RSS教程 [转]

RSS 介绍 / 2006-09-21

RSS 历史

RSS is a method that uses XML to distribute web content on one web site, to many other web sites.

RSS allows fast browsing for news and updates.

What You Should Already Know

Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:

    XML / XML Namespaces

If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.
如想了解更多,请查找教程Home page.

What is RSS?

  • RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication
    Rss代表Really Simple Syndication
  • RSS allows you to syndicate your site content
  • RSS defines an easy way to share and view headlines and content
  • RSS files can be automatically updated 
  • RSS allows personalized views for different sites
  • RSS is written in XML

Why use RSS?

RSS was designed to show selected data.

Without RSS, users will have to check your site daily for new updates. This may be too time-consuming for many users. With an RSS feed (RSS is often called a News feed or RSS feed) they can check your site faster using an RSS aggregator (a site or program that gathers and sorts out RSS feeds).
没有RSS,用户就必须通过每天检查站点来进行更新。这对于很多用户而言无疑是一种时间的浪费。但通过RSS 输入端(feed)(RSS页常被叫成News feed 或RSS feed),它们就可以通过使用RSS sggregator(RSS aggregator——用来对RSS输入端(feed)进行收集和分类的站点或程序),用户就可以更快地访问站点。

Since RSS data is small and fast-loading, it can easily be used with services like cell phones or PDA's.

Web-rings with similar information can easily share data on their web sites to make them better and more useful.

Who Should use RSS?

Webmasters who seldom update their web sites do not need RSS!

RSS is useful for web sites that are updated frequently, like:

  • News sites - Lists news with title, date and descriptions
     新闻站点 – 列举使用标题、数据以及种类来分列的新闻
  • Companies - Lists news and new products
    公司 – 列举新闻以及新产品列表
  • Calendars - Lists upcoming events and important days
    日历 – 列举临近事件和重要日子
  • Site changes - Lists changed pages or new pages
    站点变化 – 列举变化的页面和新页面

The Future of RSS

RSS is going to be everywhere!

Thousands of sites use RSS and more people understand its usefulness every day.

With RSS, information on the internet becomes easier to find, and web developers can spread their information more easily to special interest groups.

RSS 历史 / 2006-09-21

RSS 介绍 RSS 语法

RSS has been released in many different versions.

The History of RSS

  • 1997 - Dave Winer develops scriptingNews. RSS was born.
    1997年- Dave Winer发展了scriptingNews. 于是RSS诞生了。
  • 1999 - Netscape develops RSS 0.90 (which supported scriptingNews). This was simply XML with an RDF Header.
    1999年- Netscape发展了RSS 0.90(scriptingNews支持)。这只是相对建议的包含RDF Header的XML。
  • 1999 - Dave Winer at UserLand develops scriptingNews 2.0b1 (This included Netscape's RSS 0.90 features)
    1999年- Dave Winer在UserLand发展了scriptingNews 2.0b1(这已经包含了Netscape's RSS 0.90的特征)
  • 1999 - Netscape develops RSS 0.91. In this version they removed the RDF header, but included most features from scriptingNews 2.0b1.
    1999年- Netscape发展了RSS 0.91。在这个版本中他们删去了RDF header,但是加进了大部分scriptingNews 2.0b1的特征。
  • 1999 - UserLand gets rid of scriptingNews and uses only RSS 0.91
    1999年- UserLand脱离了scriptingNews并且只使用RSS 0.91。
  • Netscape stops their RSS development
  • 2000 - UserLand releases the official RSS 0.91 specification
    2000年- UserLand放弃了官方RSS 0.91规格
  • 2000 - A group lead by Rael Dornfest at O'Reilly develops RSS 1.0. This format uses RDF and namespaces. This version is often confused as being a new version of 0.91, but this is a completely new format with no ties to RSS 0.91
    2000年-在Rael Dornfes,一个由Rael Dornfest领导的组织开发了RSS 1.0。其格式用到RDF和命名空间(namespaces)。尽管作为0.91版本之后的一个新版本,很多人对此持怀疑态度;但是这是一个和原先的RSS0.91没有任何关联的全新版本。
  • 2000 - Dave Winer at UserLand develops RSS 0.92
    2000年- Dave Winer在UserLand开发了RSS 0.92
  • 2002 - Dave Winer develops RSS 2.0 after leaving Userland
    2002年- Dave在离开Userland之后, 又开发了RSS 2.0。 
  • 2003 - The official RSS 2.0 specification is released
    2003年 - 官方RSS 2.0发布正式发布。

What are the Differences?

