





要在webconfig文件里面加上一句:   <identity impersonate="true"/> 主要是模拟身份的吧,如果不加的话,程序运行的时候会报出拒绝访问的错误的.(而且你需要预先做好一个带书签的word模板)
    新建立一个也面,在面上部加如using Word;
 private Word.Document OpenDoc(string strDocPath,ref Word.Application WordApp,int flag)
   if (!File.Exists(strDocPath))
    return null;
   object fileName = (object)strDocPath;   
   object isVisible = missing;
   object readOnly = missing;
   //Make word visible, so you can see what's happening
   WordApp.Visible = false;
   Word.Document doc = null;
    //doc = WordApp.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing,ref readOnly, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing);
    doc = WordApp.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing,ref missing,ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
    //if (flag == 1)
    return doc;
   catch(Exception Ex)
    throw new Exception(Ex.Message);
    return null;

string strWordTemplate = Server.MapPath("../test/办文单.doc"); //这里是你的模板文件
   Word.Application WordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass();  //  定义一个Word.Application 对象
   Word.Document doc = OpenDoc(strWordTemplate,ref WordApp,1); //定义一个Word.Document 对象
    DataTable TempTable=this.CreateTable("Select * from Workflow_BW where AppID="+Convert.ToInt32(AppID)+" and ContentID="+Convert.ToInt32(ContentID));  
     string TempTime=TempTable.Rows[0]["SWTime"].ToString().Trim();
     int Pos=TempTime.IndexOf(" ");
     string All=TempTime.Substring(0,Pos);
     int Pre=All.IndexOf("-");
     int Next=All.LastIndexOf("-");
     string Year=All.Substring(0,Pre).Trim();
     string Month=All.Substring(Pre+1,Next-Pre-1).Trim();
     string Day=All.Substring(Next+1,All.Length-Next-1).Trim();
     foreach(Word.Bookmark BM in doc.Bookmarks)  //这是最关键的地方:对文档的所有书签进行便利匹配
       case "Advice": //替换Advice书签的内容,其他一样
        BM.Range.Text=this.CreateTable("Select Advice from Workflow_Advice where AppID="+Convert.ToInt32(AppID)+" and ContentID="+Convert.ToInt32(this.ContentID)+" and StepID=1").Rows[0]["Advice"].ToString().Trim();
       case "Day":
       case "LWDW":
       case "LWH":
       case "Month":
        BM.Range.Text= Month;
       case "NowYear":
       case "Subject":
       case "SWH":
    object fn = (object)Server.MapPath("../test/temp.doc");    
    doc.SaveAs(ref fn, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing); //这里是另存为一个一个文件
    Response.Redirect("../test/temp.doc"); //直接打开用ie打开另存的文件,然后可直接调用ie里的打印功能
    //doc.SaveAs(ref fn, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing);    
   catch(Exception err)
    this.tbXml.Text = err.ToString();
    doc.Close(ref missing,ref missing,ref missing); 
    WordApp.Quit(ref missing,ref missing,ref missing);
    WordApp = null; 

这里面一个最主要的问题, doc.Close(ref missing,ref missing,ref missing); 
    WordApp.Quit(ref missing,ref missing,ref missing);
    WordApp = null; 
关于word里面的一些对象如:Application document Selection Range BookMark对象,本人也不是很熟悉,请参考MSDN上的帮助,那里面讲的很详细.希望对大家有所帮助

posted @ 2009-05-21 15:52  Candyxiaoqiang  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报