+ " = new SubMenu(' " + subObj + " ',' " + subID + " ') " );
this .length ++ ;

// ------------- 菜单对象 addLink 方法 -------------//
function  addLink(word,icon,url,target,title)
var  subID     =   this .id  +   " _ "   +   this .length;
var  oldID   =   this .id;
this .length ++ ;        

// ------------ 菜单对象 addHR 方法 -----------------//
function  addHR()
var  oldID  =   this .id;

var  Oobj  =  document.getElementById(oldID);
/* ------------------------------------------
      <td colspan="4">
                <hr class="menuhr" size="1" width="95%">

- 1 ).insertCell();

with (Oobj.rows(Oobj.rows.length - 1 ))
0 ).colSpan =   4 ;
0 ).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd',' < hr class = " menuhr "  size = " 1 "  width = " 95% " > ');                

// --------- MtrOver(obj)-------------------//
function  MtrOver(obj)
return  sub_over;
function  sub_over()
var  sonid  =  obj.id.substring( 2 ,obj.id.length);
var  topobj  =  obj.parentElement.parentElement; 
=  topobj.id;
if (obj.className == " menutrout " )
1 );                
=  NowSubMenu;

=  sonid;
if (topobj.oldTR)

+ '.className  =   " menutrout " '); 

=   " menutrin "

=  obj.id; 



// --------- LtrOver(obj)-------------------//
function  LtrOver(obj)
return  sub_over;
function  sub_over()
var  topobj  =  obj.parentElement.parentElement; 

=  topobj.id;
1 );
=  NowSubMenu;
if (topobj.oldTR)

+ '.className  =   " menutrout " '); 

=   " menutrin "

=  obj.id; 



// --------- LtrOut(obj)-------------------//
function  LtrOut(obj)
return  sub_out;
function  sub_out()
var  topobj  =  obj.parentElement.parentElement; 
=   " menutrout "
=   false


// ----------MtrClick(obj)-----------------//

function  MtrClick(obj)
return  sub_click;
function  sub_click()
if (obj.cells( 1 ).all.tags( " A " ).length > 0 )
1 ).all.tags( " A " )( 0 ).click();



// ---------- returnIndex(str)--------------//

function  returnIndex(str)
return  (str.split( " _ " ).length - 3 )

// ---------ShowTheMenu(obj,num)-----------------//

function  ShowTheMenu(obj,num)
var  topobj  =  eval(obj.substring( 0 ,obj.length - 2 ));
var  trobj   =  eval( " tr " + obj);
var  obj  =  eval(obj);
if (num == 0 )
with (obj.style)
=  topobj.style.pixelLeft  + topobj.offsetWidth;
=  topobj.style.pixelTop  +  trobj.offsetTop;


if (num == 1 )
with (obj.style)
=  topobj.style.pixelLeft  +  topobj.offsetWidth;
=  topobj.style.pixelTop   +  trobj.offsetTop  +  trobj.offsetHeight  -  obj.offsetHeight;


if (num == 2 )
with (obj.style)
=  topobj.style.pixelLeft  -   obj.offsetWidth;
=  topobj.style.pixelTop  +  trobj.offsetTop;

if (num == 3 )
with (obj.style)
=  topobj.style.pixelLeft  -   obj.offsetWidth;
=  topobj.style.pixelTop   +  trobj.offsetTop  +  trobj.offsetHeight  -  obj.offsetHeight;

=   " visible " ;         
if (obj.alphaing)

=  setInterval( " menu_alpha_up( " + obj.id + " , " + alphaStep + " ) " ,menuSpeed);        

// ----------HideMenu(num)-------------------//

/* ----------------------
var SubMenuList = new Array();

var NowSubMenu = "";        


function  HideMenu(num)
var  thenowMenu  =   "" ;
var  obj  =   null ;
if (num == 1 )
=  NowSubMenu

for (i = SubMenuList.length - 1 ;i >= 0 ;i -- )
if (SubMenuList[i] && SubMenuList[i] != thenowMenu)
=  eval(SubMenuList[i]);
if (obj.alphaing)

=  setInterval( " menu_alpha_down( " + obj.id + " , " + alphaStep + " ) " ,menuSpeed);
=   " hidden " ;                
" tr " + SubMenuList[i]).className  =   " menutrout " ;
=   null ;        

if (SubMenuList[i] == thenowMenu)
return ;



=   "" ;

// -----------MainMenuPosition return()------------//

function  MMPreturn()
var  obj  =  eval(JustMenuID);
var  x  =  event.clientX;
var  y  =  event.clientY;
var  judgerX  =  x  +  obj.offsetWidth;
var  judgerY  =  y  +  obj.offsetHeight;

var  px  =   0 ;
var  py  =   0 ;
if (judgerX > document.body.clientWidth)
=   2 ;

if (judgerY > document.body.clientHeight)
=   1 ;

return  (px + py);