RSS 1.0 is the only version that was developed using the W3C RDF (Resource Description Framework) standard.
RSS 1.0是唯一使用W3C RDF(资源描述框架Resource Description Framework)标准开发的。

The idea behind RDF is to help create a Semantic Web. *Read more about RDF and the Semantic Web here. However, this does not matter too much for ordinary users, but by using web standards it will be easier for persons and applications to exchange data.
RDF背后的想法是希望帮助创建一个语义网(Semantic Web)。Read more about RDF and the Semantic Web here.(如想了解更多请点击)当然,对于普通用户而言,这并不重要。但是使用网络标准可以更加容易的实现人与应用程序之间的数据交换。


What RSS Version Should I Use?

RSS 0.91 and RSS 2.0 are easier to understand than RSS 1.0. Our tutorial is based on RSS 2.0.
RSS 0.91和 RSS 2.0对于RSS 1.0而言更容易理解。我们的教程就是以RSS 2.0为基础的。

Is There an RSS Web Standard?

There is no official standard for RSS.

  • About 50 % of all RSS feeds use RSS 0.91
    50%的RSS输入端(feed)都使用RSS 0.91
  • About 25 % use RSS 1.0
    25%使用RSS 1.0
  • The last 25 % is split between RSS 0.9x versions and RSS 2.0
    最后的25%使用RSS 0.9x 版本和 RSS 2.0

RSS 语法 / 2006-09-21

RSS 历史 RSS <channel>元素

The syntax rules of RSS 2.0 are very simple and very strict. The rules are very easy to learn, and very easy to use.
RSS 2.0的语法规则非常简单而且很严谨。这些语法规则易学易用。

How RSS Works

RSS is used to share content between websites.

With RSS, you register your content with companies called aggregators.

So, to be a part of it: First, create an RSS document and save it with an .xml extension. Then, upload the file to your website. Next, register with an RSS aggregator. Each day the aggregator searches the registered websites for RSS documents, verifies the link, and displays information about the feed so clients can link to documents that interests them.
所以,如果你想成为其中的一部分,首先得创建一个RSS文件,用“.XML”扩展名保存,并将其上传到站点;接着,通过RSS aggregator进行注册。aggregator每天都会为RSS文档搜寻已注册过站点,检验其连接并显示与RSS相关的信息以帮助客户链接到他们感兴趣的内容。

Tip: Read our RSS Publishing chapter to view free RSS aggregation services.
提示:阅读我们的RSS章节,查看免费RSS aggregation服务。

An Example RSS document

RSS documents use a self-describing and simple syntax.

Let's look at a simple RSS document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>W3Schools Home Page</title>
<description>Free web building tutorials</description>

<title>RSS Tutorial</title>
<description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>

<title>XML Tutorial</title>
<description>New XML tutorial on W3Schools</description>


The first line in the document - the XML declaration - defines the XML version and the character encoding used in the document. In this case the document conforms to the 1.0 specification of XML and uses the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1/West European) character set.
文件首行-XML通过在文件中使用编码来声明-定义了XML的版本和章节。所以此文件是符合XML1.0规格的,而且是使用ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1/West European)字符设置的。

The next line is the RSS declaration which identifies that this is an RSS document (in this case, RSS version 2.0).

The next line contains the <channel> element. This element is used to describe the RSS feed.
下一行包含了<channel>元素。此元素用于描述RSS Feed的。

The <channel> element has three required child elements:

  • <title> - Defines the title of the channel (e.g. W3Schools Home Page)
  • <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the channel (e.g.
  • <description> - Describes the channel (e.g. Free web building tutorials) 

Each <channel> element can have one ore more <item> elements.

