The single most important rule when writing code is this: check the surrounding code and try to imitate it.
As a maintainer it is dismaying to receive a patch that is obviously in a different coding style to the surrounding code. This is disrespectful, like someone tromping into a spotlessly-clean house with muddy shoes.
So, whatever this document recommends, if there is already written code and you are patching it, keep its current style consistent even if it is not your favorite style.
General rules
Here are listed most obvious and important general rules. Please check them carefully before you continue with other chapters.
Use C99 standard
Do not use tabs, use spaces instead
Use 4 spaces per indent level
Use 1 space between keyword and opening bracket
/* OK */
if (condition)
while (condition)
for (init; condition; step)
do {} while (condition)
/* Wrong */
do {} while(condition)
Do not use space between function name and opening bracket
int32_t a = sum(4, 3); /* OK */
int32_t a = sum (4, 3); /* Wrong */
Never use __ or _ prefix for variables/functions/macros/types. This is reserved for C language itself
Prefer prv_ name prefix for strictly module-private functions
Use only lowercase characters for variables/functions/macros/types with optional underscore _ char
Opening curly bracket is always at the same line as keyword (for, while, do, switch, if, ...)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { /* OK */
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i){ /* Wrong */
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) /* Wrong */
Use single space before and after comparison and assignment operators
int32_t a;
a = 3 + 4; /* OK */
for (a = 0; a < 5; ++a) /* OK */
a=3+4; /* Wrong */
a = 3+4; /* Wrong */
for (a=0;a<5;++a) /* Wrong */
Use single space after every comma
func_name(5, 4); /* OK */
func_name(4,3); /* Wrong */
Do not initialize static and global variables to 0 (or NULL), let compiler do it for you
staticint32_t a; /* OK */
staticint32_t b = 4; /* OK */
staticint32_t a = 0; /* Wrong */
my_func(void) {
staticint32_t* ptr;/* OK */
staticchar abc = 0;/* Wrong */
Declare all local variables of the same type in the same line
my_func(void) {
char a; /* OK */
char a, b; /* OK */
char b; /* Wrong, variable with char type already exists */
Declare local variables in order
Custom structures and enumerations
Integer types, wider unsigned type first
Single/Double floating point
my_func(void) {
/* 1 */
my_struct_t my; /* First custom structures */
my_struct_ptr_t* p; /* Pointers too */
/* 2 */
uint32_t a;
int32_t b;
uint16_t c;
int16_t g;
char h;
/* ... */
/* 3 */
double d;
float f;
Always declare local variables at the beginning of the block, before first executable statement
Declare counter variables in for loop
/* OK */
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
/* OK, if you need counter variable later */
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if (...) {
if (i == 10) {
/* Wrong */
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) ...
Avoid variable assignment with function call in declaration, except for single variables
a(void) {
/* Avoid function calls when declaring variable */
int32_t a, b = sum(1, 2);
/* Use this */
int32_t a, b;
b = sum(1, 2);
/* This is ok */
uint8_t a = 3, b = 4;
Except char, float or double, always use types declared in stdint.h library, eg. uint8_t for unsigned 8-bit, etc.
