2016.07.14,英语,《Vocabulary Builder》Unit 25
verb: comes from the Latin verbum, meaning 'word'.
verbally: ['vɜːbəli] adv. 口头地,词句地, 逐字地
verbalize: ['vɜːbəlaɪz] vt. 使变成动词(用词语描述,累赘)
verbose: [vɜː'bəʊs] adj. 用字多的,冗长,冗赘的;verbosity:[vɜː'bɒsəti] n.冗长
proverb: ['prɒvɜːb] n. 谚语, 格言 vt. 用谚语表达
verbatim: [vɜː'beɪtɪm] adj. 逐字的 adv. 逐字地
verbiage: ['vɜːbiɪdʒ] n. 多废话,多冗词,冗长
simil/simul: simil comes from the Latin adjective similis, meaning 'like', 'resembling', or 'similar'. simul comes fom the Latin verb simulare, 'to make like'.
simultaneous: [ˌsaɪml'teɪniəs] adj. 同时发生的,同步的
facsimile: [fæk'sɪməli] n. 摹本,传真 v. 复制,摹写,传真
assimilate: [ə'sɪməleɪt] v. 使同化,吸收 n. 被同化的事物
simile: ['sɪməli] n. 直喻, 明喻
simulacrum: [ˌsɪmju'leɪkrəm] n. (模糊)影像,模拟物
simulate: ['sɪmjuleɪt] v. 假装,冒充,模仿,模拟
scand/scend comes from the Latin verb scandere, 'to climb', 'ascend', 'go up'. and descend 'go down'.
transcend: [træn'send] v. 超越
condescend: [ˌkɑːndɪ'send] vi. 屈尊,俯就,怀着优越感对待
descendant: [dɪ'sendənt] n. 子孙, 后代
ascendancy: [ə'sendənsi] n. 统治权, 支配力量
ten/tenu: comes from the Latin adjective tenuis, meaning 'thin'. the Latin words for 'thin', 'stretch' and 'bold'.
tenacious: [tə'neɪʃəs] adj. 紧粘不放的, 固执的, 不屈不挠的
attenuate: [ə'tenjueɪt] v. 变细,变薄,稀释,变弱,衰减 adj. 细的,薄的,减少的
extenuating: [ɪk'stenjueɪtɪŋ] adj. 使减轻的,情有可原的. extenuate: [ɪk'stenjʊˌeɪt] v. 企图减轻(罪行等); 为...找借口. comes from the Latin verb extenuare, meaning 'to make thin or small'.
tenure: ['tenjər] n.占有(职位,不动产等); 占有期; 终身职位
tenuous: ['tenjuəs] adj. 稀薄的,微细的 贫乏的;平淡的;脆弱的,无力的
scrib/scrip comes from the Latin verb scribere, 'to write',
scribble: ['skrɪbl] v. 潦草地书写, 乱写, 滥写 n. 潦草的写法, 潦草写成的东西, 杂文
manuscript: ['mænjuskrɪpt] adj. 手抄的 n. 手稿, 原稿
describe: [dɪ'skraɪb] vt. 描述, 画(尤指几何图形)
conscription: [kən'skrɪpʃn] n. 征兵, 募兵
circumscribe: ['sɜːrkəmskraɪb] vt. 在...周围画线, 限制
inscription: [ɪn'skrɪpʃn] n. 题字, 碑铭,铭文 (复数)inscriptions:记名证券。the prefix in-,meaning 'in' or 'on', reinforces the notion that an inscription is either written on or engraved into a surface.
proscribe: [proʊ'skraɪb] vt. 不予法律保护(排斥)。 the prefix pro-,meaning 'before'. basically means 'writing before'. prescribe: 'to order or direct'.
mens comes from the Latin noun mensura, 'measure', and the verb metiri, 'to measure'.
commensurate: [kə'menʃərət] adj. 同样大小的, 相称的
dimension: [ˌdɪ'menʃən] n. 尺寸, 次元, 容积, 维度 n. 范围; 方面 vt. 标尺寸; 形成...尺寸
immensity: [ɪ'mensəti] n. 无限(巨大, 无限的空间, 巨大之物)
mensurable:'menʃʊrəbəl] adj. 可测量的, 定量的, 定律的
solv/solu comes from the Latin verb solvere, 'to loosen, free, release'.
solve: [sɑːlv] v. 解答(难题),解决 vt. 解答,解决
solvent: ['sɑːlvənt] n. 溶剂,解决者 adj. 有偿付能力的,有溶解力的
absolve: [əb'zɑːlv] vt. 宣告...无罪, 赦免
dissolution: [ˌdɪsə'luːʃn] n. 分解
resolve: [rɪ'zɑːlv] n. 决定之事,决心,坚决 vt. 决定,解决,分离,表决 vi. 分离,决定
soluble: ['sɑːljəbl] adj. 可溶解的,可解决的
hydr flows from the Greek word for 'water'.
hydrodynamic: [ˌhaɪdroʊdaɪ'næmɪk] adj. 水动力学的,水力的,水压的
hydrangea: [haɪ'dreɪndʒə] n. 绣球花
dehydrate: [diː'haɪdreɪt] v. (使)脱水, (使)干燥
hydraulic: [haɪ'drɔːlɪk] adj. 水力的, 水压的
hydroelectric: [ˌhaɪdroʊɪ'lektrɪk] adj. 水力电气的
hydroponics: [ˌhaɪdrə'pɑːnɪks] n.水耕法,水栽培
Greek and Latin Borrowings:
aegis: ['iːdʒɪs] n. 宙斯盾, 保护, 庇护,资助
charisma: is Greek for 'gift'. [kə'rɪzmə] n. 非凡的领导力,教祖般的指导力,神授的能力
ego: is Latin for 'I'.
ethos: means 'custom' or 'character' in Greek.
hubris:['hjuːbrɪs] n. 傲慢, 骄傲
id:[ˌaɪ'diː] n. 私我,本我 abbr. 身份证(=identification)
libido:[lɪ'biːdoʊ] n. 欲望, 性的冲动, 生命力
trauma: ['traʊmə] n. 精神创伤,外伤