Each <item> element defines an article or "story" in the RSS feed.
每个<item>元素定义了一个项(article)或RSS Feed中的"story"。

The <item> element has three required child elements:

  • <title> - Defines the title of the item (e.g. RSS Tutorial) 
  • <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the item (e.g.
  • <description> - Describes the item (e.g. New RSS tutorial on W3Schools)

Finally, the two last lines close the <channel> and <rss> elements.
最后两行关闭了<channel> 和 <rss>元素。

Comments in RSS

The syntax for writing comments in RSS is similar to that of HTML:

<!-- This is an RSS comment -->

RSS is Written in XML

Because RSS is XML, keep in mind that:

  • All elements must have a closing tag
  • Elements are case sensitive
  • Elements must be properly nested
  • Attribute values must always be quoted

RSS <channel>元素 / 2006-09-21

RSS 语法 RSS <item> 元素

The RSS <channel> element describes the RSS feed.
RSS <channel>元素是描述RSS 输入端(feed)的。

The RSS <channel> Element
RSS <channel>元素

Look at the following RSS document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<rss version="2.0">
<title>W3Schools Home Page</title>
<description>Free web building tutorials</description>

<title>RSS Tutorial</title>
<description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>


As mentioned before, the <channel> element describes the RSS feed, and has three required child elements:
如以前提及的一样,<channel>元素形容的是RSS 输入端(feed)及其3个必须子元素:

  • <title> - Defines the title of the channel (e.g. W3Schools Home Page)
    <title>定义了channel的标题 (比如:W3School主页)
  • <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the channel (e.g.
    <link> - 定义了到channel的超链接(比如:
  • <description> - Describes the channel (e.g. Free web building tutorials)
    <description>定义了channel(如:Free web building 教程)

The <channel> element usually contains one ore more <item> elements. Each <item> element defines an article or "story" in the RSS feed.

Furthermore, there are several optional child elements of <channel>. We will explain the most important ones below.

The <category> Element

The <category> child element is used to specify a category for your feed.

The <category> element makes it possible for RSS aggregators to group sites based on category.
通过<category>元素,可以使RSS aggregators对基于同一类别(category)的内容集合起来。

The category for the RSS document above could be:

<category>Web development</category>

The <copyright> Element

The <copyright> child element notifies about copyrighted material.

The copyright for the RSS document above could be:

<copyright>2006 Refsnes Data as. All rights reserved.</copyright>

The <image> Element

The <image> child element allows an image to be displayed when aggregators present a feed.
<image>子元素允许在aggregators 显示一个输入口(feed)的时候显示图像。

The <image> element has three required child elements:

  • <url> - Defines the URL to the image
  • <title> - Defines the text to display if the image could not be shown
  • <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the website that offers the channel

The image for the RSS document above could be:



The <language> Element

The <language> child element is used to specify the language used to write your document.

The <language> element makes it possible for RSS aggregators to group sites based on language.
<language>元素使RSS aggregators能够群组基于某一种语言(labguage)的站点

The language for the RSS document above could be:


RSS <channel> Reference
RSS <channel> 参数

<category> Optional. Defines one or more categories for the feed
<cloud> Optional. Register processes to be notified immediately of updates of the feed
<copyright> Optional. Notifies about copyrighted material
<description> Required. Describes the channel
<docs> Optional. Specifies an URL to the documentation of the format used in the feed
<generator> Optional. Specifies the program used to generate the feed
<image> Optional. Allows an image to be displayed when aggregators present a feed
任意参数。当aggregators 产生一个输入端(feed)时,允许显示图像
<language> Optional. Specifies the language the feed is written in
<lastBuildDate> Optional. Defines the last-modified date of the content of the feed
<link> Required. Defines the hyperlink to the channel
<managingEditor> Optional. Defines the e-mail address to the editor of the content of the feed
<pubDate> Optional. Defines the last publication date for the content of the feed
<rating> Optional. The PICS rating of the feed
<skipDays> Optional. Specifies the days where aggregators should skip updating the feed
<skipHours> Optional. Specifies the hours where aggregators should skip updating the feed
<textInput> Optional. Specifies a text input field that should be displayed with the feed
<title> Required. Defines the title of the channel
<ttl> Optional. Specifies the number of minutes the feed can stay cached before refreshing it from the source
<webMaster> Optional. Defines the e-mail address to the webmaster of the feed

RSS <item> 元素 / 2006-09-21

RSS <channel>元素 RSS 发布 Feed

Each <item> element defines an article or "story" in the RSS feed.