Do not use stdbool.h library. Use 1 or 0 for true or false respectively
/* OK */
uint8_t status;
status = 0;
/* Wrong */
bool status = true;
Never compare against true, eg. if (check_func() == 1), use if (check_func()) { ... }
Always compare pointers against NULL value
void* ptr;
/* ... */
/* OK, compare against NULL */
if (ptr == NULL || ptr != NULL) {
/* Wrong */
if (ptr || !ptr) {
Always use pre-increment (and decrement respectively) instead of post-increment (and decrement respectively)
int32_t a = 0;
a++; /* Wrong */
++a; /* OK */
for (size_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {} /* OK */
Always use size_t for length or size variables
Always use const for pointer if function should not modify memory pointed to by pointer
Always use const for function parameter or variable, if it should not be modified
/* When d could be modified, data pointed to by d could not be modified */
my_func(constvoid* d) {
/* When d and data pointed to by d both could not be modified */
my_func(constvoid* const d) {
/* Not required, it is advised */
my_func(constsize_t len) {
/* When d should not be modified inside function, only data pointed to by d could be modified */
my_func(void* const d) {
When function may accept pointer of any type, always use void *, do not use uint8_t *
Function must take care of proper casting in implementation
* To send data, function should not modify memory pointed to by `data` variable
* thus `const` keyword is important
* To send generic data (or to write them to file)
* any type may be passed for data,
* thus use `void *`
/* OK example */
send_data(constvoid* data, size_t len) { /* OK */
/* Do not cast `void *` or `const void *` */
constuint8_t* d = data;/* Function handles proper type for internal usage */
send_data(constvoid* data, int len) { /* Wrong, not not use int */
Always use brackets with sizeof operator
Never use Variable Length Array (VLA). Use dynamic memory allocation instead with standard C malloc and free functions or if library/project provides custom memory allocation, use its implementation
Take a look at LwMEM, custom memory management library
arr = malloc(sizeof *arr * n); /* Wrong, brackets for sizeof operator are missing */
if (arr == NULL) {
/* FAIL, no memory */
free(arr); /* Free memory after usage */
/* Wrong */
my_func(size_t size) {
int32_t arr[size]; /* Wrong, do not use VLA */
Always compare variable against zero, except if it is treated as boolean type
Never compare boolean-treated variables against zero or one. Use NOT (!) instead
size_t length = 5; /* Counter variable */
uint8_t is_ok = 0; /* Boolean-treated variable */
if (length) /* Wrong, length is not treated as boolean */
if (length > 0) /* OK, length is treated as counter variable containing multi values, not only 0 or 1 */
if (length == 0) /* OK, length is treated as counter variable containing multi values, not only 0 or 1 */
if (is_ok) /* OK, variable is treated as boolean */
if (!is_ok) /* OK, -||- */
if (is_ok == 1) /* Wrong, never compare boolean variable against 1! */
if (is_ok == 0) /* Wrong, use ! for negative check */
Always use /* comment */ for comments, even for single-line comment
Always include check for C++ with extern keyword in header file
Every function must include doxygen-enabled comment, even if function is static
Use English names/text for functions, variables, comments
Use lowercase characters for variables
Use underscore if variable contains multiple names, eg. force_redraw. Do not use forceRedraw
Never cast function returning void *, eg. uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t *)func_returning_void_ptr(); as void * is safely promoted to any other pointer type
Use uint8_t* ptr = func_returning_void_ptr(); instead
Always use < and > for C Standard Library include files, eg. #include <stdlib.h>
Always use "" for custom libraries, eg. #include "my_library.h"
When casting to pointer type, always align asterisk to type, eg. uint8_t* t = (uint8_t*)var_width_diff_type
Always respect code style already used in project or library
Comments starting with // are not allowed. Always use /* comment */, even for single-line comment
//This is comment (wrong)
/* This is comment (ok) */
For multi-line comments use space+asterisk for every line
* This is multi-line comments,
* written in 2 lines (ok)
* Wrong, use double-asterisk only for doxygen documentation
* Single line comment without space before asterisk (wrong)
* Single line comment in multi-line configuration (wrong)
/* Single line comment (ok) */
Use 12 indents (12 * 4 spaces) offset when commenting. If statement is larger than 12 indents, make comment 4-spaces aligned (examples below) to next available indent
my_func(void) {
char a, b;
a = call_func_returning_char_a(a); /* This is comment with 12*4 spaces indent from beginning of line */
b = call_func_returning_char_a_but_func_name_is_very_long(a); /* This is comment, aligned to 4-spaces indent */
Every function which may have access from outside its module, must include function prototype (or declaration)
Function name must be lowercase, optionally separated with underscore _ character
/* OK */
/* Wrong */
When function returns pointer, align asterisk to return type
/* OK */
constchar* my_func(void);
my_struct_t* my_func(int32_t a, int32_t b);
/* Wrong */
constchar *my_func(void);
my_struct_t * my_func(void);
Align all function prototypes (with the same/similar functionality) for better readability
/* OK, function names aligned */
voidset(int32_t a);
my_ptr_t* get_ptr(void);
/* Wrong */
voidset(int32_t a);
constchar * get(void);
Function implementation must include return type and optional other keywords in separate line
/* OK */
foo(void) {
/* OK */
get_string(void) {
return"Hello world!\r\n";
/* Wrong */
int32_tfoo(void) {
Make variable name all lowercase with optional underscore _ character
/* OK */
int32_t a;
int32_t my_var;
int32_t myvar;
/* Wrong */
int32_t A;
int32_t myVar;
int32_t MYVar;
Group local variables together by type
foo(void) {
int32_t a, b; /* OK */
char a;
char b; /* Wrong, char type already exists */
Do not declare variable after first executable statement
foo(void) {
int32_t a;
a = bar();
int32_t b; /* Wrong, there is already executable statement */
You may declare new variables inside next indent level
int32_t a, b;
a = foo();
if (a) {
int32_t c, d; /* OK, c and d are in if-statement scope */
c = foo();
int32_t e; /* Wrong, there was already executable statement inside block */
Declare pointer variables with asterisk aligned to type
/* OK */
char* a;
/* Wrong */
char *a;
char * a;
When declaring multiple pointer variables, you may declare them with asterisk aligned to variable name
/* OK */
char *p, *n;
Structures, enumerations, typedefs
Structure or enumeration name must be lowercase with optional underscore _ character between words
Structure or enumeration may contain typedef keyword
All structure members must be lowercase
All enumeration members must be uppercase
Structure/enumeration must follow doxygen documentation syntax
When structure is declared, it may use one of 3 different options:
When structure is declared with name only, it must not contain _t suffix after its name.
