MetaWeblog API调用

在网上闲逛,突然对博客的接口感兴趣,经考察,多数博客都对metaWeblog Api 提供了支持,虽然windows live writer是好用,不过出于对这个接口的好奇,也想自己做个能发博客的小工具.



MetaWeblog API中文说明

1、什么是MetaWeblog API?

MetaWeblog API(MWA)是一个Blog程序接口标准,允许外部程序来获取或者设置Blog的文字和熟悉。他建立在XMLRPC接口之上,并且已经有了很多的实现。



metaWeblog.newPost (blogid, username, password, struct, publish) 返回一个字符串,可能是Blog的ID。 
metaWeblog.editPost (postid, username, password, struct, publish) 返回一个Boolean值,代表是否修改成功。 
metaWeblog.getPost (postid, username, password) 返回一个Struct。



下载 CookComputting.XmlRpc.dll




using System;         
 using CookComputing.XmlRpc;         
 namespace metaWeblogTest         
     #region 微软MSN网站 使用的 MetaWeblog API.         
     /// 这个结构代表用户的博客基本信息         
     /// </summary>         
     public struct UserBlog         
         public string url;         
         public string blogid;         
         public string blogName;         
     /// <summary>  
     /// 这个结构代表用户信息         
     /// </summary>          
     public struct UserInfo         
         public string url;         
         public string blogid;         
         public string blogName;         
         public string firstname;         
         public string lastname;         
         public string email;         
         public string nickname;         
     /// <summary>  
     /// 这个结构代表博客分类信息         
     /// 这后面的getCategories()方法会取到CATEGORY数据。         
     /// </summary>          
     public struct Category         
         public string description;         
         public string title;         
     /// <summary>  
     /// 这个结构代表博客( 文章 )信息。         
     /// 这后面的 editPost()方法, getRecentPosts()方法 和 getPost()方法 会取倒POST数据 .  
     /// </summary>          
     public struct Post         
         public DateTime dateCreated;         
         public string description;         
         public string title;         
         public string postid;         
         public string[] categories;         
     #region 网站:         
     ///// <summary>  
     ///// 微软MSN网站 使用的 MetaWeblog API.  
     ////  网站:         
     ///// </summary>          
     public class M_MetaWeblog : XmlRpcClientProtocol         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Returns the most recent draft and non-draft blog posts sorted in descending order by publish date.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="blogid"> This should be the string MyBlog, which indicates that the post is being created in the user’s blog. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <param name="numberOfPosts"> The number of posts to return. The maximum value is 20. </param>  
         /// <returns></returns>  
         /// TODO:得到最近发布的帖子         
         public Post[] getRecentPosts(         
         string blogid,         
         string username,         
         string password,         
         int numberOfPosts)         
             return (Post[])this.Invoke("getRecentPosts", new object[] { blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Posts a new entry to a blog.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="blogid"> This should be the string MyBlog, which indicates that the post is being created in the user’s blog. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <param name="post"> A struct representing the content to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="publish"> If false, this is a draft post. </param>  
         /// <returns> The postid of the newly-created post. </returns>  
         /// TODO:增加一个最新的帖子         
         public string newPost(         
         string blogid,         
         string username,         
         string password,         
         Post content,         
         bool publish)         
             return (string)this.Invoke("newPost", new object[] { blogid, username, password, content, publish });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Edits an existing entry on a blog.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="postid"> The ID of the post to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <param name="post"> A struct representing the content to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="publish"> If false, this is a draft post. </param>  
         /// <returns> Always returns true. </returns>  
         /// TODO:更新一个帖子         
         public bool editPost(         
         string postid,         
         string username,         
         string password,         
         Post content,         
         bool publish)         
             return (bool)this.Invoke("editPost", new object[] { postid, username, password, content, publish });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Deletes a post from the blog.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="appKey"> This value is ignored. </param>  
         /// <param name="postid"> The ID of the post to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <param name="post"> A struct representing the content to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="publish"> This value is ignored. </param>  
         /// <returns> Always returns true. </returns>  
         /// TODO:删除一个帖子         
         public bool deletePost(         
         string appKey,         
         string postid,         
         string username,         
         string password,         
         bool publish)         
             return (bool)this.Invoke("deletePost", new object[] { appKey, postid, username, password, publish });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Returns information about the user’s space. An empty array is returned if the user does not have a space.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="appKey"> This value is ignored. </param>  
         /// <param name="postid"> The ID of the post to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"></param>         
         /// <returns> An array of structs that represents each of the user’s blogs. The array will contain a maximum of one struct, since a user can only have a single space with a single blog. </returns>  
         /// TODO:得到用户的博客清单         
         public UserBlog[] getUsersBlogs(         
         string appKey,         
         string username,         
         string password)         
             return (UserBlog[])this.Invoke("getUsersBlogs", new object[] { appKey, username, password });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Returns basic user info (name, e-mail, userid, and so on).  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="appKey"> This value is ignored. </param>  
         /// <param name="postid"> The ID of the post to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"></param>         
         /// <returns> A struct containing profile information about the user.  
         /// Each struct will contain the following fields: nickname, userid, url, e-mail,  
         /// lastname, and firstname. </returns>  
         /// TODO:得到用户信息         
         public UserInfo getUserInfo(         
         string appKey,         
         string username,         
         string password)         
             return (UserInfo)this.Invoke("getUserInfo", new object[] { appKey, username, password });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Returns a specific entry from a blog.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="postid"> The ID of the post to update. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <returns> Always returns true. </returns>  
         /// TODO:获取一个帖子         
         public Post getPost(         
         string postid,         
         string username,         
         string password)         
             return (Post)this.Invoke("getPost", new object[] { postid, username, password });         
         /// <summary>  
         /// Returns the list of categories that have been used in the blog.  
         /// </summary>  
         /// <param name="blogid"> This should be the string MyBlog, which indicates that the post is being created in the user’s blog. </param>  
         /// <param name="username"> The name of the user’s space. </param>  
         /// <param name="password"> The user’s secret word. </param>  
         /// <returns> An array of structs that contains one struct for each category. Each category struct will contain a description field that contains the name of the category. </returns>  
         /// TODO:得到博客分类         
         public Category[] getCategories(         
         string blogid,         
         string username,         
         string password)         
             return (Category[])this.Invoke("getCategories", new object[] { blogid, username, password });         








posted @ 2012-05-04 17:36  canlay  阅读(766)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报