The <item> Element

Look at the following RSS document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<rss version="2.0">
<title>W3Schools Home Page</title>
<description>Free web building tutorials</description>

<title>RSS Tutorial</title>
<description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>


As mentioned before, each <item> element defines an article or "story" in the RSS feed.

The <item> element has three required child elements:

  • <title> - Defines the title of the item (e.g. RSS Tutorial)
    <title> - 定义了项(item)的标题(如:RSS教程)
  • <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the item (e.g.
    <link> -定义了到项的超链接(如:
  • <description> - Describes the item (e.g. New RSS tutorial on W3Schools)

Furthermore, there are several optional child elements of <item>. We will explain the most important ones below.

The <author> Element

The <author> child element is used to specify the e-mail address of the author of an item.

Note: To prevent spam e-mails, some developers do not include the <author> element.

The author of the item in the RSS document above could be:


The <comments> Element

The <comments> child element allows an item to link to comments about that item.

A comment of the item in the RSS document above could be:


The <enclosure> Element

The <enclosure> child element allows a media-file to be included with an item.

The <enclosure> element has three required attributes:

  • url - Defines the URL to the media file
    • URI-定义了媒体文件的URI
  • length - Defines the length (in bytes) of the media file
    • length-定义了媒体文件的长度(以字节形式)
  • type - Defines the type of media file
    • type-定义了媒体文件的类型

A media-file included in the item in the RSS document above could be:

<enclosure url="
length="5000" type="audio/mpeg" />

RSS <item> Reference
RSS <item>参数

<author> Optional. Specifies the e-mail address to the author of the item
<category> Optional. Defines one or more categories the item belongs to
<comments> Optional. Allows an item to link to comments about that item
<description> Required. Describes the item
<enclosure> Optional. Allows a media file to be included with the item
<guid> Optional. Defines a unique identifier for the item
<link> Required. Defines the hyperlink to the item
<pubDate> Optional. Defines the last-publication date for the item
任意参数。定义了项(item)的最新发布日期(last-publication date)
<source> Optional. Specifies a third-party source for the item
<title> Required. Defines the title of the item

RSS 发布 Feed / 2006-09-21

RSS <item> 元素 RSS 解读 Feed

Having an RSS document is not useful if other people cannot reach it.

Get Your RSS Feed Up On The Web

Now it's time to get your RSS file up on the web. Here are the steps:
将RSS 输入端(feed)上传到网上的步骤:

1. Name your RSS file. Notice that the file must have an .xml extension.

2. Validate your RSS file (a good validator can be found at

3. Upload the RSS file to your web directory on your web server.

4. Copy the little orange RSS Logo or XML Logo button to your web directory.
4.在网络目录上复制RSS LogoXML Logo 按钮

5. Put the little orange "RSS" or "XML" button on the page where you will offer RSS to the world (e.g. on your home page). Then add a link to the button that links to the RSS file. The code will look something like this:
<a href="">
< img src="" width="36" height="14">

6. Submit your RSS feed to the RSS Feed Directories (you can Google or Yahoo for "RSS Feed Directories"). Note! The URL to your feed is not your home page, it is the URL to your feed, like "". Here are some free RSS aggregation services:
6.把RSS Feed递交到RSS 输入端(feed)目录(你可以通过Google或Yahoo 搜索"RSS 输入端(feed)目录")注意!Feed的URI不是你的主页,它只是FEED的URL而已,

7. Register your feed with the major search engines:

8. Update your feed - Now you have gotten RSS feed buttons from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Now you must make sure that you update your content frequently and that your RSS feed is constantly available.
8.升级输入端(feed)-现在你已经从Google, Yahoo, 或MSN上获得了RSS Feed按钮。你要明确的是:只有在你的网页内容需要经常更新的时候,RSS Feed按钮才能发挥它真正的用处。

Can I Manage my RSS Feed Myself?
我能自己管理自己的RSS 输入端(feed)吗?

