《模式——工程化实现及扩展》(设计模式C# 版)《连贯接口 Fluent Interface》——“自我检验"参考答案

转自:《模式——工程化实现及扩展》(设计模式C# 版)










  1. 采用连贯接口设计表格的创建过程
  2. 由于表格Head涉及一层嵌套、Body涉及两层嵌套,因此为了便于调整和修改,每个节点元素类型都要保留回溯到父节点的引用



/// <summary>
/// 修改后具有Fluent特征的集合类型
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">集合元素类型</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TParent">父节点类型</typeparam>
class FluentCollection<TElement, TParent>
    where TElement : class 
    where TParent : class 
    protected List<TElement> list = new List<TElement>();
    TParent parent;

    public FluentCollection(TParent parent)
        if(parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
        this.parent = parent;

    /// <summary>
    /// 返回父节点
    /// </summary>
    public TParent Parent{get{ return parent;}}

    /// <summary>
    /// 如何获得一个TElement类型实例的委托
    /// </summary>
    public Func<TElement> GetInstance { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// 具有fluent特征的追加操作
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="t"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public FluentCollection<TElement, TParent> Add(TElement t)
        return this;

    /// <summary>
    /// 具有fluent特征的空置操作
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public FluentCollection<TElement, TParent> Skip
            return this;

    /// <summary>
    /// 执行LINQ的foreach操作
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action"></param>
    public void ForEach(Action<TElement> action)

/// <summary>
/// 父节点为table的元素
/// </summary>
class WithTableObject
    Table table;    //  父节点
    public WithTableObject(Table table)
        if(table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
        this.table = table;

    /// <summary>
    /// 指向父节点——table
    /// </summary>
    public Table Parent{get{ return table;}}



class Notation
    public Notation(){Data = string.Empty;}
    public Notation(string data) {Data = data; }
    public string Data { get; private set; }

/// <summary>
/// n元素
/// </summary>
class Item : Notation
    public Item():base(){}
    public Item(string data) : base(data){}

/// <summary>
/// col 元素
/// </summary>
class Column : Notation
    public Column():base(){}
    public Column(string data) : base(data) { }

/// <summary>
/// line 元素 
/// </summary>
class Line
    FluentCollection<Item, Line> items;
    Body body;

    public Line(Body body)
        if(body == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("body");
        this.body = body;
        items = new FluentCollection<Item, Line>(this)
                        GetInstance = () => { return new Item(); }

    /// <summary>
    /// 父节点
    /// </summary>
    public Body Body { get { return body; } }
    public FluentCollection<Item, Line> Items { get { return items; } }

    public Line NewLine{get{return body.NewLine;}}

/// <summary>
/// body 元素
/// </summary>
class Body : WithTableObject
    List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
    public Body(Table table) : base(table){}

    public Line NewLine
            var line = new Line(this);
            return line;

    public List<Line> Lines { get { return lines;}}

/// <summary>
/// head 元素
/// </summary>
class Head : WithTableObject
    FluentCollection<Column, Head> columns;

    public Head(Table table) : base(table)
        columns = new FluentCollection<Column, Head>(this)
                            GetInstance = () => { return new Column(); }
    public FluentCollection<Column, Head> Columns { get { return columns; } }

class Table
    string name;
    Body body;
    Head head;

    public Table()
        body = new Body(this);
        head = new Head(this);

    public Table Name(string name)
        if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        this.name = name;
        return this;

    public override string ToString(){return name;}

    public Body Body{get{ return body;}}
    public Head Head{get{ return head;}}



class Notation
    public Notation(){Data = string.Empty;}
    public Notation(string data) {Data = data; }
    public string Data { get; private set; }

/// <summary>
/// n元素
/// </summary>
class Item : Notation
    public Item():base(){}
    public Item(string data) : base(data){}

/// <summary>
/// col 元素
/// </summary>
class Column : Notation
    public Column():base(){}
    public Column(string data) : base(data) { }

/// <summary>
/// line 元素 
/// </summary>
class Line
    FluentCollection<Item, Line> items;
    Body body;

    public Line(Body body)
        if(body == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("body");
        this.body = body;
        items = new FluentCollection<Item, Line>(this)
                        GetInstance = () => { return new Item(); }

    /// <summary>
    /// 父节点
    /// </summary>
    public Body Body { get { return body; } }
    public FluentCollection<Item, Line> Items { get { return items; } }

    public Line NewLine{get{return body.NewLine;}}

/// <summary>
/// body 元素
/// </summary>
class Body : WithTableObject
    List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
    public Body(Table table) : base(table){}

    public Line NewLine
            var line = new Line(this);
            return line;

    public List<Line> Lines { get { return lines;}}

/// <summary>
/// head 元素
/// </summary>
class Head : WithTableObject
    FluentCollection<Column, Head> columns;

    public Head(Table table) : base(table)
        columns = new FluentCollection<Column, Head>(this)
                            GetInstance = () => { return new Column(); }
    public FluentCollection<Column, Head> Columns { get { return columns; } }

class Table
    string name;
    Body body;
    Head head;

    public Table()
        body = new Body(this);
        head = new Head(this);

    public Table Name(string name)
        if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        this.name = name;
        return this;

    public override string ToString(){return name;}

    public Body Body{get{ return body;}}
    public Head Head{get{ return head;}}




public class FluentInterfaceFixture
    TableWriter writer;

    public void Initialize()
        writer = new TableWriter();

    public void TestFullFillTable()
            new Table()
                .Name("full fill")
                        .Add(new Column("first"))
                        .Add(new Column("second"))
                        .Add(new Column("thrid"))
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("11")).Add(new Item("12")).Add(new Item("13")).Parent
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("21")).Add(new Item("22")).Add(new Item("23")).Parent

    public void TestSkipColumnTable()
            new Table()
                .Name("skip columns")
                        .Add(new Column("first"))
                        .Add(new Column("thrid"))
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("11")).Add(new Item("12")).Add(new Item("13")).Parent
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("21")).Add(new Item("22")).Add(new Item("23")).Parent

    public void TestSkiItemsTable()
            new Table()
                .Name("skip items")
                        .Add(new Column("first"))
                        .Add(new Column("second"))
                        .Add(new Column("thrid"))
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("11")).Skip.Add(new Item("13")).Parent
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("21")).Add(new Item("22")).Skip.Parent

    public void TestSkipColumnsAndItemsTable()
            new Table()
                .Name("skip columns and items")
                        .Add(new Column("first"))
                        .Add(new Column("thrid"))
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("11")).Skip.Add(new Item("13")).Parent
                    .NewLine.Items.Add(new Item("21")).Add(new Item("22")).Skip.Parent



------ Test started: Assembly: Concept.Tests.dll ------

    <name>full fill</name>

    <name>skip columns</name>

    <name>skip items</name>

    <name>skip columns and items</name>

4 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, took 1.29 seconds (MSTest 10.0).



posted @ 2011-05-31 23:27  蜡笔小王  阅读(2305)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报