洛谷 P2926 [USACO08DEC]拍头Patting Heads
It's Bessie's birthday and time for party games! Bessie has instructed the N (1 <= N <= 100,000) cows conveniently numbered 1..N to sit in a circle (so that cow i [except at the ends] sits next to cows i-1 and i+1; cow N sits next to cow 1). Meanwhile, Farmer John fills a barrel with one billion slips of paper, each containing some integer in the range 1..1,000,000.
Each cow i then draws a number A_i (1 <= A_i <= 1,000,000) (which is not necessarily unique, of course) from the giant barrel. Taking turns, each cow i then takes a walk around the circle and pats the heads of all other cows j such that her number A_i is exactly
divisible by cow j's number A_j; she then sits again back in her original position.
The cows would like you to help them determine, for each cow, the number of other cows she should pat.
Line 1: A single integer: N
- Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains a single integer: A_i
- Lines 1..N: On line i, print a single integer that is the number of other cows patted by cow i.
The 5 cows are given the numbers 2, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
The first cow pats the second and third cows; the second cows pats no cows; etc.
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int n,maxn; int a[100010]; int ma[1000010],ans[1000100]; int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d",&a[i]); ma[a[i]]++;maxn=max(a[i],maxn); } for(int i=1;i<=maxn;i++){ if(!ma[i]) continue; for(int j=i;j<=maxn;j+=i) ans[j]+=ma[i]; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<ans[a[i]]-1<<endl; }