The best way to ensure your RSS feed works the way you want, is to manage it yourself.
你需要自己管理RSS Feed,最好的方法就是你先确保你的Feed正在按照你所希望的运行方式工作。

However, this can be very time consuming, especially for pages with lot of updates.

An alternative is to use a third-party automated RSS.

Automated RSS

If you don't want to update your RSS feed yourself, there are tools and services that can do it automatically for you, such as:

  • MyRSSCreator - offers an automated, reliable RSS service in just 10 minutes
    • MyRSSCreator-只需10分钟就能提供一套自动可靠的RSS服务。
  • FeedFire - offers free creation and distribution of RSS feeds
    • 输入端(feed)Fire-提供RSS输入端(feed)的创造和发布功能。

For users who only need an RSS feed for their personal website, some of the most popular blog (Web Log) managers that offer built-in RSS services are:
一些相对流行的博客(blog[Web Log])管理系统也提供内置的RSS服务,这些RSS Feed对于用户管理个人站点非常有用:

RSS 解读 Feed / 2006-09-21

RSS 发布 Feed

An RSS Reader is used to read RSS Feeds!
RSS 解读器(Reader)是用于解读RSS Feeds的!

RSS readers are available for many different devices and OS.
RSS 解读器(Reader)可以用于许多不同设备和系统操作。

RSS Readers
RSS 解读器(Reader)

There are a lot of different RSS readers. Some work as web services, and some are limited to windows (or Mac, PDA or UNIX). Here are a few I have tried and liked:
现在有许多不同的RSS 解读器(Reader)。一部分是用于网络服务的,还有一部分只用于视窗系统(如:Mac, PDA 或 UNIX)。以下可作参考:

  • NewsGator Online - A free online RSS reader. Includes synchronization with Outlook, viewing TV content with Media Center Edition, and publication of blogs and headlines.
    NewsGator Online-免费的网上RSS 解读器(Reader)。包括Outlook的synchronization,查看带有Media Center Edition的TV目录和带有博客(blog)以及标题的出版物
  • RssReader - A free Windows-based RSS reader. Supports RSS versions 0.9x, 1.0 and 2.0 and Atom 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3.
    RssReader-一款免费的基于视窗的RSS 解读器(Reader),支持RSS versions 0.9x, 1.0 与 2.0 和 Atom 0.1, 0.2 与0.3. 
  • FeedDemon - A Windows-based RSS reader. Very easy to use and has a very orderly interface. However, this is not freeware!
    FeedDemon-以视窗为基础的RSS 解读器(Reader)。使用起来非常简便而且界面十分整洁。当然,它不是免费软件!
  • blogbot - An RSS reader plug-in for Outlook or Internet Explorer. The light-version for Internet Explorer is free.
    blogbot- Outlook 或Internet Explorer的一款RSS 解读器(Reader)插件(plug-in)。

Tip: The Mozilla Firefox browser has a built-in RSS Reader. If you go to a web site that offers RSS feeds, you will see the Firefox RSS icon in the address bar. Click on the icon to view a list of the different feeds. Choose the feed you want to read.
提示:Mozilla火狐(Firefox)浏览器含有一个内置的RSS 解读器(Reader)。如果你访问一个提供ESS feeds的网站,你会在地址栏里看到Firefox RSS的图标 。单击图标查看不同FEEDS列表,选择你想阅读的feed。

I have an RSS Reader. Now what?
我有了一个RSS 解读器(Reader),那究竟何为RSS 解读器(Reader)呢?

Click on the little RSS Logo or XML Logo button next to the RSS feed you want to read. Copy The URL you get in the browser window and paste it in your RSS reader.
单击位于RSS FEED边上的 RSS LogoXML Logo 小按钮,在你的浏览器窗口中复制这个URI并把它粘贴到你的RSS解读器(Reader)上。

posted @ 2006-11-18 11:11  疯一样的自由  阅读(762)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报