【nodejs】让nodejs像后端mvc框架(asp.net mvc)一orm篇【如EF般丝滑】typeorm介绍(8/8)



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typeorm 项目介绍

ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.

TypeORM is highly influenced by other ORMs, such as Hibernate, Doctrine and Entity Framework.

Some TypeORM features:

  • supports both DataMapper and ActiveRecord (your choice)
  • entities and columns
  • database-specific column types
  • entity manager
  • repositories and custom repositories
  • clean object relational model
  • associations (relations)
  • eager and lazy relations
  • uni-directional, bi-directional and self-referenced relations
  • supports multiple inheritance patterns
  • cascades
  • indices
  • transactions
  • migrations and automatic migrations generation
  • connection pooling
  • replication
  • using multiple database connections
  • working with multiple databases types
  • cross-database and cross-schema queries
  • elegant-syntax, flexible and powerful QueryBuilder
  • left and inner joins
  • proper pagination for queries using joins
  • query caching
  • streaming raw results
  • logging
  • listeners and subscribers (hooks)
  • supports closure table pattern
  • schema declaration in models or separate configuration files
  • connection configuration in json / xml / yml / env formats
  • supports MySQL / MariaDB / Postgres / SQLite / Microsoft SQL Server / Oracle / sql.js
  • supports MongoDB NoSQL database
  • works in NodeJS / Browser / Ionic / Cordova / React Native / NativeScript / Expo / Electron platforms
  • TypeScript and JavaScript support
  • produced code is performant, flexible, clean and maintainable
  • follows all possible best practices
  • CLI
    And more...



typeorm mongodb 初始化配置


    url: _appConfig.mongodb.url,
    entities: ['bin/Entity/*.js'],
    synchronize: true,
    logging: false
export function InitMongoDb(dbName: string, mongoOptions: MongoConnectionOptions): void;
export function InitMongoDb(mongoOptions: MongoConnectionOptions): void;
export function InitMongoDb(): void {
    var options: MongoConnectionOptions = arguments[0];
    var dbName: any;
    if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
        dbName = arguments[0];
        options = arguments[1];

    var dbName = dbName || 'default';

    ManangerMongoConnection.ConnectOptions[dbName] = {
        hasGetConnection: false,
        options: options

typeorm mongodb repository管理器

export async function getMongoRepositoryAsync<Entity>(entityClass: ObjectType<Entity>): Promise<GDMongoRepository<Entity>>;
export async function getMongoRepositoryAsync<Entity>(entityClass: ObjectType<Entity>, dbName: string): Promise<GDMongoRepository<Entity>>
export async function getMongoRepositoryAsync<Entity>(): Promise<GDMongoRepository<Entity>> {
    var entityClass = arguments[0] as ObjectType<Entity>;
    var dbName = (arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined) || 'default';

    var conn = await new ManangerMongoConnection().getConnection(dbName);
    var repo = conn.getMongoRepository(entityClass);
    var gdRepo = new GDMongoRepository(repo)
    return gdRepo;

class ManangerMongoConnection {
    static ConnectOptions: any = {};

    async getConnection(dbName: string): Promise<Connection> {
        var conf = ManangerMongoConnection.ConnectOptions[dbName];
        if (!conf)
            throw Error(`找不到(${dbName})的数据库配置`);
        if (conf.hasCreated)
            return conf.connection;

        var options = conf.options as MongoConnectionOptions;
        var conn = await createConnection({
            type: 'mongodb',
            url: options.url,
            synchronize: options.synchronize,
            logging: options.logging,
            entities: options.entities
        conf.connection = conn;
        conf.hasCreated = true;
        return conn;

typeorm mongodb repository 简单封装

import { ObjectType, FindManyOptions, MongoRepository, ObjectLiteral, Connection, createConnection, Entity, ObjectIdColumn, Column, ObjectID, getManager } from "typeorm";
import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb'

export class GDMongoRepository<TEntity extends ObjectLiteral> {
    private _repo: MongoRepository<TEntity>;
    constructor(repo: MongoRepository<TEntity>) {
        this._repo = repo;
    SaveAsync(docment: TEntity): Promise<TEntity> {
        if (!docment.createdTime) docment.createdTime = new Date();
        return this._repo.save(docment);
    FindByIdAsync(id: number | string) {
        return this._repo.findOneById(new ObjectId(id));

    FindByIdsAsync(ids: number[] | string[]) {
        var _id: ObjectId[] = [];
        for (let index = 0; index < ids.length; index++) {
            const element = ids[index];
            _id.push(new ObjectId(element));
        return this._repo.findByIds(_id);
    FindAsync(optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<TEntity> | Partial<TEntity> | ObjectLiteral): Promise<TEntity[]> {
        return this._repo.find(optionsOrConditions)

    CountAsync(optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<TEntity> | Partial<TEntity> | ObjectLiteral): Promise<number> {
        var query: any = Object.assign({}, optionsOrConditions);
        if (query.take) delete query.take;
        if (query.skip) delete query.skip;
        if (query.order) delete query.order;
        query = query.where || query;
        return this._repo.count(query)
    FindAndCount(optionsOrConditions?: FindManyOptions<TEntity> | Partial<TEntity>): Promise<[TEntity[], number]> {
        return this._repo.findAndCount(optionsOrConditions)

    AggregateAsync(pipeline: ObjectLiteral[]): Promise<TEntity[]> {
        return this._repo.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()
    async RemoveByIdAsync(id: number | string): Promise<number> {
        var r = await this._repo.deleteOne({ _id: new ObjectId(id) });
        if (r.deletedCount)
            return r.deletedCount
        return 0;
    async RemoveAsync(conditions: ObjectLiteral): Promise<number> {
        var r = await this._repo.deleteMany(conditions);
        if (r.deletedCount)
            return r.deletedCount
        return 0;

    async UpdateByIdAsync(id: number | string, update: ObjectLiteral | Partial<TEntity>): Promise<number> {
        if (update.$set || update.$unset || update.$rename) { }
        else {
            update = { $set: update }
        update.$set.lastModifyTime = new Date();
        var r = await this._repo.updateOne({ _id: new ObjectId(id) }, update);
        return r.modifiedCount;

    async UpdateAsync(query: FindManyOptions<TEntity> | Partial<TEntity> | ObjectLiteral, update: ObjectLiteral | Partial<TEntity>): Promise<number> {
        if (update.$set || update.$unset || update.$rename) { }
        else {
            update = { $set: update }
        update.$set.lastModifyTime = new Date();
        var r = await this._repo.updateMany(query, update);
        return r.modifiedCount;


    public async list() {
        var repo = await getMongoRepositoryAsync(Host);
        var b = await repo.FindAsync();
        return b

    public async info() {
        var repo = await getMongoRepositoryAsync(Host);
        var b = await repo.FindAsync({ Ip: this.request.query.ip, HostEnv: this.request.query.env });
        return b


posted @ 2018-07-25 22:28  czd890  阅读(919)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报