Test Scenarios for result grid

1 Page loading symbol should be displayed when it is taking more than default time to load the result page
2 Check if all search parameters are used to fetch data shown on result grid
3 Total number of results should be displayed on result grid
4 search criteria used for searching should be displayed on result grid
5 result grid values should be sorted by default column.
6 sorted columns should be displayed with sorting icon
7 result grids should include all specified columns with correct values
8 ascending and descending sorting functionality should work for columns supported with data sorting
9 result grids should be displayed with proper column and row spacing
10 pagination should be enabled when there are more results than the default result count per page.
11 check for next, previous, first and last page pagination functionality
12 duplicate records should not be displayed in result grid
13 check if all columns are visible and horizontal scroll bar is enabled if necessary
14 check data for dynamic columns (columns whose values are calculated dynamically based on the other column values )
15 for result grids showing reports check 'totals' row and verify total for every column
16 for result grids showing reports check 'totals' row data when pagination is enabled and user navigates to next page
17 check if proper symbols are used for displaying column values e.g. % symbol should be displayed for percentage calculation
18 check result grid data if date range is enabled


posted @ 2018-03-29 16:15  caojuanshu  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报