structstruct_name {
char* a;
char b;
When structure is declared with typedef only, it has to contain _t suffix after its name.
typedefstruct {
char* a;
char b;
} struct_name_t;
When structure is declared with name and typedef, it must not contain _t for basic name and it has to contain _t suffix after its name for typedef part.
typedefstructstruct_name {
char* a;
char b;
char c;
} struct_name_t;
Examples of bad declarations and their suggested corrections
/* a and b must be separated to 2 lines */
/* Name of structure with typedef must include _t suffix */
typedefstruct {
int32_t a, b;
} a;
/* Corrected version */
typedefstruct {
int32_t a;
int32_t b;
} a_t;
/* Wrong name, it must not include _t suffix */
structname_t {
int32_t a;
int32_t b;
/* Wrong parameters, must be all uppercase */
typedefenum {
} my_enum_t;
When initializing structure on declaration, use C99 initialization style
/* OK */
a_t a = {
.a = 4,
.b = 5,
/* Wrong */
a_t a = {1, 2};
When new typedef is introduced for function handles, use _fn suffix
/* Function accepts 2 parameters and returns uint8_t */
Every compound statement must include opening and closing curly bracket, even if it includes only 1 nested statement
Every compound statement must include single indent; when nesting statements, include 1 indent size for each nest
/* OK */
if (c) {
} else {
/* Wrong */
if (c)
/* Wrong */
if (c) do_a();
else do_b();
In case of if or if-else-if statement, else must be in the same line as closing bracket of first statement
/* OK */
if (a) {
} elseif (b) {
} else {
/* Wrong */
if (a) {
else {
/* Wrong */
if (a) {
In case of do-while statement, while part must be in the same line as closing bracket of do part
/* OK */
do {
int32_t a;
a = do_a();
} while (check());
/* Wrong */
/* ... */
} while (check());
/* Wrong */
do {
/* ... */
while (check());
Indentation is required for every opening bracket
if (a) {
} else {
if (c) {
Never do compound statement without curly bracket, even in case of single statement. Examples below show bad practices
if (a) do_b();
else do_c();
if (a) do_a(); else do_b();
Empty while, do-while or for loops must include brackets
/* OK */
while (is_register_bit_set()) {}
/* Wrong */
while (is_register_bit_set());
while (is_register_bit_set()) { }
while (is_register_bit_set()) {
If while (or for, do-while, etc) is empty (it can be the case in embedded programming), use empty single-line brackets
/* Wait for bit to be set in embedded hardware unit
uint32_t* addr = HW_PERIPH_REGISTER_ADDR;
/* Wait bit 13 to be ready */
while (*addr & (1 << 13)) {} /* OK, empty loop contains no spaces inside curly brackets */
while (*addr & (1 << 13)) { } /* Wrong */
while (*addr & (1 << 13)) { /* Wrong */
while (*addr & (1 << 13)); /* Wrong, curly brackets are missing. Can lead to compiler warnings or unintentional bugs */
Always prefer using loops in this order: for, do-while, while
Avoid incrementing variables inside loop block if possible, see examples
/* Not recommended */
int32_t a = 0;
while (a < 10) {
/* Better */
for (size_t a = 0; a < 10; ++a) {
/* Better, if inc may not happen in every cycle */
for (size_t a = 0; a < 10; ) {
if (...) {
Switch statement
Add single indent for every case statement
Use additional single indent for break statement in each case or default
/* OK, every case has single indent */
/* OK, every break has additional indent */
switch (check()) {
/* Wrong, case indent missing */
switch (check()) {
/* Wrong */
switch (check()) {
break; /* Wrong, break must have indent as it is under case */
do_b(); /* Wrong, indent under case is missing */
Always include default statement
/* OK */
switch (var) {
/* Wrong, default is missing */
switch (var) {
If local variables are required, use curly brackets and put break statement inside.