// -----------MenuPosition return(obj)--------------//

function  MPreturn(obj)
var  topobj  =  eval(obj.substring( 0 ,obj.length - 2 ));
var  trobj   =  eval( " tr " + obj);
var  x  =  topobj.style.pixelLeft  +  topobj.offsetWidth;
var  y  =  topobj.style.pixelTop   +  trobj.offsetTop;

=  eval(obj);
var  judgerY  =   obj.offsetHeight  +  y;
var  judgerX  =   obj.offsetWidth   +  x;
var  py  =   0 ;
var  px  =   0 ;
if (judgerY >= document.body.clientHeight)
=   1 ;

if (judgerX >=  document.body.clientWidth)
=   2 ;
return  (px + py);

// -----------mouseWave()-------------//

function  mouseWave()
if (mouseCanSound)
=   " sound/sound.wav " ;

// ----------- menu_alpha_down -------//

function  menu_alpha_down(obj,num)
var  obj  =  eval(obj);
if (obj.filters.Alpha.Opacity  >   0  )
+=   - num;
=   0 ;
=   false ;                        
=   " hidden " ;

// ------------ menu_alpha_up --------//

function  menu_alpha_up(obj,num)
var  obj  =  eval(obj);
if (obj.filters.Alpha.Opacity < 100 )
+=  num;
=   100 ;
=   false ;

// ----------- IE ContextMenu -----------------//

function  document.oncontextmenu()
return   false ;

// ----------- IE Mouseup ----------------//

function  down()
if (event.button == 0 )
0 );

var  obj  =  eval(JustMenuID)
=   " hidden " ;
if (obj.alphaing)

=   0 ;
var  judger  =  MMPreturn()
if (judger == 0 )
with (obj.style)
=  event.clientX  +  document.body.scrollLeft;
=  event.clientY  +  document.body.scrollTop;


if (judger == 1 )
with (obj.style)
=  event.clientX  +  document.body.scrollLeft;
=  event.clientY  -  obj.offsetHeight  +  document.body.scrollTop;


if (judger == 2 )
with (obj.style)
=  event.clientX  -  obj.offsetWidth  +  document.body.scrollLeft;
=  event.clientY  +  document.body.scrollTop;


if (judger == 3 )
with (obj.style)
=  event.clientX  -  obj.offsetWidth  +  document.body.scrollLeft;
=  event.clientY  -  obj.offsetHeight  +  document.body.scrollTop;


=   " visible " ;
=  setInterval( " menu_alpha_up( " + obj.id + " , " + alphaStep + " ) " ,menuSpeed);



// ---------- IE MouseDown --------------//

function  document.onmousedown()
if (event.button == 1 )
var  obj  =  eval(JustMenuID)
if (obj.alphaing)

=  setInterval( " menu_alpha_down( " + obj.id + " , " + alphaStep + " ) " ,menuSpeed);


// ----->


var  one  =   new  MouseMenu( " one " );
" 菜单一 " , 1 , " javascript:alert('I am menu'); " , " _self " , " I am title " );
0 ].addLink( " 连接一 " , 2 , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );
0 ].addHR();
0 ].addLink( " 连接二 " , "" , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );               
0 ].addMenu( " 菜单三 " );
0 ][one[ 0 ].length - 1 ].addLink( " 连接一 " , 1 , " javascript:; " );
0 ].addLink( " 连接三 " , "" , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );
0 ].addLink( " 连接四 " , "" , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );
" 连接二 " , "" , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );
" 菜单二 " , 3 );
2 ].addLink( " 连接一 " , "" , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );
" 连接三,多长都可以 " , 4 , " javascript:alert('I am link') " );                          

< table  id ="dataTable"  border ="0"  cellspacing ="1"  cellpadding ="1"  bgcolor ="#000000"  align ="center" >
< tr >
< td  bgcolor ="#F0F0F0"  width =""  height ="21"  align ="center" > &nbsp; </ td >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="01"  style ='text-align:center;border:none;background-color:#f0f0f0;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "down();" ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="10"  style ='text-align:center;border:none;background-color:#f0f0f0;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "down();" ></ td >
< td  bgcolor ="#ffffff"  width =""  height ="21" >< input  type ="text"  value ="11"  style ='text-align:right;border:none;'size='8'  oncontextmenu  = "down();" ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ BODY ></ HTML >

posted on 2010-05-06 13:49  carekee  阅读(2083)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报