When you request a resource for which you provide alternatives, Android selects which alternative resource to use at runtime, depending on the current device configuration. To demonstrate how Android selects an alternative resource, assume the following drawable directories each contain different ve 阅读全文
There is a 3:4:6:8 scaling ratio between the four primary densities (ignoring the tvdpi density). So, a 9x9 bitmap in ldpi is 12x12 in mdpi, 18x18 in hdpi and 24x24 in xhdpi.If you decide that your image resources don't look good enough on a television or other certain devices and want to try tv 阅读全文
portland square -->port: Device is in portrait orientation (垂直)land: Device is in landscape orientation (水平) 阅读全文
android:largestWidthLimitDp This attribute allows you to force-enable screen compatibility mode by specifying the maximum "smallest width" that your application supports. If the smallest side of a device's available screen is greater than your value here, the application runs in screen 阅读全文
smallestWidthsw<N>dpExamples:sw320dpsw600dpsw720dpetc. Some values you might use here for common screen sizes:320, for devices with screen configurations such as: 240x320 ldpi (QVGA handset)320x480 mdpi (handset)480x800 hdpi (high density handset)480, for screens such as 480x800 mdpi (tablet/h 阅读全文