Put opening curly bracket in the same line as case statement
switch (a) {
/* OK */
case0: {
int32_t a, b;
char c;
a = 5;
/* ... */
/* Wrong */
int32_t a;
/* Wrong, break shall be inside */
case2: {
int32_t a;
Macros and preprocessor directives
Always use macros instead of literal constants, specially for numbers
All macros must be fully uppercase, with optional underscore _ character, except if they are clearly marked as function which may be in the future replaced with regular function syntax
/* OK */
#define MY_MACRO(x) ((x) * (x))
/* Wrong */
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
Always protect input parameters with parentheses
/* OK */
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
/* Wrong */
#define MIN(x, y) x < y ? x : y
Always protect final macro evaluation with parenthesis
/* Wrong */
#define MIN(x, y) (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)
#define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y)
/* Imagine result of this equation using wrong SUM implementation */
int32_t x = 5 * SUM(3, 4); /* Expected result is 5 * 7 = 35 */
int32_t x = 5 * (3) + (4); /* It is evaluated to this, final result = 19 which is not what we expect */
/* Correct implementation */
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define SUM(x, y) ((x) + (y))
When macro uses multiple statements, protect it using do-while (0) statement
typedefstruct {
int32_t px, py;
} point_t;
point_t p; /* Define new point */
/* Wrong implementation */
/* Define macro to set point */
#define SET_POINT(p, x, y) (p)->px = (x); (p)->py = (y) /* 2 statements. Last one should not implement semicolon */
SET_POINT(&p, 3, 4); /* Set point to position 3, 4. This evaluates to... */
(&p)->px = (3); (&p)->py = (4); /* ... to this. In this example this is not a problem. */
/* Consider this ugly code, however it is valid by C standard (not recommended) */
if (a) /* If a is true */
if (b) /* If b is true */
SET_POINT(&p, 3, 4);/* Set point to x = 3, y = 4 */
SET_POINT(&p, 5, 6);/* Set point to x = 5, y = 6 */
/* Evaluates to code below. Do you see the problem? */
if (a)
if (b)
(&p)->px = (3); (&p)->py = (4);
(&p)->px = (5); (&p)->py = (6);
/* Or if we rewrite it a little */
if (a)
if (b)
(&p)->px = (3);
(&p)->py = (4);
(&p)->px = (5);
(&p)->py = (6);
* Ask yourself a question: To which `if` statement `else` keyword belongs?
* Based on first part of code, answer is straight-forward. To inner `if` statement when we check `b` condition
* Actual answer: Compilation error as `else` belongs nowhere
/* Better and correct implementation of macro */
#define SET_POINT(p, x, y) do { (p)->px = (x); (p)->py = (y); } while (0) /* 2 statements. No semicolon after while loop */
/* Or even better */
#define SET_POINT(p, x, y) do { \ /* Backslash indicates statement continues in new line */
(p)->px = (x); \
(p)->py = (y); \
} while (0) /* 2 statements. No semicolon after while loop */
/* Now original code evaluates to */
if (a)
if (b)
do { (&p)->px = (3); (&p)->py = (4); } while (0);
do { (&p)->px = (5); (&p)->py = (6); } while (0);
/* Every part of `if` or `else` contains only `1` inner statement (do-while), hence this is valid evaluation */
/* To make code perfect, use brackets for every if-ifelse-else statements */
if (a) { /* If a is true */
if (b) { /* If b is true */
SET_POINT(&p, 3, 4);/* Set point to x = 3, y = 4 */
} else {
SET_POINT(&p, 5, 6);/* Set point to x = 5, y = 6 */
Avoid using #ifdef or #ifndef. Use defined() or !defined() instead
#ifdef XYZ
/* do something */
#endif/* XYZ */
Always document if/elif/else/endif statements
/* OK */
#if defined(XYZ)
/* Do if XYZ defined */
#else/* defined(XYZ) */
/* Do if XYZ not defined */
#endif/* !defined(XYZ) */
/* Wrong */
#if defined(XYZ)
/* Do if XYZ defined */
/* Do if XYZ not defined */
Do not indent sub statements inside #if statement
/* OK */
#if defined(XYZ)
#if defined(ABC)
/* do when ABC defined */
#endif/* defined(ABC) */
#else/* defined(XYZ) */
/* Do when XYZ not defined */
#endif/* !defined(XYZ) */
/* Wrong */
#if defined(XYZ)
#if defined(ABC)
/* do when ABC defined */
#endif/* defined(ABC) */
#else/* defined(XYZ) */
/* Do when XYZ not defined */
#endif/* !defined(XYZ) */
Documented code allows doxygen to parse and general html/pdf/latex output, thus it is very important to do it properly.
