Porting applications to S60 5th Edition devices

S60 5th Edition C++ Developer's Library


How to get started?

What you want to do

Where to start

I'm new to the S60 platform.

Getting started

I want to know what's new in S60 5th Edition.

New features in S60 5th Edition

I have existing S60 applications that I want to port to S60 5th Edition.

Porting applications to S60 5th Edition

I want to port applications written for other platforms to the S60 platform.

S60 Open C documentation and S60 Open C++ documentation

I want to develop applications for earlier S60 platform versions.

S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2

S60 3rd Edition and 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1

I want to know more about designing applications for the new S60 5th Edition features, such as touch screen, sensors, and tactile feedback.

Designing applications for S60 5th Edition

I want to go directly to the S60 C++ API information.

S60 C++ API reference

I want to see what is available in this library.

Library contents

I'm not a C++ developer. I want to know about other runtimes supported by the S60 platform.

S60 platform technologies

posted @ 2010-08-21 11:16  秋天的风  阅读(154)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报