
微软《架构师》杂志第8期,A Flexible Model for Data Integration by Tim Ewald and Kimberly Wolk
There are many challenges in systems integration for architects and developers, and the industry has focused on XML, Web services, and SOA for solving integration problems by concentrating on communication protocols, particularly in regard to adding advanced features that support message flow in complex network topologies.
However, this concentration on communication protocols has taken the focus away from the problem of integrating data. Flexible models for combining data acrossdisparate systems are essential for successful integration. These models are expressed in XML schema (XSD) in Web service–based systems, and instances of the model are represented as XML transmitted in SOAP messages. In our work on the architecture of the MSDN TechNet Publishing System (MTPS) we addressed three pitfalls. We’ll look at what those pitfalls are and our solutions to them in the context of a more general problem, that of integrating customer information.
posted @ 2008-08-02 21:13  蜡笔小王  阅读(350)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报