Use doxygen-enabled documentation style for variables, functions and structures/enumerations
Always use \ for doxygen, do not use @
Always use 5x4 spaces (5 tabs) offset from beginning of line for text
* \brief Holds pointer to first entry in linked list
* Beginning of this text is 5 tabs (20 spaces) from beginning of line
type_t* list;
Every structure/enumeration member must include documentation
Use 12x4 spaces offset for beginning of comment
* \brief This is point struct
* \note This structure is used to calculate all point
* related stuff
typedefstruct {
int32_t x; /*!< Point X coordinate */
int32_t y; /*!< Point Y coordinate */
int32_t size; /*!< Point size.
Since comment is very big,
you may go to next line */
} point_t;
* \brief Point color enumeration
typedefenum {
COLOR_RED, /*!< Red color. This comment has 12x4
spaces offset from beginning of line */
COLOR_GREEN, /*!< Green color */
COLOR_BLUE, /*!< Blue color */
} point_color_t;
Documentation for functions must be written in function implementation (source file usually)
Function must include brief and all parameters documentation
Every parameter must be noted if it is in or out for input and output respectively
Function must include return parameter if it returns something. This does not apply for void functions
Function can include other doxygen keywords, such as note or warning
Use colon : between parameter name and its description
* \brief Sum `2` numbers
* \param[in] a: First number
* \param[in] b: Second number
* \return Sum of input values
sum(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
return a + b;
* \brief Sum `2` numbers and write it to pointer
* \note This function does not return value, it stores it to pointer instead
* \param[in] a: First number
* \param[in] b: Second number
* \param[out] result: Output variable used to save result
void_sum(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t* result) {
*result = a + b;
If function returns member of enumeration, use ref keyword to specify which one
* \brief My enumeration
typedefenum {
MY_ERR, /*!< Error value */
MY_OK /*!< OK value */
} my_enum_t;
* \brief Check some value
* \return \ref MY_OK on success, member of \ref my_enum_t otherwise
check_value(void) {
return MY_OK;
Use notation (`NULL` => NULL) for constants or numbers
* \brief Get data from input array
* \param[in] in: Input data
* \return Pointer to output data on success, `NULL` otherwise
constvoid *
get_data(constvoid* in) {
return in;
Documentation for macros must include hideinitializer doxygen command
* \brief Get minimal value between `x` and `y`
* \param[in] x: First value
* \param[in] y: Second value
* \return Minimal value between `x` and `y`
* \hideinitializer
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
Header/source files
Leave single empty line at the end of file
Every file must include doxygen annotation for file and brief description followed by empty line (when using doxygen)
* \file template.h
* \brief Template include file
/* Here is empty line */
Every file (header or source) must include license (opening comment includes single asterisk as this must be ignored by doxygen)
Use the same license as already used by project/library
* \file template.h
* \brief Template include file
* Copyright (c) year FirstName LASTNAME
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
* including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
* publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
* and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Repository contains eclipse-ext-kr-format.xml file that can be used with
eclipse-based toolchains to set formatter options.
It is based on K&R formatter with modifications to respect above rules.
You can import it within eclipse settings, Preferences -> LANGUAGE -> Code Style -> Formatter tab.
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